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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Good stuff, good stuff! I hope I didn't spoil it for you talking about the outfits etc. Glad to know you're still enjoying it.
  2. Grazza


    I would do cardio-vascular first (cycling and running), to warm up, although I did do the Stairmaster at the end of my session if I had spare time. Just generally so you don't have to let your food go down - I had (and still have) orange juice before my workout, then my breakfast when I got home. Obviously it's much harder if you're at university, and if you're still motivated at the end of the day, great. I preferred to do the same workout three times a week. I mean, 60-80 minutes in the gym is enough to do a few exercises on each body part. My muscles were as big as I wanted and they always recovered, so I had no problem with that. Friday was a bit weak, but I think that's inevitable.
  3. Grazza


    This is very true. Bulk is a bit silly, and not even greatly related to strength. I was very strong, and have never really been able to keep any bulk on.
  4. Grazza


    Gyms are great. Giving up two years ago was one of the stupiest things I've done, as I used to attend like clockwork and was only trying to save money/see if I could get the same results at home. I couldn't. Yes, I've got dumbells and my bicep/tricep strength is still approximately as good, but you just can't exercise your back muscles as well at home. I go hill running, but I don't like it, and actually found it far more effective to set the running machine to "Fat Burner". Back then, I actually had a four-pack. My advice is this: 1) Go on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 2) Go as soon as you get up. 3) Start your workout by using a few different cardio-vascular machines first (eg. 10 minutes cycling, 10 minutes running, then maybe rowing or "Stairmaster"). Obviously your instructor will advise you in more detail, but I feel short bursts of variety and intensity burn fat very effectively. Not meaning to be rude, but don't think about watching films. Embrace the daytime to get something good done. There's nothing better you could be doing at that moment. In all honesty, it's very easy to stay trim and muscular, it's just changing your mindset. I must join again soon!
  5. Hmm, it's "Zee-bees" for me!
  6. The "Super Guide" sounds very advanced and sophisticated - a truly enormous innovation in software! (Sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not.)
  7. It's nice to feel wanted! Seriously though, even if it was F-Zero, I couldn't join you guys online, what with my internet set-up. I had a quick go with Wii Sports Resort, and MotionPlus is fantastic! Skydiving, it did exactly what my wrist was doing. Swordfighting works like a dream too. It just feels right. Definitely, definitely needed in the next Zelda if it uses motion control at all.
  8. I got mine from GAME for £180, and I'm pleased with that as (taking into account the bundled games) I estimate the cost of the actual console with Wii Sports as £110. However, the GameStation deals seem a bit better.
  9. I've not played the Trilogy, but my cannon does get stuck quite often in Prime 3. I know my set-up's good too, as it's accurate the vast majority of the time. I thought I was imagining it.
  10. To be fair to the fast people, I'm sure they savour it first time round, but it's fun to do speed runs afterwards. I started playing the 3rd one properly last night and I'm enjoying it. Not to be rude, but it does feel a bit like "Barbie in Space" - Barbarella, perhaps! I'm very impressed with the storytelling - the way you can see the story unfold behind windows, even when you're in a Morph Ball tunnel. It does actually feel next gen. As for the graphics, for some reason they don't look as good as the GameCube games. Is this just because I have my Wii set to widescreen? It's probably on 50hz too. I only just finished Metroid Prime 2 (on GC), so I'm not being nostalgic - the graphics actually look worse, not just worse for their time. The controls feel better than when I tested it before, although I still can't land a Charged Shot. It feels more sensible to just tap the button. The thing with the GameCube games was that, yes, they were difficult, but the controls were 100% precise, so it really was the player's fault if they couldn't do it. This just feels a lot more fiddly to me. Still, it's a new Metroid Prime game, so I can't complain!
  11. I use a weird technique, which is looking at professional work, then memorising why it's better than mine. Then, when I next draw, I try to remember the techniques I saw in the professional art, and apply that to mine. Don't know if that's a good technique or not, but I enjoy it and find it easier than direct observation.
