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Everything posted by GothicPlague

  1. I procrastinate so much in fact I'm meant to be doing javascript in my lesson at the moment. I've been reading this site instead.
  2. Awesome wallpapers they have there. I mean where else can you get a crazy arse blood splattered cooking mama from? But seriously peta need to die quickly and painfully and then fed to their precious animals.
  3. I would imagine it's the countdown when you unpause it.
  4. Well I want to go now I know there's a town called Batman so it's certainly working. Seriously though they must know they don't have a chance of winning a legal battle hence the going to the media but not actually doing anything.
  5. Perhaps Sylar was connecting to her with his powers since he said he can't use his powers and she said how do you think your talking to me now or something like that.
  6. Both great albums but IMO The Holy Bible is just better and the genius of Richey Edwards' lyrics on this album is just amazing. On a related note they're making the next album using left over lyrics from Richey and apparently it's going to sound musically like a follow up to The Holy Bible.
  7. But if you have to get a new Wii you'd have to buy a new Wii Speak for £25 just to use what is essentially a chat room.
  8. Retards surely?
  9. That case does look pretty sweet but I don't think it's enough to make me buy it at least at full price.
  10. and healed when he was with Claire
  11. Recently I have discovered this is the best album ever made Who agrees?
  12. How so? and I take it this game isn't as bad as it looked a few months back then?
  13. Wow this actually seems to have come out half decent shame I can't afford it and don't like WW2 shooters.
  14. That is a fucking ridiculous move by Nintendo. Kinda reminds me of the shitty SecuROM.
  15. Hope it's not cancelled from what little I played of the Gamecube one its the only Final Fantasy game I've played and could actually stand.
  16. Looks pretty good as a DS game. Not so good as a Wii game though.
  17. I am. Of course that is actually my only option.
  18. Way to show them damn homophobes on 4chan. Personally I love 4chan and everything about it (except you know, the whole child porn thing).
  19. So I don't suppose anyone on this forum is a fan of the band Los Campesinos!? If so don't you just love We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed (both the song and the album). I want to see them live again:( and preferably not on my own this time.
  20. The star power button is the - button but the + buttons are far too small when you need to quickly pause it without missing notes Even though it is easier to use the buttons I still think the touch pad is great fun at some points (like One Armed Scissor) as it makes a nice change and feels good to use. Wish I wasn't stuck in accommodation as there's no chance of me been able to get online unless those nintendo wi-fi usb dongles work with the Wii. Overall though great game and probably better than GH3.
  21. It might take a while to come out over here? But I want it now Well my bank account doesn't but I do.
  22. Guess I'm going to have to go get Tales Of Symphonia from home (as well as my Wii and the memory expansion for my N64) and finish it off then.
  23. No More Heroes Smash Bros Brawl No More Heroes 2 Madworld (assuming its good) No More Heroes 1 + 2
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