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Everything posted by Molly

  1. I can imagine your head literally exploding with excitement! I didn't realise before that clip is not actually in the film, so they've just done it to show how amazing it's gonna be? Well done them.
  2. Feeling pretty hungover, last night was interesting. Had to get up v early for my MOT this morning, blurgh. FREE HOUSE though, so good.
  3. Wow. That trailer is absolutely awesome. *claps*
  4. Lol. Bunch of bastards. xxx


  6. Do you have to pay for it? (Match.com is banned at work, ha). I could join as a knee social experiment.
  7. Oh it was nothing really, something about Moogle's penis. No biggie. Pun intended :p
  8. lol, well I heard you all say hello, then I thought he took me off speaker. Oh well, I didn't say anything too bad (apart from right at the end, but apparently no one heard that/ReZ is sugar coating it for me). Weren't you a boy before... have you now transitioned to manhood?
  9. The name of the programme sounds like something the Daily Mail would come up with, and for that reason, I don't fancy it.
  10. Hahaha...I've been there my friend :p He told me today I was on loudspeaker the whole time; outrageous! I thought I was just talking to him, ooooops.
  11. Wow that's brilliant, congratulations!
  12. (Came in the house, flew around a bit, banged against all the windows, dave shooed it with a silk cushion and it...relieved itself on said cushion before flying out.) Anyway, the meet looked fun guys, good work. Same time next year, I'm sure I'll be free and pluck up the courage to be there!
  13. My favourite part of the meet was ReZ calling me from the meet, me saying there'd been a collared dove in the house and him saying ''What's that...a dove in a suit?''.
  14. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince It reflected the tone of the book perfectly; a dark sense of apprehension, the calm before the almighty storm. I really enjoyed it, over two hours flew by for me. Jim Broadbent and Tom Felton were stand out performances and rightly so, the sixth book is their show in a big way. Daniel Radcliffe will always annoy me as an actor; I don't feel I ever get lost in his performance, I always know that it's someone pretending to be Harry Potter (if that makes sense!). Whereas Rickman is Snape, through and through. I thought it was all visually stunning, I love the transition of Hogwarts from a safe haven in the earlier films to just feeling downright bleak in this, just perfect. Quidditch was amazingly fast as well! The humour was well placed and broke up the foreboding feeling the story gives you. As others have said, the additions of the cornfield attack and Harry actually falling into the lake were great little suspense building action nuggets!
  15. Right, I am off to Cheltenham for my friend's house warming do, yay! (Urgh, driving there in the rain, thank god for the new Sat Nav). Then HP tomorrow as well, woops. Have fun at the meet everyone!
  16. Molly

    Howcome you didn't go inter railing? Did I miss something, are you ok? x

  17. I'm in! I'm so annoyed that I'm dead, you have no idea; I had so much to say and do, ARGH!!!
  18. *automergedoublepost preventage as requested by ReZ* (Yes, now I can talk but it's too bloody late )
  19. Damn you all for seeing HPATH-BP before me! *self combusts with excitement*
  20. Glad you enjoyed it I know it's over 8 mins, but it's so worth it! Everyone should listen :p
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