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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. If you want an early example of Augmented Reality, check out this version of Pac Man developed in Singapore: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4607449.stm That's all I know, sorry.
  2. I love GDC, as they often unveil a big handheld game. I suppose it'd be a bit much to expect Metroid Dread or Zelda 3DS this year though, wouldn't it?
  3. Game, but I'm regretting it. If I hadn't made a deposit there, I'd get it from Asda's website. If you enter "15OFF3DS" at the moment, you can get it for £202 (free postage), which is hard to resist.
  4. Not sure to be honest. I only noticed last night, actually, that you stop getting the clothes, only maps and orbs. At least with some it's easy to get their level 1 maps again (so you can get the clothes), but I'll be more careful with the ones where it isn't.
  5. Baramos bashed, Murdaw mauled! You get 40171 EXP each when you defeat the latter at level 99 (I took a note just for RedShell!)
  6. I really didn't feel well at all when I criticised the Christmas special, and thus was extra-grumpy. Though I described Steven Moffat's sense of storytelling as "non-existent", that can't be true, as I remembered how brilliant Sherlock was. I think what it is with Doctor Who is that he gets to play around with time travel too much and has succumbed to the temptation of making the stories too convoluted. As for whether we actually like Doctor Who, I think the issue is that Russell T Davies' first two seasons were absolutely amazing, cutting-edge TV. Season 3 had a handful of episodes that were absolutely top class too. Season 4 and the specials were a mixed bag, but had their moments. The trouble is it feels so different now. I love Karen Gillan and like Matt Smith, but the writing team is completely different (although at least they've brought in Simon Nye, who wrote the best of the bunch, I thought). Would I be right in thinking they've also changed most of the producers and directors? With those sorts of changes, it feels too different - it doesn't feel like the episodes Steven Moffat did for Russell T Davies. So, we're left with just enough similarity to keep watching, but don't necessarily enjoy many of the episodes. That's my point of view anyway.
  7. I wonder if the general public will like the 3D? I mean, I'm happy to turn it off and consider the machine a DS2, but the general consensus at the moment seems to be that you'll turn it off quite quickly. Glasses-free 3D is an amazing selling point, I just wonder if most people will want to turn it off, like I suspect "keen" gamers might. I told my workmate I intended to use it in 2D, and he said to me "Is there any point in getting a 3D machine to use in 2D?" To which I said "Yes, it's the DS2", but I admit it's a funny thought.
  8. Good points, chaps. My only problem with the 3DS is that is a DS (don't get me wrong, I'm very excited for it)! It stands to reason you can have a better screen if you only have one. And yes, the Micro was lovely.
  9. What a funny concept - I like it! I think I'm a playable character (in real life). Girls have, on occasion, said to me things like "I can't imagine what it'd be like without you here". There you go, I'm a Don Juan! No, seriously, it's probably just because I'm a weirdo! It's not just about sexual attraction or being a "big" character either (I'm reasonably quiet). I guess we all get to experience this with our group of mates - it just brightens up your day when you're amongst your "characters".
  10. Well, I think this is awesome. 5-inch OLED, hi-res, great controls, amazing graphics - that's what I want from a handheld... as long as the games are there, of course. I'm not going to get into "3DS vs PSP2" because it'll be the same old story as usual. Besides, I want both. The PSP2 appeals because of the tech spec, and I have to get whatever Nintendo's machine is because of Zelda. The 3DS is bound to come down to about £200 from many retailers, so I honestly don't think it's much overpriced. Furthermore, the Nintendo machine's graphics are about what you'd expect for a handheld in this day and age. It could be argued that Sony entered the handheld market one generation too far ahead of what is sensible, rather than Nintendo being "behind". So, there's room for both, but hooray for Sony, because I remember back in the '90s when new consoles were always exciting, and if there's one thing the PSP2 does, it's excite me.
  11. Funnily enough, I actually did the first one because I was furious people would plant bombs in my country (these were the 1990s - the days of the IRA), so I invented fictitious terrorists and a character to bash them! Again, with all this navel-gazing, I forgot that I might actually be able to entertain people! It's made me feel a lot better just to type this out.
