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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. You: y halo thar Stranger: hi You: how goes this pointless conversation? Stranger: i dont no Stranger: choise a subject You: wittgenstein Your conversational partner has disconnected. You: hello there Stranger: hello You: is the world everything that is the case? Your conversational partner has disconnected. You: so, what of ludwig wittgenstein? Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  2. If it's any consolation, my last birthday was pretty awful too - I was up literally all night the day before writing essays, and then I fell asleep and missed the supervision on said essays. Although some friends did give me ginger cake, but others complained that I'd "kept it a secret." It could be that you're just not that much of a birthday person, in which case don't feel you have to celebrate or anything.
  3. My shower pump exploded while I was having a shower, and dripped through the ceiling all over our kitchen and living room, which was fun. And we've had to turn all the hot water off. Oh well, I won't be at home for the next few days anyway...
  4. Lol at this. My first thought: Hmm, must be some crazy joke by Odwin. My second: Wait, it's April 1st. Make that some crazy joke by anyone.
  5. Having seen season 1 (and I'll be seeing the following seasons as soon as possible), I recommend everyone watch this, for their own personal benefit. It's actually amazing. Sadly, I doubt I'll have the time in term to rewatch each episode on iplayer, and I don't have a TV so recording isn't really possible.
  6. If this thread is still around when I get back to my usual room in 2-3 weeks, I'll make a video of it, but as it is you'll have to deal with pictures (both posted in an earlier thread):
  7. Welcome to the NHK is, in my opinion, far better than Clannad, and most other things come to that. But Clannad is of course pretty awesome.
  8. Oh god, it's Thursday already. Giving me like, a week of productive holiday left, in which I have to write several essays, read several books, and ideally learn Python.
  9. Hmm, oddly enough I think I missed this because of the lack of funny title. Happy belated birthday, anyhoo.
  10. As far as I can tell, every news source that isn't specifically about science makes these kinds of errors. The vast majority of science reporting is basically rubbish.
  11. I don't read any papers (except for Varsity, but that's just for the amusement value) because they all annoy me. I get my news from multiple sources online instead.
  12. I don't trust the BBC an inch when it comes to science reporting, so I also read the original article in Nature which thankfully they gave a(n indirect) reference to. Firstly it's worth noting that while this is still very interesting, it isn't nearly as revolutionary as the BBC are implying - dinosaurs are as unquestionably ancestral to birds as fish are to humans, and it was already thought that feathers first evolved on dinosaurs, with various feather-like structures being previously found. What this discovery does suggest, however, is that such structures both emerged much earlier than previously thought, and are directly related to modern bird feathers, rather than simply carrying out the same function. This sheds some light on various subtle evolutionary relationships as well as on the development of feathers themselves. And of course it gives us more information about dinosaur lifestyle, but the quotation from the BBC article about possible warm-bloodedness sounds a bit absurd to me - anything else aside, it's not like birds are warm-blooded, yet they have feathers. It's quite possible the reporters just tried to squeeze an interesting quote out of the guy, whatever its validity. Edit: Lol, of course (most) birds are warm-blooded, God knows what I as on about. The rest stands.
  13. Zomg my house. (well, almost)
  14. Are you having general anaesthetic? That's always a bit scary, but it means that nothing whatsoever is required of you during the operation.
  15. Basically that girls separate guys they know into friends and people to date, whereas guys would happily date friends. It's only pseudoscience though, and doesn't really work most of the time. Edit: I win the first page 1000 post!
  16. Yay for agglutination! He's an old school Japanese linguist, who's written various books on Japanese linguistics for a lay audience, at least one of which (the Japanese Language) has been translated into English. Re: rules - kind of, but the world is never quite that perfect, which makes linguistics even more awesome. Things get really crazy when you start trying to identify the general principles underlying all languages. I disagree fairly fundamentally with ladder theory from an annecdotal perspective... it's not like it's been validated or discussed seriously, anyway. Either way, good luck with your ex, however things may turn out.
  17. Linguistics are win stuff, and I'm a big fan of Japanese linguistics. Kindaichi writes some stuff on it for a general audience, or if you want a general explanation of linguistics with a focus on Japanese you could try Tsujimura's Introduction to Japanese Linguistics.
  18. Jordan (and presumably Letty), that really sucks. I suppose you just have to try and look at the world positively, hard as that can sometimes be. I did very little today, apart from going to a lecture by Ben Goldacre. It's really boring here now everyone's gone home.
  19. Seriously, there's a massive difference between romance dorama (something like Densha Otoko), and bishoujo. The latter of these is basically rooted in eroges, with a male protagonist and a selection of females to act as "goals" - they're very much an otaku thing, and no socially normal Japanese girl would ever consider buying one. Dorama, on the other hand, is indeed mainly aimed at women, but also collects a fair few male fans. It just so happens that Clannad is one of the least ero eroges ever made, with no porn and very complex (for the genre) characters and story. This means it has some things in common with dorama, and slice of life and so on, but it's still ultimately a bishoujo game that's aimed squarely at male otakus. I mean, it's made by Key...
  20. But it's not a soap opera, it's adapted from a bishoujo game. Which are undeniably aimed at male audiences. Oddly enough, I find Tomoya by far the most interesting character in the show.
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