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Everything posted by Molly

  1. Wow, well done Eenuh! Flinkster you have to make sure she comes to Carnaby Street to see them being displayed!
  2. The Kinks.
  3. *Holds Dan-likes-trees and Chair in a threeway love hug* I went to sleep at 5am and got up at 7am, fuck my life too. Although it was to go to the doctor who told me I'm all good healthwise, awesome. First day back at work after aaaages, boooo. Thankfully my computer didn't work (naturally) so I got to be helper headset woman all day. I've had 2 hours sleep and started the diet again today so I've had all of my 400 calories for the day; I may collapse, but I imagine into blissful sleep.
  4. Where have I read that before? Ah there it is. I don't find it boring at all, just beautiful. But we're all different.
  5. Lol. I went with ''Virgin Media Advert song'' :p I'd love to.Again
  6. Slow Moving Millie - Beasts http://open.spotify.com/track/0QXn4uEpTyM7tXnc7joxaR Yes it's from the Virgin ad, but I loves it.
  7. Daft holds a baby.
  8. That seems like more than ''mismanaged semantics'', just massive generalisations.
  9. If you want a bland city and a bland shop, then they're perfect for you.
  10. Exactly. It was the Milton Keynes one. Don't get me started on MK... ''Where character went to die''. What's right with IKEA? Don't say price because the nice things aren't that cheap and you get exactly what you pay for, a bit like Primark. The shop is one long maze which you have to complete and there are no shortcuts; if you want to buy something, you have write down a code and then navigate a warehouse to find that code. The staff members we encountered were completely unhelpful. A picture frame I wanted was priced at £11.99, then at the till it was magically £20 and after a discussion with the manager over misrepresentation, it was still £20. Plus you have to queue ages at the checkout. Not to mention the fact that it sells mass produced crap. Ahhh since leaving there, I've had a lovely day which has involved champagne, bonus!
  11. I Am Never Going To IKEA Again. If I want my soul destroyed, I can go to work.
  12. I want to thank my family and friends, but most of all The Lord our House. Edit: Don't let our love tear us apart!
  13. Stop thinking I'm simple minded, bastard. I know :p
  14. I wish I had her lips! I'd like to see the film too. Mullholland Drive, I watched a few years ago and I can remember nothing about it other than confusion. I should watch it again really. Blue Velvet however, I love.
  15. The news must be segregated. Jews, I love.
  16. I did notice it with the Avatar trailer, people posting and discussing in both threads. It works if this is just trailers and the other one is just news.
  17. I think on a couple of nights we picked the wrong target and were perhaps unlucky, but otherwise just fighting a losing battle. With my death, obviously Chair you found out I was evil and it was confirmed quite clearly in the write-up. I don't think there was any way out of that, maybe I'm wrong. Town did work really well together though, so well done people!
  18. Thanks Ine! All good, I remembered. Now voted, good luck you three, they're all awesome.
  19. Lol. Yes, I believe in House. But also, his accent used to grate on my ears. Now I love, obviously.
  20. House I'm a convert. He's such a bastard and I love it. Brilliant how you become an expert ''It's not epilepsy, someone had that last week!''. His relationship with Cuddy and Wilson, ah superb. 10/10
  21. Ok. Wife Beater.
  22. I'm quite a technophobe so my best advice would be to...Buy a PS3
  23. I want to vote but I can't remember my username. Eenuh does it give you a list of people who have bought your t shirts?
  24. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
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