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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Mind you, I forgot about the churning water in Super Mario Galaxy, where you ride on the manta ray. I was very, very impressed with that too.
  2. Nintendo had good E3s in 2009 (New Super Mario Bros Wii, Metroid: Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2) and 2010 (3DS, Zelda: Skyward Sword), I think. 2007 and 2008 were pretty boring, for whatever reason. I think it's because they'd launched the Wii, so didn't have anything big to unveil. But going back to those ones you really meant, like 2004 and 2005, I think it was more exciting then in general. We were playing on our GameCubes, and I know I personally expected the next console to be a generational leap on from that. Playing Wind Waker, I couldn't wait to see how Nintendo could possibly top it. If you'd have told me the "next-gen" Zelda still wouldn't be here in 2011 and would still be based on the Twilight Princess engine, I'd have been very disappointed! So, in summary, I think the excitement of E3 is based on how good the current machines are. You never really know whether the next one will be good, bad or just OK. The quality of the 3DS certainly makes me optimistic about the next console.
  3. I love water, and I'm going to give another vote to Mario Sunshine. It really is the only game that's made me say "Wow, that's nice water!" It was even better once you got the turbo boost and could zoom around on it.
  4. The other day I was thinking how much better the overworld of Spirit Tracks was, and that's on N64-type hardware (sub-N64 really). When you visit the Gorons in TP, it hardly feels at all like you're climbing a mountain. In ST, on the other hand, it really feels like you're travelling up a considerable-sized one. Same goes for the forest in Spirit Tracks. Twilight Princess had more detailed graphics, but ST had a much better overworld, despite the technical limitations. They weren't afraid to use space. At least this all points to Zelda heading in the right direction again (as Spirit Tracks is the most recent one). I just don't know what was up with Twilight Princess. It doesn't even feel like it was made by the same people as Wind Waker (which, however much you like or dislike it, was a visionary piece of software). I can only suggest that most of Nintendo's genius went into Super Mario Galaxy at that time. Let's hope it comes back to Zelda before too long.
  5. Meditation is the key, if not the "official" version, then at least the principal. Stroking a cat is relaxing because you're sitting in one place and have time to think, take things in. Exercise is also extremely important (I say that sitting here at the computer!) If you've been out walking, your mind will be more relaxed and you'll have things in perspective. If I have trouble going to sleep, I often mentally explore my biggest fantasies, such as owning a boat, swimming in clear, blue water, feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin and the cool water washing over my muscles. I'm soon in the land of nod!
  6. I think it's just the culture of DVDs. It's not that the cinema release flopped, I assume (how popular did they think it would be? ), but DVDs are so cheap and popular, a culture has sprung up around them that is different to VHS and Blu-Ray. I've noticed that when they're shopping in a supermarket, people will pick up a DVD to watch that night. In this regard, the simplistic gender stereotyping is probably helpful to many! Too right. Budweiser is the favourite beer of the vast majority of my workmates. That's their choice - I'm not a snob - but I don't think it has any bite at all. They funny thing is, they don't even know about Budweiser Budvar (OK, I'm a bit of a snob). More interestingly, they haven't even really noticed that "Bud" is well-advertised or cool. I know they think it's cool, but I'm not sure they realise how well-targeted they've been.
  7. On both these points, I think people like to worry about "big" things they can't control, perhaps to avoid taking responsibility for things they can. Society loves mobile phones so much, I suspect people don't really want to consider whether they're totally safe. Can you imagine the masses being prepared to stop using them? Quite a few of my workmates honestly believe the world might end in 2012 (or they say they do). When asked why, they don't really know, they've just seen documentaries about it and heard the general "idea". And yet when I've mentioned my doubts about radiation from mobile phones and Wi-Fi, I get a "You can't worry about that or you wouldn't leave the house". The thing is, I don't let it stop me leaving the house, it's just a concern of mine. To be honest, if there's something to this theory, I think it'll be one of those things where, in 50 or 100 years time, when safer versions have been developed, authorities will say "Oh, by the way, that technology wasn't as safe as you thought". Humanity will probably get by, it's "just" that our collective health will have been good than it could have been. Specifically on nightwolf's point, the best thing to do is, not worry, but be as proactive as possible in avoiding real risks. Exercise, don't smoke, don't binge drink. If you do what you can, the best thing to do is forget about it and hope for the best.
