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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Well done for that. The Wight Knight forced me to make a party. The Minstrel is a brilliant all-rounder, and a good choice to stick with for the main game. Importantly, he can equip most clothes so, for example, he can have the armour that warriors can wear, but also the gloves and sandals of magic users. Be aware that Seeds (of Strength, etc) don't carry over into different classes. I regretted giving my Minstrel some, as his Coup de Grace isn't really good enough to use him against Legacy Bosses. That's my sort of team as well. I like the leader to be a sort of paladin - that is to say, tough, but doesn't have the very highest attack. This character is defensive and can protect/heal somewhat. No.2 is an all-out attacker. Mine (Dave) started out as a Warrior, then upgraded to the most appropriate vocation (not sure if you want to know the other classes), and has only been the other classes for levelling-up/stealing purposes. No.3 is a Mage, which is fun for the main game. No.4 is a healer. I started Nigel off as a Priest, made him (another class) for general play, but put him back as a Priest for the toughest post-game challenges. I do believe the "better" classes you can unlock are actually blends, rather than undisputed upgrades. Some of the armour sets are better than others. I recommend the ones with good elemental defence, such as Silver (upgrade to Gold and Platinum) and Magic (upgrade to Enchanted and Ethereal - that one's awesome). Your posts always make my day. (Prepares to fight the other Legacy Bosses...)
  2. I fought him again just for you: So, that's 39,508 each, which I assume is 158,032 overall. Trust me, it wouldn't be a good strategy for grinding, as you really all need to be level 99 to fight him at that level! Stick to MKS and PKJ.
  3. Personally, I seek out forums because of the subject matter, and General/Off-Topic boards are just a bonus. So, for example, this generation I'm playing the Wii and DS, so want to discuss what I'm playing with other people who are playing them.
  4. Thanks very much. Yeah, the upgrades come thick and fast after a certain point. The more powerful beams, in particular, make earlier enemies much easier, so it's much more fun to run round and explore. I assume I'm near the end as... [spoiler=]...I've got the Gravity Suit. The story leads you to think you only have to fight Ridley again, but personally, I'm finding it hard to believe I won't fight "MB" or any Metroids... Also, the boss in Sector Zero was like a prototype of Fusion's "Nightmare", so that was a nice touch.
  5. OK, I take back the above rant. Last night was a real turning point. I suddenly became used to the gameplay, the story became gripping and I'm now totally hooked! It was this general section: [spoiler=]Got the Speed Boost, fought the traitor in the giant "fork lift" and got the Wave Beam. It just suddenly became a lot more fun for me. The 3rd-person aspect and the beam stacking are very welcome. Think I needed to get some of those things off my chest before I could enjoy it properly!
  6. I'm trying to enjoy this game, but finding it very clumsy. One moment you're running round in 3rd-person perspective, the next you're forced to traverse a section in over-the-shoulder, where all you can do is walk very slowly. Then you're forced into 1st-person perspective and, without explanation, have to locate a tiny detail in the screen, unable to move until you've done so. Then you might have a Dragon's Lair (or Space Ace, rather...) moment where you have to do exactly the right thing or you totally fail. I fought the boss shortly after getting the Varia Suit, which was less about utilising the skills you'd learnt so far and more about activating a semi-interactive sequence. It seemed designed to be "flashy" more than anything else. Previous Metroid games (2D or 3D), like all the best games, were about consistent gameplay and controls - whether you were exploring, fighting normal enemies or fighting a boss, you could use the same skills. Metroid: Other M, on the other hand, seems to be about lining scenes up for you (fixed camera angles and all), rather than really letting you play and explore on your own. This game has some redeeming features, but I'm afraid I'm finding it a chore at the moment.
  7. I think it'd be in Nintendo's interests to have this as a launch title (I've not played a game in this series before). I would buy it at launch, so I've got something to play, but I'm not sure I'd buy it once Zelda and Star Fox are available.
  8. For what it's worth, I only have positive feelings about this game. I don't think anything's so special that a remake should not be attempted. Maybe it'll be better than the original, maybe it'll be worse, but we can still play the N64 one and, what's more, there's still room for a really special remake on, say, an HD machine that can produce wildy better graphics. To me, N64 remakes are a very good idea for the launch window. People may not have particularly high opinions of Super Mario 64 DS, but that machine couldn't replicate the N64 in either graphics or controls. The 3DS, however, can really do them justice. I can't wait!
