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Everything posted by Molly

  1. Clint Mansell- Death is the Road to Awe Audio From The Fountain. Stunning.
  2. ELAS? lol. I still can't remember who that was, but elas people are a blur to me.

  3. lol, I really can't remember who you're talking about!

  4. Does anyone know what the music was on the first car (the green ASBO ford focus). It's been in a film and I really love it, want to find out what it is!
  5. Weekend's been fun. Out for a lovely dinner/drinks on saturday night and then Bruno today. ReZ's friend is hilarious, in the middle of conversation he says ''So, are you single?''. I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like him.
  6. Inside Nature's Giants: The Whale An autopsy of a massive fin whale that had died off the coast of Ireland. Of course it was really gross at times, but it was also quite interesting. Little things that you don't think about; whales evolved from land mammals so their up and down motion in the water is descendant from a four legged animal running, whereas fish and sharks have a horizontal motion when they swim. They also still have a hind leg bone that over time has been retracted into the body; it has no use now, almost like an evolutionary 'side effect'. I do find it astonishing how anyone could not believe in evolution. Anyway, good programme.
  7. Slaggis + Jimbob + McCoy = A Triad of Legends. Happy Birthdays!
  8. It was lovely to find out that she'd given the land back to the National Trust, I hadn't realised that before. Filmwise, nothing particularly special.
  9. Happy Birthday Fish! (I don't really know why)
  10. Could you answer me and explain why, in the same post, you said I'm probably a dumb cop for the townies and then voted for me? I think I believe Eenuh. One of the write ups said 'evil red eyes', not glowing ones. Plus the info didn't say she was bad, so neutral makes sense I guess.
  11. You think I could be a dumb cop and therefore a townie, but you're voting for me anyway. Why would you do that unless you're mafia? Possibly because I know you're evil, I'm a threat to you and you know that killing me at night could be difficult. The water info suggested it was Paj on the first night, but that doesn't add up as he was Mew, which is why I think it was someone blocking me. I'm convinced Ell is mafia, but we'll see what comes of this Eenuh info. I'm also prepared to go with what Nintendohnut suggested.
  12. My theory is that an evil water based pokemon blocked/diverted my power giving me false information. According to my information Ellmeister is a 'dangerous and evil threat', and that was all the info. I know you all think I'm a dumb cop which is a possibilty, but to be honest I don't trust Ell. He said he was gonna wait to hear Paj's side of the story (assumably to gain people's trust) and then voted for him 5 mins later in the same post.
  13. *preventing autodoublepostmerge as requested by ReZ*
  14. Perhaps we should wait till we can grill paj a bit more, why was there a water trail? Is Mew a water based Pokemon? Could he have put out the fire or something?! Change Vote: No Lynch For now.
  15. Someone flicked onto it when I was 10 or something and I got scared. It's like the X files music, that used to terrify me! I would hide behind the sofa whenever that music came on, all because of one scene I saw with a forest floor monster. Obviously I'm fine with it now.. Anyway, I will watch se7en.
  16. Raining that sounds awful! I don't see how someone being ''ignored'' could lead to you guys losing your jobs?! If he was actually being bullied or something, then I can see how it could lead to a complaint, but it really sounds like he hasn't got a leg to stand on. Fight it!! Hope it all works out *hug*
  17. Paj Meen Ah appears to be evil. He also leaves a trail of water. Vote: Paj Meen Ah.
  18. Chair finally told Callum he wants him, now. Ashley got a 2.1. Coolness got a job. Ine is in recovery. Haggis became Slaggis. Flink realised people are rubbish, especially about jackets. ReZ made a post with no made up words! Gizmo hit a tree. I slept with a forum boss. Bluey is on the path to teacherdom. Dan Dare's brother came back. Federer won Wimbledon. Daft has gone, temporarily. The cake is real. Goafer found a dog. Letty works illegal hours for a Minor. Eevil looked sore. A man in Venezuela realised the meaning of life. J7 doesn't have the interent and we all need a morphine drip to cope with the loss. Dante was nearly run over. Channel 4 started making the ''MJ what REALLY happened'' documentary. Chris got a work placement. The chicken came first. Wesley got 4 parking tickets. People finished school and also graduated from Uni. Moogle looks good in a suit. Jimbob's employer is a bastard. Raining had a birthday! The weather was hot. Possibly not all true. Sorry if I missed people, you know I love you but it's 00.19.
  19. I only watched the first bit, Jamelia was acting like such an airhead; I couldn't cope.
  20. Which rule? The one about the green penis?
  21. CB; I don't know, haha. I just remember laughing ALOT. Last time I saw it, I was in a bar in Thailand and probably on shrooms, so that may have helped Talking of, has anyone seen the horror movie Shrooms?! If you haven't... don't; it is really terrible. I thought Cloverfield was good and also diabolically ridiculous at the same time; if that's possible.
  22. Pash; I have issues with se7en. Over many years a cloud of apprehension has built up in my head convincing me that I wouldn't be able to deal with watching it, so I never have. One day I shall face these demons. It's probably a walk in the park with rainbows and daffodils compared to films I've seen to be honest. CB; I love Old School. LOVE.
  23. Nice one ReZ, heeere we go! Vote: No Lynch!
  24. I am very interested. Say I don't know anything about Pokemon, will that matter ReZtacular?
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