  8. Yeah, it's interesting. The film poster is much better, but I don't think it's aimed at men, as such. It's more neutral - a "date movie", perhaps? The DVD cover is overtly girly, with its pink lettering and fancy border. Even Jennifer Aniston's pose is less sexual. I suppose it's all about selling DVDs via impulse buying. I know I've been in supermarkets and seen racks of DVDs that say "He'll love it...", "She'll love it..." and "They'll love it..." Interesting really, how they try to make you perceive things differently, when it's the same film.
  9. Whether this makes me sound like a nut job, I don't care, but I will say this - I doubt wireless signals and mobile phone masts are as safe as we're told. What has happened in the past decade? The explosion of Wi-Fi and faster mobile phone signals. Almost everyone has got a mobile phone, and it's not like the '90s when you'd use it occasionally. Now people are paying a fortune for 3G contracts. All this emits radiation, and I'm sure the signals are only going to get stronger, as people demand "cloud" services. Take a look at this article about Wi-Fi killing trees. If it's doing that to plants, what's it doing to us? I can't imagine it doesn't have an effect. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1332310/Is-Wi-Fi-killing-trees-Dutch-study-shows-leaves-dying-exposure-Wi-Fi-radiation.html Mobile phones generate a fortune for businesses and also tax revenue. Do you think governments wouldn't cover it up if it was harmful? I'm sorry to say, I think this may have something to do with the theme of this thread.
  10. What the...? (Looks at time spent playing - 563 hours. Moves Kate and Nigel to back row.) I just need to assess how difficult the hardest Legacy Bosses are. Speaking of which, I've now beaten the three "beginner" Legacy Bosses at level 99.
  11. Just my humble opinion, but I think innovation's the most overrated thing in gaming, in terms of both hardware and software. Nowadays I see a lot of mainstream games, and a lot of niche games, but I think the latter try too hard to be different (and the former are just too bland). I want inspired games like Wind Waker, but I'm not so keen on the games that seem like the result of a brainstorming session. The best games are the result of what happens naturally when you get the opportunity to take advantage of better hardware. Combine that with imaginative art, top class graphics, stirring music and a visionary story and overworld, and you can't go wrong.
  12. I hate the idea of Sky being able to control what's on Freeview. Now it's got Sky Sports 1+2 on it as well, but they're not free. Goes against what Freeview's meant to be, in my opinion! When I first got Freeview it was brilliant... now (the closer analogue gets to switch-off), not so much.
  13. That's another dilemma, although there's no doubt in my mind I would like to see full 3D Zeldas on handhelds now. As much as I liked Spirit Tracks (and, to some extent, Phantom Hourglass), the 3DS has an analogue slider, so there's no need for the touchscreen solution any more. It also has superb, GameCube-like graphical capability, so there's the possibility of cel-shading, which I'd love to see again. Basically, I think this would be a good template: Console Zeldas Adult Link Cel-shaded or otherwise Handheld Zeldas Toon Link (Young Link) Cel-shaded Ah, I typed the above before I read this properly! But yes, I'd love to see cel-shading as extreme as Wind Waker's again, where you can literally see the layers of shading wash over the picture. Skyward Sword looks good, but doesn't have pronounced cel-shading (if at all), and I think I'm right in saying PH/ST didn't have it either (although obviously that's what they were going for, just held back by the DS).
  14. That's actually a very difficult dilemma, I think. I'm sure we'd all like to play it, but now is the time for Nintendo to crack on with the proper "Zelda 3DS". Maybe the best solution is to get a sub-team doing Majora's Mask. Nor can I.
  15. Excellent work and particularly a brilliant use of colour. Tiny details like the skin tones and the dirty metal have such subtle and detailed variations on them.