  9. The battery life doesn't bother me if it can be played whilst charging, but the launch line-up looks very poor. I was keen to pre-order a 3DS, but I don't think I will if there's nothing I want to play on it at launch. Hopefully Zelda will be available. If not that, then Star Fox, Pilotwings or Paper Mario, but the only 3rd-party game I want is Tales of the Abyss.
  10. Over the last week or so, I've made the "3 Orb" Toga (the Alchemiracle failed, as it only gave me a 10% chance). However, I did achieve the Alchemiracle for the Sandals (50% chance) and the awesome Hypernova Sword (20% chance). I also beat Baramos at level 99. This is what you get:
  11. The standard controller for Nintendo's next console should be based on the GameCube's - wired (optional), L + R, four face buttons (A, B, X + Y) and two analogue sticks. Any motion control should be limited to an internal gyroscope or two. When playing games on the Wii I've often thought "This would be so much better with the GameCube controller".
  12. Yeah, it's a shame when a channel that you like disappears. I was fond of Sky Travel, FTN and The Hits on Freeview - basically the early days of the service. Oh well, BBC4 and News 24 are good, and More4 is not bad.
  13. Oh, that's a shame. I've probably asked before, but can you not get the DLC Quests? Alright, fair enough! Here's a run-down of what I think of the 2% drops: Vesta Gauntlets With no Deftness or magical/elemental defence, these are the worst items. There are no circumstances in which I'd wear them, apart from to complete the "outfit". Invincible Trousers Superb anti-status trousers. My three males are kitted out in them. They are not useful against elements, but you'd cast Insulate or a "Fource" skill to counter that. Apprentice's Gloves As the most "Deft" gloves in the game, these are great for stealing missions. One drawback is that not many classes can wear them, and the Ethereal Gauntlets are preferable against spells. Hero's Boots Great for Grottoes as they replenish HP but, with no evasion at all, I wouldn't use them against Legacy Bosses. Sensible Sandals Not many classes can wear them but, fully upgraded, these are the most evasive shoes in the game. Brain Drainer Fully upgraded, this is the shield with the best block chance (important), but Erdrick's and Metal King certainly give it a run for its money. Two of these might be nice, but I'll keep my Hero with Erdrick's and my No.2 with Metal King. Tropotoga Very good way to protect a caster from elements, but the Robe generally edges it unless you are particularly trying to protect against Paralysis. Hallowed Helm Generally not as good as Erdrick's, unless you get the Alchemiracle version or are particularly trying to defend against Fuddle. Metal King gives it a run for its money. Spring Breeze Hat Takes one Agate to change "season". Good protection against one specific status effect each, but generally not worth using. Victorious Armour Good for Grottoes, as it replenishes HP and MP. However, the Metal King Armour protects against more types of element, so the upgraded version of this is only better against fire and ice. Angel's Robe Superb. The best multi-purpose torso-wear for a caster. My general findings were that, whilst I once thought I'd want four of each, I'm now happy to keep my Hero in "Erdrick's" and my No.2 in Metal King. In fact, none of the "armour" is essential at all. My picks are the Apprentice's Gloves, Sensible Sandals, Invincible Trousers, Brain Drainer, Tropotoga and Angel's Robe, ie. the Grotto Boss drops are better for the magic users rather than the more traditional fighters.
  14. Dragon Quest IX has redefined my idea of how much time I'd spend on a Dragon Quest. If Dragon Quest X is on the Wii, I wouldn't want it to be as long as IX (post-game, that is - the main game was not a problem). The best thing would be if there was a console series and a handheld series (like Zelda). The console games would be like VIII, and the handheld games would be these long, connected experiences like IX.
  15. Thanks for reminding me. I can't actually find Psaro (looks at GameFAQs... done!), so I haven't fought him yet, but I'm looking forward to the map he drops, because unless I've got it wrong, that will be our first chance to get Blue Orbs. I'm keen to update my Sandals and Toga. Personally, I've been trying to upgrade all my Legacy Boss drops into (hopefully) the Alchemiracle version. I had another Alchefailure today though, with the Shield. Despite being a level 99 Warrior, I still only had a 20% chance of getting the Alchemiracle. Any ideas on how to boost my Strength and Resilience without using Seeds? I don't want to get obsessive about it, because there are only small differences between the Alchemiracle version of something and the "booby prize". Still... Other than that, I only need three more of the 1% weapons, and would like another Stardust Sword. I've got a Grotto with five Rank 10 chests, so that's cool. I also need the very top tier Grottoes (above "World"), especially the Fire and Ice ones, to complete my Monster List. By the way, we ought to have a proper discussion sometime about how good the Grotto Boss drops actually are! I'm glad I've got all of them, but some of them, like the Gauntlets and Boots, I'd never use in a Legacy Boss fight. If I got an all-MKS floor, I'd be tempted to Revocate 10 times in everything!
