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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I hope your day is as amazing as you. Luv u bae Xx
  2. I thought I did but now I'm unemployed after I ended up leaving two jobs in the space of two months.
  3. @Rummy I don't know too much about the inner workings of Rare so you are probably right about the team being largely different as I've heard a lot of people left (a lot of them making up Playtonic) but there are still some very talented people at Rare who were in the thick of it in the 'good old days' such as Steve Mayles who is currently heading Sea of Thieves having previously been one of the main creators of Diddy Kong as a character, the DKC series and Banjo Kazooie. So while the classic Rare may have been diluted somewhat, I still hold out hope there's chance for them to revive themselves alongside Playtonic. And you're right about Viva Pinata, that game was great It's also one of the first I played in HD so I was blown away by the graphics, dem textures.
  4. It looks fun I just don't think this game has enough variety, though maybe it's because I've yet to grab hold of a joycon. It doesn't seem super original or crazy when we've had this on Wii U for 3 years already:
  5. I always thought the majority of Wii and DS advertising was fantastic so it's good to see it back on form for Switch. I don't know why it was so dire in the Wii U era, was it a different agency? Or perhaps it was just the muddled message of Wii U itself that was hard to put across in any reasonable way.
  6. I'm sure they mentioned the idea of creating another 'universe' of characters similar to DKR in an episode of the Kongversation when they were being interviewed but quickly played it down and said they need to focus on completing Yooka-Laylee before getting too far ahead of themselves :p I hope this does go well for them though, it'd be great if it allows them to develop whatever they like without the need for kickstarter (though I'm sure that's already the case after this successful campaign) As for wanting to see the Rare of old days in the modern era, I think we could still see that from Rare themselves. The last 15 years have been full of some great games from them just overshadowed (and perhaps also a cause of the slow output) due to a number of things such as Kinect development, Nuts & Bolts (which I'm sure would have been received really well had it not have had the Banjo name) and being thrown onto new hardware constantly (Gamecube to Xbox, porting Xbox titles in development to 360, moving to Kinect) Hopefully Sea of Thieves turns out great and the Rare of old will be back on track as well as Playtonic, leading the way for two modern day Rare developers.
  7. I've never even heard of this game but I love me some obscure N64 stuff, this is the kinda thing I like from the Virtual Console! I'm glad it's not totally dead on WiiU yet. As for Excite Bots, I'm losing hope too @nekunando After our mention of it a few weeks ago though I fired it up on the Wii and it's as crazy as I remember (though those red bars are even MORE exhausting than I thought) - It'd be so nice to play it on the WiiU with less fuzz. Some of the fun is lost thanks to the closure of online, mind
  8. @killthenet @Rummy Timber was going to be the main character of Racing for a good while before Nintendo approached Rare with the idea of putting Diddy in there, hence why the whole place is Timbers island. I'm not sure about this game NOM mentioned though but I think it was an idea to use most of them in other games. Tiptup did make a cameo in one of the Banjo Kazooie levels!
  9. Ugh, this news is worse than Sadness, Donkey Kong Racing and the Tab Cube put together.
  10. I think those adverts are fantastic! It actually looks like a sequel to the Wii but with all the extras of being portable, Mario Kart near launch etc. It makes the Wii U ads seem even worse than I remember:
  11. I swear the Wii U has ceased production about 5 times in the last few months now :p
  12. The artwork for this game is so nice, some of the best in recent years (dem horse eyes) so it's a shame that a lot of the amiibo cards use really old assets. amiibo cards Then again when you know the context of that Bowser pose it's pretty hilarious to see him in goal just breakdancing.
  13. More details about online after launch, from their Official site
  14. Exactly, this is the point I was trying to make. Being a tablet-like device, now more than ever Nintendo should have been focused on those kind of extras. From a buyers perspective, if you're thinking of buying a tablet or Switch, knowing the Switch has an internet browser and a bunch of streaming servcies as well as decent games might sway you that way but if you hear it only plays games compared to the mass multi-functionality of a tablet, it will potentially lose out. But why not be both? At the minute the games it will play won't pick up until later in the year aside from a few ports and ARMS so some extra features would give me more reason to use the £280 gadget I just purchased. And yeah, soon you will be able to stream from your dog and not from a Switch. What I mean is, the Switch is clearly lacking features that nearly every other device has, I just don't see how this is not a glaring problem, especially as it could be such a huge selling point for a tablet device. I get your point that it's not for you and that's great. What I don't buy is the fact that masses dont care as I really think they do. It's just one of those things that Nintendo could have easily implemented but instead choose to shoot themselves in the foot.