  16. This alone will be worth buying the machine for! I love how it is so much like the original.
  17. Exactly. I'm in no doubt that I want the system, I was just referring to launch day itself (which matters, because even if you only have to wait a week, that affects whether you get a bundle or not). Let's hope Pilotwings will be amongst the launch day games, but all I know is that shops aren't listing it at the moment. Looks like I'll be taking a lot of 3D photos!
  18. Yep, it would feel prehistoric not to have that now. I can't believe this feature wasn't implemented in last-gen RPGs like Final Fantasy XII and Dragon Quest VIII (which has a few visible outfits, but not many). I regret not doing a review of IX after I'd finished the main game. Hopefully I'll get round to it after I've fought the Legacy Bosses as much as I want to... by which point I'll be ready for Dragon Quest VI.
  19. Consider revocating your main character ten times (ie. get them to level 99, then reset them at Alltrades Abbey), because then you'll get the better Grottoes with better items. Martial Artist is the fastest to do this, although I wouldn't recommend it until you find Metal King Slimes. You can fight the Legacy Bosses without the Rank 10 items, but you'd probably want them if you planned to level them up to 99 (lv16 gives them the possibility to drop the next map). That said, you can max-out every skill set by revocating less times than that, if you build up the skills from being other classes too. An easy way to get more skill points is to level-up a character from lv1 to about lv38-42 in a class they haven't been before. You can save up the skill points and use them in a completely different class. Some people advocate avoiding the agility bonuses, as they make some of your party faster than lv99 Legacy Bosses, but not all of them, so you can't chain attacks together. So, for example, your Priest and Sage might attack, then the Legacy Boss gets its turn, then your fighters get to attack. That way you never get an "x2". Personally, I maxed them all out, because you need agility to give you a chance to act before the Metal Slimes. Same. It's good I can alchemise that into Spring, and alchemise my Spring into Summer and Autumn.
  20. I did the same. Don't forget you can "Egg On" your team mates, which is not a bad tactic. If your Warrior uses spears, a psyched Multi-Thrust is always effective. Mages' spells can also be psyched, and they are very useful for casting Acceleratle, so you have a good chance to act before the enemy.
  21. Ordeal? You're imagining it wrong! It's all turned a bit pear-shaped, hasn't it, especially if we're not going to get Pilotwings? I've never seen such a bad launch day line-up compared to how good the forthcoming games are. No Zelda until after E3? Bah. I'm regretting the deposit.
  22. Brilliant, love it! Well, the basic gameplay is simpler. There are no skill trees and no really useful special moves. You can basically complete the game with "buff, attack, heal". The overworld is not to scale, and thus generally you can tell they're remakes of NES and SNES games. On the other hand, the music in V is sublime, the story is epic, I loved the monster-collecting gameplay and I'd even say the enemy sprite animation (especially ones like the elephant) represents better graphics than IX. Overall, though, VIII and IX enhanced the gameplay of this series a lot.
  23. LOL, we're not flamers in this thread. You're very welcome whatever you think of it. You're right. Because you create your entire party, this game is missing the essential element of RPGs where you pick up well-designed characters along the way. I've no problem with the combat or levelling in the main game (post-game, it gets crazy). The music, on the other hand, is unbelievably misrepresentative of Dragon Quest. DQVIII's soundtrack is such a bona fide masterpiece, I expected much more from this. I wouldn't mind how repetitive it is if it was just "better", but the Grotto music (which you hear a lot of post-game) is on a 45 second loop! Take my advice and play DQVIII after you've finished the main game of DQIX (the post-game of the latter could take 600 hours...) DQVIII has everything that I think you want from an RPG - superb graphics, unbelievably good music, decent story and memorable characters. Whatever anyone says, it is the one outstanding Dragon Quest game. DQV is good as well, as long as you realise it's on a lower level to VIII and IX. Great music and epic story. I can imagine it's amazing fun in multi-player. Above all, enjoy Dragon Quest IX, because the gameplay is unmatched.
  24. Yeah, I think you've got it there. A Mario platformer is the one, glaring omission from the 3DS' line-up.
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