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Everything posted by DuD

  1. Although a lot of people don't like the staggering of content, I'm ok with it because it limits the amount of things that are new in one go, Making it easier for someone like me who isn't an online shooter veteran. I even like the way they limit the maps. There's always 1 map that you end up not liking and you just don't pick it (i wasn't fond of the skatepark to start with), but having been forced to play the level I actually quite like it now. In fact this is probably the first game where i have liked all the maps.
  2. Deffo wasn't fluking it the other night, gone from level 8 to just shy of 12 in about 2.5 hours Helps when ranked dishes out 2100 points a game Started using Nes blaster, which is my new favourite. Saw Phube online tonight: had a couple of good games but then i got disconnected from one with 10 seconds left when we had 99% of the map covered. Every time i tried to rejoin your game you weren't there. I've only done upto the 1st boss in single player. I thought the boss was cleverly done but the levels themselves weren't all that. I'm assuming it gets better.
  3. I've changed my mii name to Matt/DuD, just for Phube They were my scores the first few times i played
  4. Just had a few games and something clicked. I've been shocking so far, always last on my team and often sub 300 points (still having a ball). Somehow I just had a run continuously scoring in the 1000s Its even more fun when I'm not completely shit!! I love this game, i just wish i had more opportunities to play.
  5. Sign me up
  6. Been playing online this morning, but sadly is time for work. Very fun game. Just got to level 4 so bought some new gear and bought the charge weapon. Started to get used to the hybrid control although i still start every match staring at the floor Can't wait to get back on it.
  7. @Rummy: I only played the during the last testfire, but i had no issues at all. Everything ran smooth. Although i got the time wrong by an hour and so missed the earlier problems everyone reported.
  8. I just got a good 45 mins I was shocking. I managed 1 kill with the charge shot, a couple of kills with the splatter and then tons with the roller Which requires no aim. Had fun though, which is the main thing
  9. DuD


    I've pledged too. It's also my first kickstarter
  10. Oxigen is definitely right. I still have SF2 Championship edition AND Turbo with new challengers on the mega drive, and whilst the 3 button pad wasn't much cop, the 6 button version is the original fightpad. I also had SF2 on the SNES. My mega drive versions saw far more play time.
  11. DuD

    You're welcome. I love your style.

    I've just had a quick look on your link and added you to my speeddial. Looking forward to watching the YouTube vids tomorrow when I have more time :)

    Thank you :)

  12. DuD

    I've just been looking at your drawing 2012 thread.

    You're artwork is amazing.

    I really like your boldness and your use of light and shadow is incredible.

  13. Had a go on the 1 ups today.. completed them all
  14. It wasn't actually that tough once you've got the timing down. I was trying to judge the jump for the 3rd coin without sound (Mrs watching the tele), which took quite a few goes. Getting to that point was a breeze in the end. I'm doing the challenges now. Got golds so far but only up to the one with the crabs. Can see these getting hard.
  15. Just to offer a difference of opinion... I'm currently playing through this and I've got to say I love it. I've completed the first 8 worlds, beat Bowser and got 3 stars on every level I've unlocked. I'm now on the search for the 2 remaining secret exits that have eluded me. Not say your opinion is wrong, but I thought NSMBWii was harder than this was (later on in the game anyway). Each to their own I guess. Also the extras to NSMBU are great. I've only just started having a go at the Challenges, but I know I won't be putting them down until I've got gold on each. I'm yet to touch Boost mode AND I've just bought New Super Luigi U to get stuck into In my opinion Nintendo really excelled themselves with this offering.
  16. Is anyone up for some games on Wednesday 6pm~ish again?
  17. Sorry guys, had to leave to sort tea. Enjoyed the games tonight. Thank you. I haven't played much so far, so still getting used to the new stages and characters. I got a lot of learning / improving to do.
  18. Just opened a room. Message me on here if anyone turns up. Just off to the kitchen.
  19. I tried getting Kirby at that price, but it was unavailable
  20. Slightly early as thought I might get more success with some notice... does anyone fancy some Smash on wednesday around 6pm~ish, maybe half past.? Not managed to get online with N-E yet.
  21. Captain Toad has arrived
  22. I've just sent friend requests to everyone in Sprout's opening post and Gizmo
  23. I'm more likely to when i do play.
  24. Has Game gone back to 02/01/15 release? Their release calender says the 2nd and when I ordered earlier today I didn't get a dispatch email, instead I've had an email saying I will recieve it on release?
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