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Everything posted by DuD

  1. I'm heading on now for a few games if anyone fancies?
  2. I did spot you in one game on blue fin depot, but then you disappeared in the next? I thought I'd get a cheeky little practice to see how bad I'd got before asking people to join
  3. Sorry mate.. I meant in the general sense as I've been working abroad for the past 3 months.
  4. I'm available for some splatoon action once again. Don't suppose any progress was made towards arranging a night for 8 of us?
  5. I don't post very often, but had to comment. Really impressive show. Well done to everyone involved. Brilliant idea. Great enthusiastic hosting. Can't wait to see more. Thank you. Subscribed
  6. DuD

    I definitely will be when i get home :p

    Think i'll be waiting to see what the NX entails. I'm hoping for system features in comparison to the PS4. I'm genuinely quite optimistic. Hope I'm not wrong. Got plenty to keep me going anyway.. Shovel Knight, Plague Knight, DKC, DKC:TF, Kirby... loads I've downloaded and not started.

    Nice to see the revival in the Splatoon thread. Deffo up for that. Stupid as it is, I can't post the dates I move online, but will be available soon :)

  7. I can't comment on availability at the moment, however I'm definitely up for this.
  8. DuD

    Hey Rummy, just noticed your message. I'm ok, I've been working abroad since a certain vote in early December. Due to return in the not too distant future.

    I've been doing a bit of lurking here and there though. Saw you bought a PS4 and it sounds like it was a great buy?

    You still use your Wii U much? We gotta get a Splatoon night on the go at some point. I've missed 3 levels I think.

    I've got a mini-person arriving in May / June so will have to get in all my gaming before life doesn't allow it.

    Hope your good? :)

  9. About time
  10. I would, but the only night i can guarantee being free is Tuesday.
  11. I can't make it tonight.
  12. I'll try to be around but can't guarantee anything.
  13. I followed the instructions in this link. The how-to's open into further instructions. Hope this solves the problem
  14. I had the same issues after the update... Nintendo have instructions online for doing this. It worked a treat for me ☺
  15. I would be interested, but doubt I'll have the time to get involved.
  16. Are 1981 should be around as I've just left for the night.
  17. I'm gonna head on between 6.30 and 7.. unless there's gonna be no-one around. In which case I'll do something else.
  18. We've done a few since but with 5 people tops and usually odd teams. Hardly anyone here plays?
  19. Is anyone around for Splatoosday this week?
  20. I've got a lot of work to do this weekend, however I might be able to do odd moments here and there if I progress quickly enough.
  21. We had some good games last night, we took out a 4 if i remember right I've been using quite a large variety of weapons lately which has kept my interest, although it was nice to get back to a charger. I think the sploosh could be a great hit, run and support role with some swim speed ups. Hopefully we can get a full private lobby going at some point.
  22. I find rainmaker to be the mode that takes the most teamwork.. so playing with randoms makes it quite frustrating at times. I'm struggling with splat zones now, I hadn't played it in that long I dropped from A- to teetering on B- the other night. Obviously my teams fault :p
  23. I had that happen to me earlier lol. I knew something was up but thought i'd carry on shooting.. I emptied my nzap in him without him firing back then I died. I didn't realise people were actually around yesterday, I would have joined. I'm not here for Splatoosday (it'll stick if we keep saying it), as working late this week.
  24. I was gonna comment on the lack of rotation last night, but i accidently deleted my post on my phone. Every time I'm online it seems to be rainmaker? To the point I only tend to play turf wars at the moment because of it. Rainmaker would probably be fun if everyone in the lobby pulled their weight, but some of the levels don't require you to go anywhere before its game over. I think ranked should include Turf Wars and Non-Ranked should include SZ, TC & RM, only difference being ranking points are only contested in ranked. Least that way you would get more variety.
  25. I may be later on in the evening.. like 10pm-ish. I'll let you know later if that's any good for you?
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