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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Well done, Hero of Time. This might sound odd, but who is Adam? I don't remember him at all! I know what you mean about the Shimmering Dress reflecting healing spells. It's funny how you get to "learn" Dragon Quest, isn't it? After completing IV, V and VIII, I've taken to prioritising armour that lessens magical or elemental damage, particularly the latter, as enemy fire/ice attacks take loads of HP off everyone.
  2. Here's my attempt. I tried to email it to you, King V, but it bounced back. Also, I did it before I read the new criteria.
  3. If I recall correctly, it's something like 35-40. Personally. I'd just make sure I had a high enough level to get through the final dungeon easily (ie. not using too much MP).
  4. I love the cheek of Dragon Quest. The humour can be bawdy and sexual, but never offensive. Obviously this is only appropriate with adult characters though, so I'm quite disappointed Dragon Quest IX seems to feature younger protagonists. In my opinion, the series is best when aimed at 12+, not kids. Yes, VIII is slow and you do need to grind. It's still my favourite RPG though. I found I didn't need to grind at all in IV and V (apart from the post-game content).
  5. OK, cool. I can imagine there are a load of rubbish "porno" apps on there, which would be completely understandable if Apple took them down. I am not angry with Apple, it's just that I found the article surprising and thought it may be of interest. When someone wants to depict skimpy clothing or even nudity, it is not always for sexual gratification, but sometimes to achieve a certain look or appreciate the human body. To me, as long as it's not vulgar or pornographic, it's not offensive. : peace:
  6. You're the one obsessed with topless pictures. Have you read the article I linked, because it's not about that at all?
  7. Eenuh, you're so awesome, you honestly make me jealous. I can't imagine how big your intellect is that you can a) draw a perfect lion almost instantly and b) just pick up a new style like that! Anyway, enough of the sucking-up! King V, can you give me a week or two, please, as I need some time to study lions? I've done some sketches, but need to do a lot more.
  8. Amazing. How did you do it on the computer? With a trackpad? I can't do anything as good as that, King V. I was going to do a tribal one. But, I think I know your character quite well, so I still feel like giving it a go just for fun.
  9. The new logo has much better contrast on the lettering, I like it. Very pleased that this is on its way.
  10. It was (re-)designed not to need camera control, hence the overhead view in Castle Town etc.
  11. Eenuh's will be better than mine, BUT, I am interested and I am serious. I'm actually designing a tribal dragon for a friend at the moment in exactly the style you want. I think I could do these lions.
  12. Because, like I say, it's consumer interest. There's no way I'd buy an Apple product if they think a bikini is obscene. It's not about wanting porn. Creative people should be able to use whatever outfits they like in their Apps/games without someone deleting it. What an insult (if true)! The effect may be that Android or Windows gets all the best Apps in the future. Therefore, they would be much better phones to own.
  13. I know this is childish, but those are lovely boobs.
  14. The Wii couldn't run Wind Waker unless it used the Classic Controller (or GameCube pad). An R-trigger is needed for the shield and a C-stick is needed for the camera and shield control. Incidentally, this is why the GameCube version of Twilight Princess is not as good as it could have been.
  15. I agree. That's one of my favourite things in games, when characters you remember pop up, such as Octoroks in the original Mario Galaxy. Makes the Nintendo universe seem more believable. Plus, EAD Tokyo arguably has Nintendo's best artists, as they always make the characters look like they're meant to, whether that's from Mario, Donkey Kong or Zelda.
  16. I'm a bit sceptical about the controls and gameplay, as I'd rather have a pure 2D game (on handhelds, say) or a pure 3D game where you can switch between 1st- and 3rd-person, but not 2D and 3D. And yes, 3D games need the nunchuck, whereas 2D games need the missile and diagonal buttons. I'm looking forward to this, but it seems more like a curiosity rather than the next step in Metroid.
  17. Yeah, exactly. When Nintendo "knocks one out of the park", it makes sense to do a same-engine sequel. They did this with Ocarina of Time and Metroid Prime and now this. If there's one other game I'd have liked them to do a direct sequel to on the same console, it would have been Wind Waker, but that's hindsight! As for Galaxy 2, the images are stunning, including the potential cover art. Absolutely spectacular!
  18. Yeah, Pikmin is the one Nintendo game that could really benefit specifically from an HD display. In the GameCube games it was hard to get a satisfying view - the closest one was good, but didn't show enough of the environment and the others didn't show the Pikmin in much detail. I still liked Pikmin 2, but HD would be a big benefit. And oh yes, good news about Zelda probably being this year.
  19. Take your pick. I didn't think the Wii was worth buying for £180 with Wii Sports (and I still don't), so it's really only taken me a few months to get round to Galaxy.
  20. I wasn't worried about it from a human rights perspective, I just thought it was of interest from a consumer point of view if Apple are getting silly about Apps these days.
  21. I was reading TechRadar when I saw this article. Well, I couldn't believe my eyes. Apparently, Apple has pulled apps with overtly sexual content, even a swimwear retailer called Simply Beach! http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/apple-s-stance-on-adult-apps-is-indefensible-672642 When did a woman in a bikini become offensive? Come to think of it, when did a naked woman become offensive? I presume iPhones can access pornography on the web, so this just seems crazy if it's true?
  22. I'm afraid to say I swore a few times getting the purple coins last night! On both the Freezy Land and the Desert, I kept getting 99 or even 100 and then fell off the cliff/into the sand! I'd rate those two as the most difficult bits so far. When I saw the purple coin challenges for Gusty Garden and the Boneyard I thought "Impossible", but then I remembered I'd read on here that there are more than 100 - you don't need to collect them all. I've completed the first four observatories 100% and have just fought Bonefin. Scary, but I smashed him first go! If there's a 1-hit version of that, I can see it being a challenge. This game is amazing - Nintendo are still the absolute masters of game design. I've never played anything so intense or exciting. Maybe nothing is taking me quite as many attempts as the challenges in Sunshine, but overall I'd say it's just as challenging. I love how the gameplay has been tweaked subtly to make the challenges less frustrating to attempt, such as checkpoints and taking you straight to the relevant area.
  23. What interests me about this statement is that they say this event (not even GDC) will be better than E3 2008 + E3 2009 put together. I could understand if they'd said 2007 + 2008, but 2009 gave us New Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M and a picture of Zelda! Can this really be better than that? For me, to achieve that it'd have to be Zelda, Wii 2 or DS 2.
  24. I haven't noticed Mini Eggs yet, but Mars Bars are without a doubt not as nice as they were in the '80s. It's a good point about boasting about calories (who even reads that stuff?), but I also think a lot of it is making the chocolate totally suitable for vegetarians.
  25. Well, I "finished" it last night and bashed Bowser! The funny thing is, I haven't even been in the 5th Observatory yet. Here we go...!
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