  12. Yes, on quite a few levels. Let's take the most extreme example - if someone copies a crime or act of violence they've seen in fiction, can we truly say the creator has no responsibility for it? Most people seem to say it's totally the responsibility of the wrongdoer, and make no mistake, I am not the sort of person to blame a computer game for someone's actions. That wouldn't stop me feeling guilty though. Let's say I outline a vague scheme in a comic for a supervillain to destroy something. Obviously I wouldn't make it detailed enough to be useful to terrorists, but if my comic even gave the tiniest spark of inspiration for a real terrorist attack, I'd feel massively guilty. The first thing I decided was not to draw guns, but it's escalated from that. Of course, all this makes me seem highly narcissistic, as though my work would be important enough for someone to copy. The less extreme (but more likely) outcome would be that I may encourage a child to be interested in a genre that is unsuitable for them. Whilst I enjoy a Roger Moore Bond film I don't really approve of how violent many films in that sort of genre are (heck, even one 007 film, Licence to Kill, is way too violent). So the obvious thing would be to make my books really genteel and inoffensive, but then I always bring it back to the violence and the "action" sort of thing, leading me to think I sort of have a split-personality that pulls me both ways (though not in a mental illness way). I probably need a shrink. Thanks for listening though.
  13. I used to want to be a writer or writer/artist, but then I began to develop a fear of encouraging, influencing or generally having an effect on the world. It's not that I'm big-headed enough to presume I'd be successful, but let's face it, that's the aim. Maybe I'm just weird, but I've yet to find anyone who understands where I'm coming from.
  14. Such brattish behaviour. They could have given the money to charity instead.
  15. I'm looking forward to this. All I want from a games machine is good graphics, good controls and good games, so this may fit the bill. With a handheld, too, one of the most important things is to have one really good hi-res screen.
  16. I liked that too. I thought I'd miss collectables, but I didn't. It's not even that far-fetched.
  17. Yes indeed. I think, in the next Metroid, the beams and missiles should be set to the same button in both 1st- and 3rd-person (I'm hoping for A, B, X, Y, L + R to return...) Firing missiles in 3rd-person would make it perfect.
  18. You bought a Wii before the Resort bundle, that's all!
  19. Only joking. In all seriousness, I totally respect your right to not like any particular series, especially one of the "Big 3". The one I don't like is Mario Kart. If only they'd get rid of the weapons!
  20. Right. For about 5 years now, it's been hard to buy a TV that isn't HD (not that I've got one), so they are "standard" in retail, if not in the home. Is there such thing as an "HD only" console yet though? Can't you use Scart leads?
  21. Quite. I think re-colouring them would be much better than adding 3D. Am I the only person who preferred the greyscale version of Link's Awakening to DX? I'm sure the colours of the DX games could be much-improved now.
  22. I hate to suck up, but the three moderators for the Nintendo boards are absolutely top class (not insulting those on other boards, but I'm not familiar with them). Whenever I see those three names I think "Ah, those are the good guys..." "...but why the heck doesn't darksnowman like Metroid?"
  23. Am I right in thinking you have to go through the whole game with 99 health and the bare minimum missiles and recharge speed? That's one of the brilliant thing about Mario! The way he turns up and smashes Bowser in an understated way. Definitely worth £10 though (I paid £25, which was fine too). It's in my Top 3 Wii games. Exactly how I feel. None of it bothered me, but I feel the critics were technically correct.
  24. Armamentalist is the one that springs to mind, as they are a cross between Mage and Warrior. They are best if you wanted them for support spells like Oomph or Accelerate. If you really want to keep using offensive spells, Sage may be the best choice, as they are a cross between Mage and Priest.
  25. I'm never trying to upset anyone. I have no problem with analogue stick + pointing. I was talking about analogue stick + moving your hand or arm significantly. If that's been copied... well, I've been living in a cave. Sorry if any of my posts were inflammatory.
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