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Everything posted by DuD

  1. I've decided not to get one at the moment even though I really want one. I actually had a pre-order at Game, walked in on launch day and canceled. Guy was like wtf? For me it was the lack of clarity on certain services that put me off (is still putting me off). I don't understand why Nintendo can't be transparent about transfer of purchases / online subscription etc. They obviously know the answers to these questions, why leave fans in the dark? Their lack of satisfactory response to issues since release also leaves me sceptical. I will wait out these issues being sorted and actually knowing what I'm buying before jumping. In the mean time i'll get through my backlog on Wii U that probably won't transfer for free given Nintendo's current silence on the matter. I'm not even hating on Nintendo here as I'm a one console gamer and it's always been Nintendo.
  2. I'm waiting on this info before buying a Switch. If my purchases transition i'll get one immediately, if they don't I have so much to play that it'll probably be next year at the earliest.
  3. Just walked out of game... after canceling my pre-order
  4. I have soo many games to start, let alone finish, but every time I get an hour or so where I can game I end up on Splatoon? I'm also part way through Twilight Princess, and even though I've never completed it before I never have the urge to continue. I have Metroid Prime Trilogy waiting for me.. I completed 1 on the GC, got part way through 2 abd have never played 3. 3D World and Tropical Freeze are untouched. Captain Toad and Rayman Legends are started but then left. I have too many Wii and GC games I never finished. I need to box Splatoon and get the Mrs to hide it! Note: Splatoon is not a lesser title. Its just too addictive.
  5. I will check this out as soon as I get chance (I've only just managed to spare 3 mins for the NX reveal!) I have aspirations of making a game, however I'll have to use PyGame as I only really have experience with Python. Hoping to learn Java at some point, but life gets in the way of everything Nice to see someone achieving their goals though. Fair play
  6. Not sure if you've posted elsewhere about this? but I'd be interested checking that out.
  7. DuD

    It's a bit pathetic that you're constantly required to moderate "grown ups" that can't be civil.


    Kudos to you :)

  8. The new Funny Stuff thread
  9. Some Pulis bargain hunting i'd say
  10. He'll probably get chance to pipe up after Tuesday's game. Hopefully not though :p
  11. It comes with an arc reactor.
  12. I will be shamelessly "borrowing" this
  13. Kills aren't everything, although I use Bamboo III so I like a good K/D however I see loads of players that either don't ink turf in ranked or go so far the other way that they aren't playing the objective. Make sure you're not the guy inking every last mm in your Base, but do ink turf as you push forward.. it limits where the opponents can ambush you from. It gains you special meter. It slows the opponents making a counter push as you could be hiding anywhere.
  14. I find Tower Control to be the easier of the modes.. I started to get better results when I started playing more defensively. Try to stay alive and get team mates to spawn to you so they're back in the fray quicker. Be aware of the counter that shows the people currently in play and push with the advantage. Pray your team mates aren't ridiculously bad.. sometimes you can play a blinder and get nowhere My issue is Splat Zones.. and it always seems to be Splat Zones when I play.
  15. What mode were you playing?
  16. Just a reminder for those Steph (Pestneb) has been keeping points for: if you want stats recorded in his absence, you'll need to send friend requests to either Are (BornInNorway81) or myself (MaBex11), as we'll be sending the info onto Steph.
  17. I'm stuck waiting out 2 games in a row because I changed weapon???
  18. I've signed up
  19. I'm away for the next 2 weeks, but if there are any rounds on weekends starting 1st october I should be available. If you're looking to get a balanced team, I've mainly been using Bamboo II / III, Squiffers, Splattershot Pros, Dual Squelchers and Octobrush.. Map and Mode dependant. Would be interesting to get some privates going again, was fun for the few weeks it lasted.
  20. How do you get the scores? I was looking at splatnet last night and mine only showed Are from here with points?
  21. Minus the 3DS bit, this describes me perfectly. I have 3D World, Captain Toad, Tropical Freeze, Rayman, plus more Wii U games to complete / actually start. Then there's games like SSB4 / Mario Kart that i've put very little time into. Then there's all the VC / eshop games. I could probably go through to 2020 before completing my backlog, and even then theres Wii games I never finished, and before that GC games. I will never catch up, although that won't stop me getting an NX as soon as there's something I want to play. Splatoon 2
  22. Are those the most used just between us? The weapon I use the most (on that list) these days has me in 7th place. My most used weapons this year are: Bamboozler Mk II, Bamboozler Mk III, Splattershot Pro, Forge Splattershot Pro, Custom Jet Squelcher. But that pretty much is exclusively Bamboozler, with the others occasionally mixed in.
  23. Different games, but I feel your pain I have no handheld, so would deffo welcome this hybrid concept.
  24. Callie at Mahi mahi.
  25. I've got a LOT of games i haven't even started due to Splatoon. But since switching to Plusnet Splatoon is pretty unplayable, so I'm getting back to them slowly when my wee man allows it. I'm currently doing the feats in Shovel Knight.
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