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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Generally "oh crap", and if my parents aren't around then "sh*t!".
  2. Your aim may be to sink the stone, but the stone itself has nothing to do with that. It just sinks as a result of the laws of physics. Similarly, animals adapt as a result of the laws of evolution.
  3. But evolution is so blind that attaching an aim to it is meaningless. It's like saying the aim of a stone is to sink in water.
  4. Ah, School Rumble is great. The manga is also identical to the anime.
  5. Even if I could win, the game doesn't let me... :wink:
  6. Haha, good point. Boy, my maths teacher would kill me if he knew I had said that was right.
  7. Shino is right. And you have to love double implication signs.
  8. But adaptation is merely one of the results of evolution, and nothing to do with the process itself. Humans may (a big may) be the most adaptable species, but that doesn't necessarily they have "evolved more", because so a concept makes no sense. In the same way, they aren't "better evolved", because evolution doesn't have an aim.
  9. Everyone is not selected. If someone, for some reason, cannot get a girlfriend, or has genes that cause them not to want children, then they are not selected.
  10. No. You are misinterpreting the aim of evolution in that you think it has one.
  11. Hmm... there is no sunshine here. I like sushine, provided I can sit in the shade and it isn't too hot.
  12. If there really was no selection anymore, then evolution would be impossible. However, there is still selection, it just takes a different form for humans today. Thus evolution is still taking place.
  13. That sounds like a coporal punishment version of sharia law... cut their tongue off if they talk to much, cut their hand off if they don't write any essays, cut their head off if they are stupid...
  14. Well, they don't think very much at all because they haven't evolved to do so... but you have the right idea.
  15. That reminds me of what my maths teacher said he did when he was at Cambridge- he worked through the night, went to his morning lectures and tutorials, then slept through the day. He says he liked the night because it was cool.
  16. It doesn't sound like his tongue was actually cut off, just cut. Like Letty says, you'd need some pretty hefty scissors to actually cut the tongue off. But still, this is a bit sick.
  17. Mai HiME was the first real anime I saw, but I also saw spirited away (or sen to chihiro no kamikakushi, love the Japanese name) and pokemon beforehand.
  18. Trying to drop an empty coke bottle in a bin and missing ten times in quick succession. In all fairness, there was a strong wind...
  19. Yes, I was being a little tongue in cheek.
  20. The general consensus at my school is that all the best people fail their test first time.
  21. Mm, OED says it's right, but like you say, it sounds wrong so it isn't advisable.
  22. You can, but it sounds a little bit odd. I think that last one is wrong: t = g - h/200 h/200 = g - t h = 200(g - t) The others look right though. Edit: Lol, "nasty equations"...
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