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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Hmm... I'm not really a casual gamer- I either play games thoroughly or not at all. I mostly play RPGs, where a balance between story and difficulty is required- I found Tales of Symphonia to have a good story, but it was a bit too easy, and Dragon Quest VIII was about the right difficulty level for me, but the story was crap. I think some games overdo the difficulty a bit, such as Breath of Fire II (that, however, has a fairly good story). In my opinion, Golden Sun and Skies of Arcadia have about the right balance.
  2. Congrats! I don't like Sakura, but I think Aoi is great, although hard for people to pronounce... Weren't you thinking of Akira at one time? It's a girl's name as well, before people try to correct me. Also, when you decide, tell us the kanji!
  3. May I point out that Higurashi is both overly violent and overly sweet at the same time? And overly awesome...
  4. Oh god people you're moaning all the time, it annoys me so much...[/moan] Seriously though, chemistry coursework = the devil.
  5. Meh, 'twas a guess. But thanks for translating for me... too much time on animesuki and the Japanese terms become second nature.
  6. It's a well known shounen series about a rounin during the Edo period.
  7. I've already explained how to solve quadratics enough times in this thread...
  8. Yep, DCK's done it right. By the way, if it ever says "hence", then you're supposed to use the previous answer.
  9. It's a basic form of differential equation, so if you're used to them then it makes it easier to remember the constant of integration.
  10. (1) dy/dx = 6(x^2) - 3x y = 2(x^3) - (3/2)(x^2) + c (by integrating) and where x = -1, y = 2 so: 2 = -2 - (3/2) + c c = 5.5 so the equation is: 2y = 4(x^3) + 3(x^2) + 11 (3) the expression is equivalent to: (x^(5/2))/(x^2) + 1/(x^2) which is equal to: x^(1/2) + x^(-2)
  11. I think "Be" can count as a sentence- it's imperative with an implicit subject. I suppose the same is true for "Go" though.
  12. Yes, they are three of its readings. The character itself means "child", but it can mean other things in componds, even when combined with iself.
  13. 子子の子子子子子子の子子子子 Pronounced: "Neko no ko koneko, shishi no ko koshishi" And means: The child of a cat is a kitten; the child of a lion is a cub.
  14. Plus you often end up recieving the game the day before it comes out. Once, I got mine on the Wednesday when the game came out on the Friday.
  15. Aah, I missed this yesterday... Happy belated birthday.
  16. Gameplay are as good as (if not better than) amazon in my opinion.
  17. Hmph. It's got curry, set as Tenma's rival. Who needs a cat when you've got that?
  18. You know, you'd find the visual novel Ever 17 really interesting. Personally, I don't think there's going to be a great amount of divergence. I think over time, we will become a different species as a whole, but it's hard to tell what characteristics that species will have.
  19. Yes, it's an example of allopatric speciation.
  20. Yeah, the others may be true, but where did you the little finger thing from?
  21. Don't you think it's a bit draconian to immediately lock a thread that strays a little off track, if it's still providing interesting discussion?
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