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Everything posted by GothicPlague

  1. Religion .
  2. Yes it is. It becomes clearer the further away you are from it.
  3. Anamanaguchi. Going in I thought I was going to vote Maximo Park but damn that was a great tune. Gotta love 8bit/chipcore stuff
  4. New I recognised it. Also it's Pray for Plagues.
  5. Murder By Death - Red of Tooth and Claw I can not recommend that band enough especially there older albums. Also Los Campesinos! - Hold On Now Youngster... and We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed Got to love a band that release two albums in the same year.
  6. I agree with this. I fear another primeval so I'm going to avoid this.
  7. Ruslana was pretty good but I'm gonna have to go with Rage who I suspect may win this one.
  8. How can you prefer Zavvi it's more expensive and has less products.
  9. Can I suggest Fear Before The March Of Flames Should Have Stayed In The Shallows My (Fucking) Deer Hunter Also Thrice are just amazing and Vheissu and The Artist In The Ambulance are two of my favourite albums ever: Paper Tigers Music Box
  10. M.I.A. Foo Fighters are just good background music IMO.
  11. Did he paint New York destroyed or did he paint Peter exploding cos if he did then Peter did still explode?
  12. Quoted for fucking truth man. My 10 top tracks of 2008 (such a hard list to decide and not in any order): Grammatics - or or Los Campesinos! - We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed Unfortunately putting all the songs from both their albums this year would be a bit OTT Thursday - As He Climbed The Dark Mountain Innerpartysystem - Don't Stop ¡Forward, Russia! - A Prospector Can Dream
  13. I thought it was brilliant, much better than any gaming shows I've seen on TV and I really hope someone sponsors them. And I quite enjoyed the master chief skit.
  14. February 2nd I think.
  15. [sarcasm]God bless the land of the free [/sarcasm]
  16. Exactly .
  17. Looks like the trailer was designed to be that way since you see a lot of blood and severed limbs anyway and I like it the way it is. Also it looks amazing cannot wait to play it.
  18. Let's be honest Sylar is just kick ass in general now.
  19. True but how fucking awesome was the fiesta test at the end.
  20. Apparently I listened to 4 of the artists, only 2 of the albums and 3 of the tracks. Also anybody on this forum heard of Murder By Death? And anyone who hasn't needs to hear them. heres a couple of songs:
  21. Oh god I would love so much for this to be a sequel to excite Truck with online multiplayer because the first one was just so fucking awesome.
  22. I just came at this Muse related news. There is a new song in 3 parts, more of a symphony than a song which I have been working on sporadically for many years. As a large percentage of the composition is orchestral I have never wanted to collaborate with a string arranger as they may make it 'theirs'. So I have been arranging the orchestral elements myself which is taking a long time due to my inexperience with large scale scoring. It should hopefully make the next album as the final 3 tracks. Matt. http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=57855
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