  12. Thanks dude. I looked at yours and Eenuh's pages. Yours are more detailed than I'd ever attempt. It looks like you've drawn from observation. Do you like the work of Alex Ross? Eenuh - very original indeed! Are you a professional illustrator for children's books, because it looks that high standard to me?
  13. Thank you. I normally just use pencil, but I inked some as a sort of test. Actually, you've made me think about how to use greyer shading when using ink. Might try that. I love using pencils and always ruin my drawings somewhat when I ink them, but I do like the contrast it provides. But yes, that was me. I was trying to do a friend request, so I hope that was it. Love the colour in your photography. I don't know that much about cameras, but I take it you use a polarising filter of some kind? To the people who feel they're not getting many views, I say this: chin up! We can have an N-Europe community! At least on that site you will be with like-minded people. I've had my drawings on Facebook for ages, but Goafer's comment just now is actually the most constructive I've ever had!
  14. Superb performance there. It took me about 26 hours! Yes, that's true actually, especially the third area, which was too techno for me, but definitely alien. Hmm, I might buy the Trilogy then if I like Prime 3 (which I've tested round my friend's, but hope to start properly tonight).
  15. OK, thanks! I was pretty happy with the Megadrive port (of the original game) that eventually came along, and I really should have got the GBA one too, as that looked very cool. LOL! There's something very funny about the way you said that! I agree (although I wasn't disappointed with it). Pikmin 2 was good. Too right. Again, I wasn't disappointed with this one, as I somehow had a feeling about what it'd be like, but I do agree.
  16. I'd be very tempted to open Mario Kart if it didn't have the weapons. Hmm... There's no rush, as I've got Metroid Prime 3 and that's what I'm going to play first! Wheehee!
  17. Well, I bought one! £179.99 in GAME with Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort and MotionPlus (all included in the actual box - it's a nice, official new bundle) + Super Mario Strikers and Super Mario Kart. I don't want the last two, but I was chuffed with that deal.
  18. Well, your photography is genuinely excellent, and I'm not just saying that. I'll be completely honest, I signed up earlier and feel a bit stupid for putting in my real name (not my username) and am wondering whether to delete that account before I put any drawings on. I thought there'd be the option not to display it, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  19. I know there are some budding artists on here, and I was wondering if any of you are on DeviantArt, and if so, what are your thoughts on the site? I'd like to create a gallery of my drawings, and I've read the T&Cs but would still like some advice. For example, is it better not to use your real name, and are there any hidden drawbacks to putting your drawings on there? Any help much appreciated.
  20. Dark Savior - I loved Landstalker and hoped this would be similar. It wasn't! Zelda: Twilight Princess - Don't get me wrong, it's very good, but I expected it to be excellent. It had a good atmosphere, but not really the "Zelda magic", and I was also disappointed that the game had become something completely different to what was originally intended. Home Versions of Double Dragon - Not sure if this really counts, but when I was young I was obsessed with Double Dragon. At that age, I didn't really understand why home computers couldn't run the direct code from the coin-op, so imagine my excitement when my friend revealed he had it (for the Spectrum, I think). Needless to say, I was very disappointed at how different it was (and versions for the Amstrad, NES etc), and this can be applied to coin-op conversions in general in the old days. It was just something I had to get used to. I don't really get disappointed anymore, as I'm too cynical!
  21. Yep, GameCube version. The key hunt was hard because the clues to the names of the rooms was actually in "Keyholder Lore" rather than the Luminoth's "Clue's" (I forget his name).
  22. I'm incredibly English, even though I see the faults with this country when they present themselves. The only English-speaking country I'd move to would be New Zealand, but if I was prepared to learn the language properly I could see myself moving to France or Germany.
  23. Hooray, I completed it last night! I was a bit cheeky and regenerated my entire health during the 2nd phase of the penultimate boss. Thankfully, I had no problems. It was easier than I expected, but I'm not complaining.
  24. I sure hope so, because I'm six years older than you!
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