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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. Yes. Yeah it says in my router status which computers are connected currently. And when the iTunes libraries are detected (Its not all of the time) it doesn't show any unknown computers connected just mine. And I'm not sharing my library atm.
  2. There are those special people in the world. I mean how do you think -6 is lower than -8...
  3. Me sticking a guy's grav hammer while the bastard was trying to stick me.
  4. I have the Logitech Z-5450 speakers. They're wireless and sound great. How I have it set up is both the 360 and PS3 hooked up to the TV through HDMI (Regular audio cables would work too) and then have the TV output to the speakers via an Optical cable, so everything sounds awesome! Cost me around $400.
  5. Right... After escaping iTunes, I have found it is still better than WMP/Media Center. But getting to the point, lately I've been finding other people's shared iTunes libraries in my iTunes... When I go to check the status of my wireless router and see if anybody else is connected to it all it shows is my computers. So why can I see (and play) other people's libraries. (People I know that don't live even close to me...)
  6. Ai, after owning the PS3 for what 3 months I still have not purchased one game for it... I always choose the Xbox 360 version of the game for the achievements. Maybe I should sell mine as well, and pick up one later when White Knight or MGS4 comes out... If I sold it here in town I would probably make a profit.
  7. 28 Weeks Later I usually don't watch 'scary' movies but a friend said it was real good so I rented it. And it actually wasn't half bad. Just a bit confusing. The only thing I can complain about is:
  8. I passed my driving test yesterday. Just forgot to mention it to you guys. So I had a good day yesterday, today should be alright as well.
  9. This is an awesome idea! I've now donated around 2500.
  10. Man that would be nice if it supported XviD. Just got back from a 12 hour Halo 3 party. Halo 3 is easily 10x more fun with 16 people playing. Especially infection and mosh pit. And now I have a huge headache from it...
  11. Welcome back Fierce, hope you stick around. The forums are just not the same without ya.
  12. Wii in 480p on my 1080p TV looks quite awful. But I haven't adjusted any display settings really so you could probably make it look better. And if you stand back a ways it looks better as well. The Xbox 360 over HDMI in 1080p is the most beautiful thing I have seen. (In terms of video.)
  13. Finally got 1000/1000 on CSI. That is one of the worst games ever. So glad I only rented it.
  14. Got two T-Shirts, Blood Diamond on Blu-Ray, 4 boxes of my favorite cereal, $300, and a pre-ordered Rock Band for my birthday. It's a good day.
  15. I spose I could expect comments like those... We could all forget about it and be happy. But I feel lots better now that I've told you guys. Witch Hunt?
  16. Thanks Guys! I have something to confess however. When I first joined C-E I was 13, and I thought well I'm a n00b and really young so I made my age say 17. Then when R-E came around my age still said 17 and then I had my "18th birthday". But it was really my 14th birthday. So then I put my age as 0. Today I am really 16 years old, and I'm sorry I lied, but you know when your 13 all you want to be is cool and blend in. So from now on I will have my honest age in my profile. And thanks again for the birthday thread!
  17. I have about 15 left. I can't believe how many games you guys have. Back in the cube's prime (if it had one) I may of had 20? 25?
  18. PSWii60 not my site but I help out a little here and there. Join the forums... They're dead.
  19. I didn't buy this, but I just recieved it as a gift... Giving my Collecters Edition to my dad.
  20. Rock Band all of a sudden became very tempting to get. But $170... Still thinking about it.
  21. Just watched Transformers in SD, and I cannot wait to get it on HD DVD! Great movie btw.
  22. Its colorful, but lacking a border. But it does stick out. 7/10
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