  16. How are you feeling now? I've almost got rid of my cough, so am going into work tonight (which feels strange, as I had 11 days off and missed the Christmas period!) Not sure how I'm going to cope, to be honest. I just normally don't get ill like that.
  17. My thoughts exactly. I just do not understand Doctor Who any more. I'm not even going to nitpick, because I simply didn't care enough about the episode to do that. Steven Moffat's sense of storytelling is non-existent. Other programmes like Merlin and Primeval absolutely wipe the floor with it, but Doctor Who still has the "name".
  18. I've been ill with very agressive Flu (Swine Flu, I'd guess) since last Saturday and it's the worst I've ever been in my life. The worst days were Monday and Tuesday, when I had uncontrollable shaking and the almost total inability to breathe. Those nights were the worst of my life. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm massively better now (couldn't even sit upright at its worst), but I've still got a monstrous cough and have to keep my chest warm.
  19. How did I know you'd go crazy for that stuff...? Very funny the names you gave them. Personally, I've been too ill to play the game recently, but before that I was making as many Agates as possible, and I've now got all the Grotto Boss Drops (didn't realise that Dragonlord's map was a 5% drop rather than 2%). I've also had two "Alchefailures" (the Aeon's Robe and Eternity Trousers), but also had another Alchemiracle (another pair of Infinity Trousers). The ones guided by "base" stats like Resilience are going to be hard to get the Alchemiracles to do, as they can't be boosted by items (which Defence can). Happy Christmas, chaps! To your health and your loved ones!
  20. 1. Salma Hayek's dance in From Dusk Til Dawn 2. Angelina Jolie coming out of the water in Beowulf 3. The "Call On Me" video
  21. The easy way around that is for parents to say that department store Santas (and such) are fake. I certainly always knew they weren't the "real" one. You do raise some good points to be honest. It's a pretty silly idea to pretend there's a Father Christmas when you think about it, but don't forget a lot of the things you mention are down to interpretation. There are no rules about Santa. If parents threaten coal instead of presents, or say that Father Christmas is always watching them, that's their fault. Personally, I always thought he was a magic man who teleported in (not breaks in!) and, as learning he didn't exist was just disappointing, not traumatic, I am quite happy for the magic and excitement it generated. It is certainly a dilemma though, whether to tell kids he exists or not. I'd probably just go along with whatever my wife wanted! Quite honestly, I wonder how long kids will go on believing in him, as they all seem to have mobile phones and the internet nowadays anyway!
  22. Generally, I'm against it. Games should be totally well-balanced when you buy them. If you add to it with DLC, by definition it either unbalances the game or it wasn't perfect in the first place. Patches to fix bugs are more agreeable, but even then, console games shouldn't have them. I can't remember a pre-Wii Nintendo game that had a major bug, but now we've got Twilight Princess and Metroid: Other M, which both have them. My only caveat is that I'd like to jump back into my favourite game worlds from the GameCube and PS2 - extra content in Wind Waker and Dragon Quest VIII - but even then I know it wouldn't be that good in reality.
  23. I just want to enjoy something as much as I enjoyed Zelda: the Wind Waker and Dragon Quest VIII. If such a game exists, I don't know about it. For me, it's impossible for the Wii to deliver that experience, as it's basically GameCube technology with a worse controller, and I need something more than that now to impress me as much as previous consoles did at the time. The Xbox 360 and PS3 are still top notch consoles (I don't feel the need for a new generation in that sense), but none of the games for them give me that "must have" feeling. Thus I haven't got either. I feel as alienated as the days when PlayStation and PS2 were all the rage - that's how "mainstream" gaming feels to me now. The difference is, back then I had games on the N64 and GameCube that at least I knew were awesome. However much I enjoy games on the Wii, I can't pretend it's the same feeling.
  24. Ooh, I don't know about that. Do you think they were great toys in their own right? I always felt they were more "merchandising". Personally, I thought Zoids and Lego were top tier, then maybe Transformers. After that, I liked anything with moving parts (Starcom) or a hologram (Visionaries). I would say M.A.S.K., but the vehicles broke too easily!
  25. Do you have a sauna in your house?
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