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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Let's hope so! As long as VI and IX are actually released in Europe, of course.
  2. Nice one. The odd thing is, the game shops in my town don't seem to have restocked since Christmas.
  3. This is the said thing, I'm not sure I even want a Zelda game on the Wii anymore. It just feels ancient to play on.
  4. Ah, good for Apple, I say. It may not be a brilliant product, but it's the start of something. What I'm most excited about at the moment is eReaders. Now, what I really want is an A4 device (British magazines are A4 or slightly bigger), something like 1920x1080 with e-ink. This is not that product (I'm looking forward to CES 2011), however, at least Apple are furthering the cause of eBooks by getting lots of big publishers involved with iBooks and iBookstore. Think about iTunes. Only now, this year, are companies setting up proper online shops to buy MP3s from. There was a song I wanted a while ago and the only place I could get it was iTunes. I'd rather have bought the MP3, but that was the only place. The screen on the iPad is a decent size (9.7") and hi-res (1024x768) - it doesn't match a good laptop, but it's about what you can get on a good netbook. Also, from what I've seen of LED-backlit screens, they're amazing. A lot of people are saying there's not enough room for tablet PCs and netbooks, which may be right, but I think touchscreen tablets are too natural and appealing to fail. Personally, the bigger screen instantly makes it much more appealing than a mobile phone and if I was an author, I'd want a proper laptop. Therefore, it seems to me the only two devices competing are the netbook and tablet, and once prices have fallen on the latter, I think it may actually be the netbooks that disappear. As I say, laptops for "work", but the tablet suits the "fun" better. Basically, a nice device. Not everything I wanted, but everything I expected.
  5. Good points, but it really depends on what the functionality actually is. If it's just a tablet PC, I agree with you. However, if it's an eReader that really looks like ink and paper, that's a big advantage. Same goes for if there's an iTunes style shop for magazines and such. Maybe I'm expecting too much? At the very least, a big touchscreen is appealing (being able to draw on it directly would be good for artwork, for example), although if that's all it is, I agree with you it's no more appealing than a non-Apple tablet PC.
  6. And there was quite a lot about it in today's Sunday Times. I suppose there was in all the broadsheets, but still...
  7. I'm really looking forward to this. What I'm most excited about at the moment is eReaders/eBooks, so I hope it includes that functionality. Also, of course I'd be interested if it was a gaming platform. Apple are great at kickstarting new technologies, both in terms of getting the public interested and inspiring rivals to offer similar products.
  8. Might as well chip in here!: Metroid - So hard/unappealing I haven't played it properly. Super Metroid - Some of the exploration was confusing, but the bosses were incredibly easy - the easiest of the series. Zero Mission - Some of the bosses were challenging. Generally much more difficult than Super Metroid. Metroid Fusion - Some of the bosses were very challenging at first. Metroid Prime - Took me years to improve enough to complete it. Metroid Prime 2 - Even with my "skills" from Prime, the Spider Guardian was insanely difficult (on the GameCube). However, I found the final bosses easier (than Prime). Metroid Prime 3 - Learning the Wii controls (especially pointing) felt like learning how to play Metroid Prime again, but generally the difficulty was "medium". Those are the ones I've completed (apart from the NES Metroid), and Super Metroid was the only one I found easy. Actually, I was very surprised at how easy it was.
  9. Ever since I played Dragon Quest V, this has been my favourite tune. I find it beautiful:
  10. LOL, yeah, it was either Zack & Wiki or the Boobs thread.
  11. Thanks for the help about Zack & Wiki - I've completed it now. Great graphics and puzzles, but it's sent my motion control swingometer firmly back to "Sceptical". I've got a forearm like Popeye after that final boss fight!
  12. Yeah, good point. We'll also see how many people were watching it just for David Tennant (I can imagine that was quite a few, as he was so incredibly popular). Personally, my favourite episodes span both the Eccleston and Tennant eras, but I know people who think all of Tennant's are better just because he's in them. Although I think the Daleks were overused (didn't think they were needed in Season 3 or 4), it's always fun when a new Doctor meets them, as they don't recognise him. I really like that. I've got quite a good vibe about the new series. It must be so hard to step into the role of the Doctor, and I think Matt Smith seems much better in the preview. I thought they made him too over-the-top when he'd just regenerated, when you consider David Tennant (who was a very eccentric Doctor, especially early on) only had an understated line about "new teeth". Looking forward to it.
