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Everything posted by Ville

  1. Summer: June, July, August. So they've got about 3 weeks to get that update sorted...
  2. Just shows that you should never trust a beard-hater. You people are vile like pustules on a warthog's rear end.
  3. Yeah, I really liked the sailing aspect of WW, learning to use the wind even when going against it. Now it seems like they've just taken it away, might as well be a steam ship. Why not just make the sailing faster, but let it be dependent on the wind as it should be?
  4. Well so is my dad, and he had beard too. #awkward
  5. You sir, are full of crap. The only reason why you so vehemently hate beards is because your mother had one and it was so large and coarse that your wee little baby face got all red and irritated when trying to suck her hairy, disgusting goat nipples.
  6. Good god that was horrible. It's like they don't even want to try selling the console... Like said earlier, a better map and inventory are not gonna sell anything. Combine this with a high price and a catalogue of "oh sorry, it's gonna be released for every console but the Wii U" and there you go, crappy sales.
  7. Never seen the show before, but that was indeed awesome. Would def watch more of this.
  8. I don't think you wanna know man. There are only a few options, and none of them are rated PG...
  9. @Happenstance Very good question, as Oblivion's much trickier to mod optimally than Morrowind or Skyrim. The basic problems of the game are: 1) Tons of bugs as in all Bethesda games, get the unofficial patch. 2) Levelling system is crap as the monsters level side by side with you regardless of whether you have levelled combat or non-combat skills. This may result in really hard enemies later on, plus they're all wearing ridiculously high-end gear from level 20 onwards. There are several different mods for this that give monsters and NPCs fixed levels, or you could just go with the original system and slide the difficulty down mid-game if it gets too hard (think I'll try the latter next time). 3) The attribute system is really annoying, as you'll get / not get bonus points depending on what type of skills you have progressed before levelling up. Thus in order to max your stats you'll need to micromanage your skill usage like hell, which sucks total scamp ass. I'd probably go with a mod that gives you the max +5 points to every attribute that had a relevant skill used before levelling up, as the stat maxing shenanigans suck all the fun out of the game. Skyrim got it right by completely ditching this part of the game... (4) Athletics levels up really slowly, might wanna speeden it up with a mod.) etc etc So yeah, it really is kind of a mess. Morrowind was totally ok with a magicka regen mod, and Skyrim only needed some improvement in the inventory and map department. Thus @Magnus you might as well start straight from Skyrim, it's the most polished game in the series...
  10. Nah, I'd say the 3rd one is the "worst". The controls are great, yes, but other than that it was rather unmemorable and samey. Franchise fatigue. (Aaand Metacritic agrees with me too. MP 97, MP2 92, MP3 90.)
  11. @Happenstance The second one is total genius. It's as good as Metroid Prime, but with a fresh new dynamic. I really liked the dark / light gameplay, as it manages to create a totally captivating mood of being in a world of darkness with only a few pockets of safety around. The atmosphere might be even better than Prime's, very well done.
  12. I agree with Ronnie, the gold one is much classier.
  13. I bet he keeps shouting YA-HOOO! then as well.
  14. Yes, (new) members should definitely have a minimum quota of posts to fill. I mean you don't join this forum just at your own leisure, you will post every day or your ass is out!
  15. Games do sell. I mean as soon as the Monster Hunter 3U DEMO came out, I bought the Wii U straight away.
  16. Yes, be happy bitches, at least you have a service like that. In Finland: *service not available in your cuntry*
  17. Yep, the gamepad is too complicated, the consumer doesn't really see what it adds to the games if anything. Paired with the wiimote and nunchuk it's a confusing mess, and not only to the gamers but also the developers. So what about the Wii then? It was innovative yet also super simple to understand, hence the massive sales.
  18. Yeah I checked wikipedia too, very good sales! Although like Grazza said, I remember there being quite a lot of hype for the game as well. I wonder if Nintendo will try to generate the same amount of excitement for the WWHD as well... (not buying it myself, didn't buy OoT3D either)
  19. How well did Ocarina of Time 3D sell btw? Just wondering what kind of sales to expect from the WW HD...
  20. @Oxigen_Waste Well it's the same thing as with movies really. I do like both, but I just can't be arsed to read / watch. And yes, some books that I've read have been totally brilliant, but I guess it isn't enough. For some reason I just prefer games to both.
  21. Come on man, don't be so serious. Hope you level her with your über German man charm (and sense of humour, har har).
  22. @Oxigen_Waste Well I think it would be a bit "ignorant" to say people are ignorant because of their tastes. Even if books have better plots than games in general, it doesn't mean everyone wants to read books. For me and many other people, videogames are the medium of choice over books / films / etc, and like most people we do like our fair share of stories as well. I will much rather play a game with a good story than an aimless game of just levels after levels (cough Mario cough), even though the latter have their own place as well. Books? Even after having read some really cool scifi stuff, I'm still not interested. So the ignorance angle doesn't necessarily work here...
  23. @drahkon Ah, ok. So your constant "wish she would just say no" -posts were nothing but you actually being happy! I get it now, you actually like the wait, you revel in it! Well congrats man, I think she might be the one! :heart:
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