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Everything posted by EchoDesiato

  1. The tattoo artist was French, but this article doesn't seem to mention that. She says she can't speak French, but really, an 18 year-old Flemish girl should be able to speak just a little French.
  2. Last night I dreamt about a movie where Tobey Maguire plays an autistic kid singing Elvis songs. wtf
  3. Congrats. Try not to get involved in any spectacular chrashes again.
  4. Aw fuck, the shitty music discussions from the music thread have infected the HWYD thread.
  5. 25 years and 9 months ago two people rubbed their rocks together and created Flameboy. Happy Birthday.
  6. By closing the thread so soon you also took away the possibility of any discussion happening. But whatever, I'll just agree to disagree.
  7. This. I can understand the need to feel useful once in a while by closing threads and whatnot, but you shouldn't close a thread because you deem it "predictable".
  8. Lost season 5 is fucking incredible. I can understand getting tired of 24 though (I sure haven't!).
  9. I hadn't thought of that. Good call.
  10. Say, in the trailer at part the with the girl looking at Samus through the window... Does anyone else see a corpse (or something like it) lying at Samus' feet?
  11. It's more likely that we're unfamiliar with American talk shows.
  12. Nah, he'd chicken out eventually.
  13. Exactly. I want this console wars bullshit to stay out of my Metroid thread.
  14. This isn't an RPG. And it's not just Team Ninja. It's Team Ninja working together with the Nintendo studio responsible for all 2D Metroids ever, so the potential for this game is massive. I think it's a good thing Retro is allowed to do other things at the moment.
  15. Creampie indeed. Eh, happy birthday.
  16. Kraid. WTF is wrong with you, you work for a Nintendo site and you don't know one of Nintendo's most iconic bosses? For shame.:p
  17. She talked in Fusion, and it was awesome. EDIT: And in the Super Metroid prologue, and in Metroid: Zero Mission before the suitless part.
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