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Everything posted by DuD

  1. @Mr\-Paul, I haven't played a single game yet, but will be around tomorrow AM if that's any good? Or anyone else for that matter
  2. @f00had, have you noticed any lag on the classic controller?
  3. I'm up for it
  4. I love smash, and played melee and brawl to death, but with a lack of a pro controller and no option for a gc adapter its left me not bothering to get it. I could go classic controller, but I've heard there's lag? Anyway, I was a bit gutted to be missing out initially, but I'm not really bothered now..
  5. @Rummy.. Just to let you know I finally got an email today saying they would refund me as there is no stock.
  6. I managed to miss my last 4 games, 7 including official. Maybe I should reconsider carrying on too?
  7. Roles: Town: EEVILMURRAY You are Ground Agent Norman Edwards. The most experienced agent in the Facility your spy game is in a league of its own. You use your skills to Reverse Track you target. Yvonne You are Matthews' Deputy Rebecca Fox. In overall control since Dudley's demise. You can control the comings and goings within the Depository. On odd nights you will use your ability to Roleblock your target. On even nights you will use your ability to Protect your target. DeDeDe You are Test Subject #1 Ross Irving. A willing volunteer into the program, you were once a Ground Agent within the Facility. The experiments carried out upon you have given you a rather unique ability. If your target is Town they will recieve a Boost the following night. However if your target is Mafia they will be Roleblocked the following night. Jonnas You are Tech Specialist Percy Taylor. You will use one of your bugs to Track your target. The Peeps You are Test Subject #2 Tracy Wilkes. The Experiments on you have enabled you to absorb skills from the deceased. You are immune from Night Kill until you have a power. Animal You are "The Restrainer" Richard Fingers. You were employed to protect employees during work around the test subjects. On odd nights you will use your skills to Protect your target. On even nights you will use your skills to Roleblock your target. Jimbob You are Intelligence Officer Helen Mathers. Able to assess situations in an instant, your judgment is your weapon. On odd nights you will use your skill to determine your target's Power. On even nights you will use you skill to determine your target's Alignment. Sheikah You are Test Subject #3 Lesley Cotton. The experiments on you have given you the ability to control minds. You use this power to anonymously Switch Targets. Anyone targetting A will go to B and vice versa. A <-> B Smeagol You are Test Subject #5 Giselle Hunter. The experiments on you have allowed you to communicate with the afterlife. Your Forum can be found here. As people die they will be directed here. Additionally, each night you can prepare a paragraph for the Morning Brief. Neutral: Cube You are Secret Test Subject #1. Your name is unknown. Your win condition is to out survive all Depository Staff. Powers: You will gain a copy of your targets PM. You have a One Shot Night Kill. Mafia: Esequiel You are Ground Agent Kieran Bastable. Considered by most as a knuckle head, you are much more savvy than people realise. You can choose to either Redirect OR Roleblock your target. Mr-Paul You are Dudley's PA, Agent Nadia Casey. You showed your skills in arming the file. But now you must keep up appearances. You can choose to either Track OR Reverse Track your target, however you must report your findings back to the agency. They will therfore appear in the Morning Briefs. ReZourceman You are Test Subject #4 Rory Dorrans. Entered into the program to steal information, you recruited your teammates over many years. The experiments on you have enabled you to Switch your Targets Powers, i.e Target A uses Target B's Power and vice versa. You can use your experimental power OR you can simply determine a target's Power. Further more to inhibit mafia mafia voting, but reward them if they played smartly they had the following extras: First Mafioso to vote each day has double vote. Second Mafioso to vote each day appears town. Third Mafioso to vote has a lynch bomb.
  8. Chooo chooo late ReZourceman (2) : Yvonne, Sheikah Sheikah (3) : Mr-Paul, ReZourceman As the town didn't notice yesterday's vote count, the remaining Mafia came out and made their move. Mr-Paul and ReZourceman have taken over the Depository.
  9. Last night I followed a test subject. I saw ReZourceman, but he seemed confused? I kept focus and eventually saw him target The Peeps. There are 5 people in the Depository: @Mr\-Paul @ReZourceman @Sheikah @The Peeps @Yvonne Day 7
  10. @Rummy, have you checked your Flubit demand recently? I've just logged in to get the order number ready to send them an email and it says my item is dispatched??
  11. Mr-Paul (1) : Sheikah Jimbob (5) : The Peeps, Mr-Paul, Yvonne, ReZourceman ReZourceman (1) : Jimbob Majority is reached. @Mr\-Paul @ReZourceman @Sheikah @The Peeps @Yvonne Night 6 48hrs peoples.
  12. Nah, no worries on the mentioning.. Thanks for keeping me informed Think I'll send them an email Friday and see if i can get an updated delivery estimate. I'll let you know if / when I get anywhere.
  13. Last night I followed one of the agents. I saw Yvonne, but he seemed confused? I kept focus and eventually saw him target The Peeps. An agent has been found murdered. I can reveal his identity to be Norman Edwards. He would use his skills to Reverse Track his target. He was Town. @Mr\-Paul @ReZourceman @Sheikah @The Peeps @Yvonne Day 6
  14. That's shit I thought the wait wouldn't bother me seeing as I still have 3D World and Tropical Freeze in their wrappers from months ago, but I really wanna get online with C.Fal and maidens after reading everyone having fun. Gonna have to put it out of my mind and wait. Will they have to honour the price I've already paid if I wait, or can they cancel and refund my order?
  15. Yvonne (1) : Cube Cube (5) : EEVILMURRAY, Sheikah, Jimbob, Yvonne, The Peeps Majority is reached. @Mr\-Paul @ReZourceman @Sheikah @The Peeps @Yvonne Night 5 48hrs peoples.
  16. Yvonne (1) : Cube Cube (4) : EEVILMURRAY, Sheikah, Yvonne, Jimbob Majority is 5.
  17. Not heard anything either mate.
  18. Last night I watched over one of the test subjects. I saw The Peeps following him about. I was unable to see what he did and then moments later he was gone. An agent has been found murdered. I can reveal his identity to be Percy Taylor. He was our tech specialist, and would use his bugs to Track his target. He was Town. @Mr\-Paul @ReZourceman @Sheikah @The Peeps @Yvonne Day 5
  19. Waiting on last 2 targets: @Mr\-Paul @ReZourceman @Sheikah @The Peeps @Yvonne
  20. I've not received any email to suggest its been delayed? They said it could take until the 4th anyway.
  21. Not got mine yet Rummy, but I'm not really bothered.. I have so little time for games these days.
  22. Animal (6) : Sheikah, Jimbob, The Peeps, Yvonne, Cube Jonnas Sheikah (1) : Animal Majority is reached. @Mr\-Paul @ReZourceman @Sheikah @The Peeps @Yvonne Night 4 48hrs peoples.
  23. Cube (1) : EEVILMURRAY Animal (4) : Sheikah, Jimbob, The Peeps, Jonnas Sheikah (1) : Animal Majority is 6.
  24. Cube (1) : EEVILMURRAY Animal (3) : Sheikah, Jimbob, The Peeps Sheikah (1) : Animal Majority is 6.
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