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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. ive never played Rayman games before maybe ill try it...
  2. seems like most woman are like that when it comes to spending money on stuff they prolly dont need. its sad really....
  3. funny pictures this reminds me of the xbox 360 release date where the boxes when for >$600 yah pretty sad but hilarious
  4. and how may we ask did you stumble upon this interesting pic?
  5. yah tales of symphonia was my favorite then again thats the only one i played...
  6. who can say no to big boobs? well unless she real ugly... or a real bitch... must be not to want a big tv!
  7. DAAAAAAAAAAAMN imma buy this crazy game! replace my boring alaska version...
  8. I've promised myself i would buy it before Midnight tonight... sorry bout the long wait i been kind of busy
  9. 5000 yen, thats a pretty good price:p for a buttom on the controller lol
  10. i didnt know we could get em signed... could you sign mine when i order it... i need to stop and actually do it! lol mine wont be hard to find its the one that when i order it is going Alaska, Unites States probably the only one going to Alaska... thanx
  11. NEs: some kirby game GB: Super Mario Land still havent beat yet...
  12. lol the first few posts were pretty crazy and confusing haha
  13. the only 2 reasons i need is the price, and not being able to share
  14. wow thats pretty cool, wish i could get something like that...
  15. its already getting warmer in Alaska... it usta be soo cold here and would snow lots, now its just little bit of snow, and lots of rain... and this summer we actually got a full week of sun doesnt happen often where i live... pobre pirates!
  16. Yah this is very random but as you may of noticed i been postin lots of pics in the meaningless post thread of food. so might as well make a thread out of it. So basically just post the last thing you ate or are gonna eat in the near future. i just ate some yummy King Crab! the best part is that it was free! that was so good!
  17. just bought Rockstar Table Tennis and Xbox 360 Wifi Adapter for $100 altogether pretty good deal very satisfied with myself cant wait till they come in now!
  18. wow that is amazing shame bout the grass though... we'll get there someday, i actually hadnt noticed the bad grass till somebody mentioned it, so fooled me:D
  19. alright ill probably order this movie tommorow via paypal!
  20. lol good find i didnt read all of it since it like goes on forever but just the first few are crazy funny!
  21. that would be pretty crazy if Wii had messenger service!
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