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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Wait, I've just thought of the perfect series for meaning, depth and social statements - Welcome to the NHK.
  2. Debates I want to go to: This House Believes that Iran poses a Serious Threat to the World This House Believes that Food is Better than Sex This House Believes that All the Computer Games in the World cannot beat a Page of a Really Good Book (this one has Peter Molyneux as one of the opposition, should be good)
  3. ...I'm afraid it's at home, you'll have to wait until December. It's not that big, only about a foot and a half high.
  4. Saw it last week, best animated film I've seen since Howl's Moving Castle. Because it's practically obligatory And I also bought lifetime membership to the Cambridge Union Society. So in summary, bye bye student loan. :wink:
  5. I do have a reasonably large blastoise back at home somewhere that I won once.
  6. This is true. Now question away! (constructively)
  7. I have two cuddly toys, and they are in my bed here at uni. The first is an owl I bought when I was 3 at an art and crafts fair. (quite possibly the first thing I ever bought) He has the apt name of Owl. The second is a penguin that I got much later on, around 11. :wink: He is called Pov, which is a romany word for "earth" that I found in a baby name book.
  8. No they haven't... Anyway, back on topic.
  9. I don't think any mods look upon normal members as below them... unless the normal members start acting so idiotically that anyone would look down on them. And you're both forgetting how to spell privilege.
  10. Like I just said, there were none. And please can everyone stop taking everything out on me and McPhee?
  11. They probably should have been warned. However, they definitely shouldn't have acted like cocks.
  12. They were on "the list" a day or so before they got banned. Things are being sorted out so that people won't get banned without warnings.
  13. Sorry, missed it amongst all the shit slinging. The long and short of it is that mods don't really have the authority to reveal what's going on behind the scenes.
  14. That's should only be done if someone wants to point something out that people should read, but doesn't want the thread open again. It should never be used so a staff member can have the last word in an argument.
  15. Look, "your" was in the plural. It's irrelevent that you in particular didn't want the MPT - the vast majority of members were for it and therefore bringing it back was using input of the members. If it were deleted, that would be a perfect example of ignoring the suggestions of the members.
  16. You were previously saying that you wanted the admins to use all your suggestions... that's a little like dictation, if you ask me. And of course the only dictation is from the top down, this forum (like all of them) is a dictatorship.
  17. What? You mean the fact that we took your input and used it is bad? Wow, way to stop anyone taking your suggestions seriously... Anyway, pretty much all the staff (myself included) wanted the MPT back.
  18. It was more that it was the last straw... also, it is pretty damn insulting. Anyway, as for input... it's not like everything said in this thread is ignored. However, it's more likely to be if you couple it with insults. And ultimately, it's the admins who decide whether or not to implement something new, and they don't need anoyone's permission. If the ideas work, then brilliant. If not, then we'll (as a forum) have to think up something else. But that doesn't mean you can dictate what the admins should do simply because you're members and the forum wouldn't exist without you... after all, everyone has a different opinion on most things.
  19. You should listen to McPhee. Although you may think a load of stuff has been deleted and nothing else is happening, we're actually discussing what to do with the forum, and there've been lots of good ideas. Give us a chance and let us sort things out so that they work efficiently. Despite what you all seem to think, the staff want to make the board something the members enjoy, so give them a chance to decide how to do this without jumping down their throats. And bear in mind that I'm as big a fan of the MPT as the majority of you.
  20. No, it's called the waste lands. (I'm serious) Edit: Dammit Moria stop beating me!
  21. It's in purgatory, so I think it still technically exists.
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