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Everything posted by Molly

  1. Happy Birthday lovelies
  2. Once of those rubbish work days that are soooo frustrating. ''Can you just do this for me too''; happy to do it, but don't blame me when I don't have time to do my actual job as well. Gonna go in the gym (great stress reliever), make fajitas, then contemplate cinema.
  3. If I didn't know? Come on now! :p


    I take it you know why she resigned, juice. Illness, no idea xxx

  4. This wasn't the Aussies, that's in a few weeks time. I promise to give a full report on that night! Lol. I know. I almost made myself sick. My body couldn't really handle the stress of the food and booze I forced upon it. It's not like I could afford a place like that, but I wasn't paying
  5. Last night I went here and it was amazing. Seriously, amazing.
  6. ^^ So he's not allowed to go because I'm going. Wow. Tbf, I was planning on seducing him; you know, while she's watching. The girlfriend is a nutter and Brad spineless for being ordered about. I just spent 1.5 hours curling my hair for tonight, crazy. Excited though!
  7. Hahaha I love that you posted him on my wall, but from my FB.


    It's a longish story, I'll tell you msn or in person etc etc etc xxx

  8. Molly


    Cheers, yeah I'll try that. I've got one, I just need to pump it up. They're good for core muscle strenghtening as well, as far as I know.
  9. Molly


    High Five! We luckily have a home gym/room with stuff in. I'm pretty good on the cross trainer now, but the thing I need to use more is this: I just find sit ups so annoying/boring/hard, heh.
  10. The Last Two Voyagers Ever Seriously amazing finale. Spock said it best ''The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few'' Love/10
  11. Probably am gonna go, about 90% sure now. Also, how could a mouse cause your death? Unless it was DangerMouse, I suppose. Ha. You haven't lived until you've had two Australians. But really, no. None of that lark. Shut it!
  12. I met these two Australian guys when I was travelling and got quite friendly with them. One lives in London and the other in Holland; I haven't seen them since travelling. Holland guy is coming over here in a few weeks and they want to meet up for a night out. I don't know whether to go! This probably sounds pathetic but I don't know if it's gonna be weird because we're meeting in the ''real world'' and I'm also completely insecure about how I look. Argh.
  13. Actually yeah, can't you restore it to be like yesterday, for example.
  14. What a mare of a thread!* *I don't mean it. I just really wanted to say a horse pun.
  15. Dante it's important to know the source of an article like that....
  16. Just flicked on to beeb 3. They're spontaneously bursting into song and dance as though that's acceptable. No more for me.
  17. To be fair I've never seen said film, but you made me chuckle. One does wonder why you're watching it in the first place! Are you a 14 year old girl or Slaggis?
  18. Huge ''ghost'' ring discovered around Saturn. http://www.nature.com/news/2009/091007/full/news.2009.979.html I'd always wondered why one side of Iapetus was darker than the other Really though, it is interesting!
  19. Most of my friends are so dotted around the country, I get kind of upset, depressed even, not seeing them much. BUT today I'm feeling happy; just made loads of plans starting with... parents are away Halloween weekend so I'm organising people to come up (and down) to stay, yay.
  20. We use about 600g of pasta sauce to feed 4 people, so maybe you just like it saucy!
  21. Moogle, I want to stroke your head in a motherly fashion. What Fish said. You won't need 500g of curry sauce for one person though, I'd have thought. Edit: Please don't :P
  22. Fox are equivalent of Jean-Claude Van Damme's hair in Hard Target. (see ITV1).
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