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Everything posted by DuD

  1. If me and EE join for 8 I'm game.
  2. Nah, you helped organise everything.. you play.
  3. I'll leave yous to it. Happy splatting
  4. Are yous still at an even number?
  5. Just seen it's at 1.00, doubt I'll be around for that.. I'll more than likely catch yous next time
  6. How many people are about for Splatoon later on?
  7. L.A. Noire on Nintendo Switch - £25.99 @ GAME
  8. LA Noire from ShopTo on Ebay (use code PNY2018) for £21.48 Only valid until 6pm apparently.
  9. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    How do you get it to work when every mode is 4v4?
  10. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    The thing with Splatoon is every game mode is 4v4. To have a team of 4 vs 4 individuals is pointless for the individuals. They won't have a chance. They've brought in league so that you can have 2 teams of 2 vs 2 teams of two. The only other thing they can do is introduce 3v3 in League, but you can ask the people that play regularly on Thursday... 3v3 is a completely different game. They should bin off turf wars for a free play mode. Individuals go in. Friends can join friends. All 8 vote for mode and map. Majority win or random selection. That's the only way i can see it would work
  11. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    You can play with friends in Turf War whenever. You can't play with friends in ranked, but that's kinda the point, it's ranking your solo ability. They've made it so you can play a ranked team game by introducing League (keeping ranked fair by not putting teams against singlies). Then there's Private where you can play whatever mode on whatever maps with friends. There are many issues with Splatoon... the unskippable Intro, the lack of Bots for Private, convoluted VC, the staleness of Splatfests.. etc, but I never understand when people say they can't play with friends?
  12. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    I'm on fairly regularly, usually a bit later on after my wee man is asleep. If you fancy some games sometime just give me an @
  13. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    Usually Thursday after MK League around 9.15pm.
  14. My game updated a couple of nights ago, not sure what changed though
  15. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    That's nice 👍 Will be using that. Also completely agree on the start up thing 😪
  16. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    Sorry guys I assumed it was over after Glen left so I just went in ranked. Clam Blitz was hard to get used to, but was definitely good fun. Would be great with a 4 man team playing positions.
  17. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    I thought it'd be clam blitz
  18. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    I don't mind.. maybe league for 4v4 rather than 2v2
  19. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    No worries, enjoy your weekend
  20. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    Is anyone fancying some games after MK tonight? @Glen-i @Nicktendo @Sméagol @RedShell @dazzybee and anyone else I've missed
  21. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    Clam Blitz and nothing else! I haven't played yet but it's gotta be good. Right?
  22. DuD


    Got mine installing now. If I hadn't backed for £15, I'd definitely be waiting for a reasonable price.
  23. Have you got all the cards and invitations? I'll second everything smeagol has said, but the frame drops really don't bother me. The loads are random and can be annoying. I would definitely still recommend picking this up though. It's charming and immersive.
  24. DuD

    Splatoon 2

    I really like Splatoon (I play ranked regularly), but they need to do something more with splatfests rather than make them longer. Their current format is just a chore and for me, the worst part of the game. I picked team film in the end, and then played Sexy Brutale instead. I don't have Arms, but their equivalent to splatfest sounds far more varied and interesting. They could give out ability chunks etc like the prizes in Salmon Run.. give extra points for using certain weapons.. introduce ranked modes.. there's loads they could do.
  25. I've just done the tutorial and the 1st proper kill. I was concerned how fast the 1st pair took, but this next one seems a little meatier. I've experienced some dips, seems to only happen when spying into a room though, which is unnecessary unless you know something is happening in there. There is £5 off for a £20 PayPal spend, so think I'll enjoy this for £12.99 👍
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