  13. Great show tonight, much better than last week's (they had an extra week's practice, to be fair). Bobby Davro made me laugh and I really liked the boy from Hollyoaks.
  14. I've just remembered the main thing that makes you relaxed - fitness. Exercise is great for relieving anxiety.
  15. Metal Slash is a good skill, but I'm trying to help Patch defeat the Metal King Slimes in the post-game. A Metal King Slime has a minimum 16 HP, and the most Metal Slash can do is 2 damage, therefore you'd need it to stick around for 8 turns (4 if both Hero and Angelo use it) without it fleeing, which is a lot to ask for an MKS. All this talk has made me realise how addicted I am to this game. I want to play it a 3rd time! There's just something about it that does it for me that other RPGs don't. If Level 5 did a Dragon Quest MMO on the HD consoles, I'd be very tempted to join in...
  16. I've looked at the forum rules and we're not meant to bump old threads, so has anyone please got any tips for the swordfighting in Zack & Wiki? I was enjoying the game up until now, but it's driving me crackers. I understand the whole "block a vertical slash with a horizontal motion" thing, but the remote just doesn't do what I want it to do.
  17. Well, I've just bought it because of the word of mouth (been too busy beforehand), so hope that helps him!
  18. LOL! I agree about under boob, but I'd never thought about the other parts. Inner boob? Visually, yes, but it's an erogenous zone! It's true though, I've never understood why nipples are considered the "rude" bits when men have them too! Brilliant! Seriously though, I don't think breasts can be too big unless someone is overweight or has implants, can they?
  19. No, because it only does 1 or 2 damage, and there's no way a Metal King Slime will hang around that long (their HP is something like 18, if I recall correctly). It's a critical hit or nothing, and Angelo's only chance of that is "Attack" (Jessica and Angelo's OHKO moves are magic-based, so don't work on Metal King Slimes). Metal Slash is OK for normal Metal Slimes, but probably not Liquid Metal Slimes and definitely not Metal King Slimes. As far as I'm aware, it never criticals (same goes for Flame Slash, Falcon Slash etc).
  20. Whoa, that looks pretty awesome actually!
  21. That's probably because laughter makes you relaxed. I wish I could suggest something practical, but the key to interviews is just being relaxed and enthusiastic. Don't worry about any qualifications or experience you may or may not have. If someone asks you to an interview, they must have seen your CV, and it must be good enough. What they want to see is someone who is open to anything. Don't say "I wouldn't like to be in this department" or "I don't want to do that". They want someone serious (about the job - doesn't mean you can't smile or anything) and relaxed, but with enthusiasm.
  22. * An HDTV (maybe a 3DTV or internet TV) * PS3 and Xbox 360 * An A3 scanner * A tablet PC to colour my drawings * Raining again's health back Not yet available: * Digital wallpaper for a nice beach scene on my wall * A hi-res, colour eReader so I can sit in bed reading any book or magazine
  23. Good format, Emasher. It's a shame I forgot Metroid: Zero Mission.
  24. Some of the enemies in the post-game area drop seeds of skill, so you might be able to do it. You only need: Spears - 59 (ideally 77) Axes - 66 (ideally 82) Just having those two will help you defeat Metal King Slimes. I would max out Jessica's Staff too if you can, plus a certain amount in Fisticuffs can help Jessica and Angelo's Agility and Evasion (if they're not carrying a weapon). Angelo's Staff skills can be useful, and 90 in Hero's Courage can help with MP consumption. By the way, when you meet a Metal King Slime, I would have Hero do Lightning Thrust, Yangus do Executioner, Angelo just a normal "Attack" (ideally with a Falcon Blade), and as for Jessica, I actually prefer to have her cast Accelerate (to give you a chance next round before the Metal King Slime runs off).
  25. Thanks Retro! This is my fave of yours: You got an amazing, crisp contrast. The dark spots are very dark, yet the light bits are very white.
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