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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Got it too. One of my favourites in all seriousness! Liked the blocks and the nice relaxed vibe of it. Actually found myself wishing the backdrop was gameplay!
  2. If tennis makes it onto the slate, a short game'll do. Don't want the rest of you throwing the match just to get it over with.
  3. I have Frontier. It's different from the typical FF or DQ kind of RPG you might be expecting. Definitely recommend reading up on them as much as possible to make sure you go in with an open mind.
  4. Don't think so. Like Newcastle, they've no complaints as long as they go down attacking. Right enough. Bee's are meant to be endangered.
  5. You've got time. Nah, it was a rare joking suggestion. What about Complex with proxy mines, an earnest Rare suggestion? If I get a call-up what should I expect? Whistle stop tour of a few games over an hour?
  6. Just watched the SaGa Glimmerfest 2023 stream where the Emerald Beyond release date was announced: 25th April 2024. Here's a bit of a summary from the stream: Were unable to show any live gameplay (which was done in the JP stream) as the localisation is ongoing. Gameplay demonstration coming in January. 1. linear, chapter based or non-linear? - individual stories are linear, the order you explore the worlds (or don't) provides a non-linear experience to the player. The game is designed to be played multiple times; you won't experience the same things twice. The goal was to create a new kind of RPG experience. Ichikawa relates how first time playthroughs even differ between players. Lot's of branching. 2. Multiple equips or single slot? - most characters can equip two weapons. So rather than swap characters in and out (like in Scarlet Grace), you're more likely to change their weapons. They wanted to increase the strategic variety in combat as opposed to from combat to combat, giving increased tactical possiblities. 3. How does difficulty compare to Scarlet Grace? - the early hours are easier to get into than past Scarlet Grace. There are still difficult bosses at the top end of things. 4. Future of the SaGa franchise? - want it to become a global IP that's available on all current platforms. Looking for an entry point? They recommend SaGa Frontier Remastered and/or Minstrel Song Remastered. (Couldn't find a thread for this.)
  7. Send me a join request if there's a slot going. Five set, six games, star players Mario Tennis matches.
  8. Couldn't find a Metroid Appreciation Thread or the like so plonking this here. Think it's been recommended to me since I finally watched some of this channels Castlevania video the other month (thanks, @Jonnas). I've only checked out the Fusion part but the rest might be appealing to others!
  9. Demo also up on this side of the pond. https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-games/Another-Code-Recollection-2439372.html
  10. You certainly have to just give yourself over to what Rising is going for. It makes no bones about what it is... a short game full of filler.
  11. Those first two GPs with mushrooms only were good fun. Then with items back on, there was a distinct lack of Christmas spirit in GP3.
  12. Looks great. There's a preview on RPGSite that sounds promising. I'll have to go back and wrap up the last couple of things in Eiyden Chronicle: Rising as I'm sure something will carry over.
  13. NEO TWEWY should've got the nod whatever year that was. Even if you played it later, it should be retroactively slotted in. It's all relative. Can't blame you for not wanting more Switch time if that's what you played. No Star Trek Prodigy?
  14. I've noticed monsters of the same type appearing in different sizes. Do you know what that's about or where the game details the differences?
  15. Equally expecting more stipulations. She's a fully fledged party member in Sparks of Hope. And appears in Link's Awakening to boot. Plus the Zelda series was labelled an RPG back in the day and all. Though she wasn't a fully fledged party member so it's another one that's gonna be chucked on the null and void pile.
  16. Any year now it'll be something I've played too... any year...
  17. The redownload bit is handy but wouldn't bother checking your wishlist. Better going off memory for that.
  18. Looking forward to it. I'm without Internet today, pending a techy coming in the next couple of hours all being well, otherwise I'll be hotspotting in for the festivities.
  19. Forgot to mention. You can't check cupboards, drawers and bookcases (though I try them all the same) so that cuts down on hidden collectables however you aren't gearing up with weapons and armour so it's an understandable omission. There are still pots to smash and chests to find for items and accessories. Some have mini medals. And the content of each area is basically quadrupled as the changing seasons allows you to reach different places and the roaming monsters change, too. Hoping for a way to pick and choose seasons eventually in case I'm ever on the hunt for something specific. For the time being I'm happy to watch it flow from one to the next to see what changes. Having the music stop in winter is a nice ambient touch. I synthesised with a triple choc (?) slime tower NPC to get a Sugarstar Slime which I put straight in the party to begin levelling. Sadly it started at lvl 1. It'll take over healing duties when it catches up as it's a higher rank than what I have. Needless to say, you're listening to the usual array of accents and it's brimming with fun wordplay—they haven't really skimped on anything except, unfortunately, the technical side. Highest praise I can give it is I'm not seeing the time fly by when I'm on it. I took the warning to heart. The one in the fourth area freaked me out when I saw it because it was so out of place—it was like a demon from Persona floating there. I gave it a really wide berth. I was a wee bit disappointed to see some monsters reappear in the fourth area as I thought it was shaping up to have them all be unique to each area and season therein.
  20. The 360 was massive in the US. Wow, impressive. Thought the Switch would have surpassed it years ago. To be fair to it, I thought the movement looked good in the trailers. Metroid and Metroidvanias aren't for me, but of those I've had a good time with, the movement is what pulled me in. I have the Dread demo but fairly certain I never fired it up. I got and have been playing LM2 this year due to the 3DS eShop closure. I've had fun with it, some annoying ghosts aside, and it's been great to have new stuff to enjoy in 3D. The separate mansions suits the handheld nature of it, imo. LM3 has a ton of floors with individual themes so it's like they took the LM2 variety and stacked it. Only bad thing I can think to say about 3 is the bosses were somewhat more of a pain than I expected as they weren't self-explanatory like the usual Nintendo bosses. Or maybe I'm just not in tune with the Luigi's Mansion way of doing things since I hit similar spikes in 2. Otherwise, it's great stuff that rarely gets talked about. Design-wise, Skyward Sword is the polar opposite of BotW. Which may sound great but it brings its own issues to the table. Probably worth a go if you like Zelda and you've never played it though. What it does have is music and the toilet hand like Majora's Mask.
  21. 🎶 there's loot in the mountain🎶 It's actually quite good once you give it a go, isn't it? It was one of the first Switch games I got since it's free so I look on it pretty fondly and with no shame—I'd a top time exploring the snowy island. No Build mode is a great addition because my fingers and thumbs couldn't cobble together any kind of tower when the pressures on. I tried the recently added racing mode and it's not too bad either. Dying to try the others but don't want to get lost in the Lego mode forever. I'm now thinking about Mario Party Nights into Dreams. The party % could come from the Search Party levels in Mario Wonder. LOL. Most importantly, where's the 4% RPG component come from???
  22. It's like they sensed there's some sales here waiting to happen.
  23. Oh, behave! Nor is it my bag, but far be it for me to tell Happenstance how to waste his time and money now he's started!
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