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Everything posted by Molly

  1. Thanks Ganepark! ''serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly'' Ahhh I don't like this.
  2. I tried shouting at it and I think I've definitely loosened it up. A bit. Ok I've just found this page. It looks a bit much but I guess I'll try. http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/402/kb402867.html
  3. Everyone PLEASE go to tech and help me. I'll love you forever and ever!!!!!!!
  4. Help! I'm probably being stupid, but Adobe reader won't play ball. I can download it but then it won't work. I'm getting this error message: [ATTACH]3008[/ATTACH] Anyone?
  5. Scrubs would have been in there if I'd remembered about it! :p
  6. I took today off to do job/application type stuff. I've just spent two hours doing online verbal and numerical reasoning practice tests and now the website isn't giving me the feedback to say how I did. So frustrating. Oh and it seems my A in maths at GCSE is useless (I did already know that) as I can't remember how to convert a decimal into a fraction, and percentages to a ratio. I need to do some swotting.
  7. I'd be throwing money and/or breasts at that problem.
  8. House = ER > Grey's >>>>>> Casualty >> Holby City >> Doctor's. God I'm good at maths.
  9. I've been dying inside for about a year and I'm still here...just. It'll be ok, needs must/beggars can't be choosers/always look on the bright side of life/Positive Mental Attitude/Never swim after eating and all that. He's The Daddy of Bullshit-Management-Speak after 30 years of experience though. I'm nearly done now, absolutely blooming knackered. Heh, I'm glad I didn't just turn up at Jimmy's then!!
  10. Thanks Ash So you get paid per session, much like...a prostitute? Really, that sucks though. Surely there's another Uni based job that would fit in nicely with this one!
  11. Oh god, the deadline for a job I want (project co-ordinator in London) is tomorrow and my dad's just ripped my application apart. Gonna be a long night. Due to my own ''excellent time management skills'.
  12. Yeah, she sounds dreadful! Halls are so hit and miss. Three of my flatmates I adored and went on to live with, the other four I pretty much had no association with after first year.
  13. Yay we won, for once! Two games against Chelsea in the next 7 days though, not good.
  14. Haha. Can someone get Jay in here please.
  15. If that's what he's saying then I don't understand it. Why would hotties want scum?
  16. First of all, I am sorry everyone. Sometimes I have a lonely moment and get irrational. I love theee kneee. Be the monkeyball, got it! I'm a fairly confident person, I think I've just been out of ''it'' too long. I'm getting a grip, I promise! Thank you retro for the lovely hot words. Hahaha. Flinkster, I love. I had a little tongue smiley thing, I was mid chill pill! I'll take the good and all the bad that comes with you He said we can convince ourselves that they want the scum, then it'll be easy to convince them. I never said I wanted people to say I'm hot Moogle. I am feeling better about myself now I'm getting healthier. Yesterday for the first time in ages, I took a picture of myself and didn't cringe! Woop.
  17. COOLNESS!!! Belated happy birthday my dear!
  18. All I needed someone to say was ''you'll find someone'' or something equally pathetic but at the same time reassuring and instead I got ''your life is like a shit film'' and ''You can't have the hotties, you're scum''. Anyway it's Sunday, I'm feeling better.
  19. One of the most insulting things anyone's ever said to me.
  20. A hot guy tried to talk to me in the National Gallery coffee shop and I lost the ability to form sentences. I am going to die alone. Anyway. Also inadvertently got caught up in a protest which was fun. Then saw some absolutely stunning art. And some boring/religious art. Came home and had dinner with my cousin and her fiancé. They're so in love. I hate them.
  21. What did he say that was a valid point or true statement? My favourite quote from the whole affair ''All Politicians are covered in a veneer of Bullshit''.
  22. I really did wonder what you were talking about when I glanced at this! But yes, there isn't a ''Post your dressing table'' thread, so I've cheated, a bit.
  23. Apologies for miss quoting Rummster! It is mainly ignorance that fuels them. I hope that those ignorant people saw Nick Griffin for what he is, but unfortunately it'll probably be those people who feel sorry for him because he was ''bullied'' on Question Time.
  24. Don't you think it's just too late for people to ignore them and laugh them off though, they're getting votes. Surely ignoring them is increasing their chances of ''slipping in the back door''. Anyone see Alan Davies talking on This Week straight after, he talks alot of sense!
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