  15. I guess this is why I feel burnt out on Nintendo right now. I could accept we didn't get industry standard features with 3DS or Wii U but thought with the Switch we may finally be able to enjoy Nintendo games on a device as capable as other next gen devices. Instead, it seems they're even taking a backstep from the Wii U in terms of what is on offer. I don't think it's the minority that will miss these features but the majority. Sure, you can do these things on other devices, but couldn't you say that for a lot of things? Why have music on your phone if you have an iPod? By not providing these things Nintendo are making sure that the Switch is a secondary device as oppose to a primary one. A streamlined gaming service should have been possible with a decent OS and online features, not one or the other. These extra services are another selling point, something it desperately needs with their lack of launch games and third-party support.
  16. I think catering to both home and handheld markets could be a big issue if not handled right. I remember a lot of people giving reasons as to why the Vita was not selling well and most alluding to the fact that ports of home console games don't suit handheld gaming (which near launch is what it had a lot of). There's a thin line they need to tread as they might manage to cater to both audiences or end up catering to neither.
  17. In which case I may have actually bought a Switch because Mario Odyssey is the only game that looks ambitious/fresh right now. So yes, they could have made their Wii U buyers happy and actually given the Switch a new title at launch that wasn't artifically delayed. Every modern device has a web browser. Welcome to 2016/2017. I see nothing good about leaving out a basic standard feature.
  18. They should quote this in the advert! But seriously, I think the fact we're all having this discussion and trying to justify why the launch isn't terrible says it all. They really need to go all out at e3. Then again, I thought the same about the Switch event and look what happened there. I've been wanting to post in this thread all week but every time I go to post I realise there's another 3 pages I haven't read. But here we are, I've finally caught up :p (sorry for the ensuing rant) The problem for me is originality, something the games seem to be lacking. ARMS looks ok but we haven't seen enough to know if it really has depth, aside from that what do we have? I'm not impressed by what I've seen of 1-2 switch at all, it looks so short lived and low on content. Splatoon clearly uses the same engine so whilst it's great we're getting new levels it's not going to feel particularly fresh and could have easily been DLC while Mario Kart has battle mode and well... Dry Bones. The third party support is also pretty terrible, we have Just Dance which was on pretty much every current and last gen system in October so not really a must have, that 4 year old 'Wii U exclusive' Rayman Legends and Skyrim is the 360 version of the game that won't even be out at launch lol. No twitch streaming, video recording or even the most basic of apps such as Netflix. For a device that can easily double as a tablet, that's more than missing a trick. The fact we know nothing about online when it releases in less than 2 months also makes me think they're once again woefully unprepared like with the Wii U day one download. But hey this is Nintendo, I should accept at this point that learning from mistakes is not in their blood. The only big game at launch is Zelda, a game we were promised in 2015 on the Wii U. So the only reason we have a decent launch title is because Nintendo messed up the Wii U so spectacularly and didn't manage to provide a main entry Zelda game within the first 4 years of the consoles life. And we're meant to be happy about this and buy a Switch in anticipation for this broken promise because, my god, it will be 900p instead of 720. This is the first time I won't be getting a Nintendo console at launch and I struggle to see reasons to get it near the end of the year. And I'm not being this harsh to purposely wind people up, it's because I'm genuinely annoyed/disappointed. I've been so excited for the release of every Nintendo console so it's a shame that a company I used to adore so much seems to be doing so little for me now.
  19. With Just Dance releasing on Switch after its October release on Wii and WiiU, is this the first time there's been a new game release across 3 Nintendo home systems? Not sure what point I'm making, I just find that pretty interesting. Looking at past systems, it'd be crazy to see a title release on SNES, N64 and GameCube around the same time back in like 2001.
  20. Is anyone still playing this? I got it as a Christmas present but I've only really been sinking my teeth into it the last few weeks and I'm totally loving it so far, if it wasn't for the bashing this series got I would have played it sooner. The graphics and music are incredibly charming, more than I could have ever imagined actually. The characters are also SO full of charm and humour, something that I was worried wouldn't be the case. And the battles are fine too, I was kind of preparing myself for rubbish battles because of what I'd read but I think it's fine, especially the 'thing' cards. My favourite chapter so far has to be the hotel with the ghostly Toads, I loved playing through that and especially enjoyed the teapot ending, it was so cute. It was only then that I discovered the developer notes! It's great having a bit of back story about ideas or more information on what happened to the characters. The game is hilarious and seems to have enough variety between chapters so it's a shame it seems to have been somewhat overlooked. One thing I'm not enjoying though is those rock, paper, scissor battles. Like, ugh, what were they thinking? There's nothing fun about them :p I do want to fill up the museum too, but I guess I can just leave all those temples till the end and decide if it's really worth it to finish my museum or not. Another niggle is how some battles require a specific card, it hasn't really been a problem so far as they always make it quite obvious what you need, especially the Colosseum one (are you bad to the bone? Do you like crushing bones? BONE) but I recently got to Ludwig in a submarine and was at a loss as to what I should do. I guess I'll just check on YouTube.
  21. @Ashley You should go by A.J. - It has a nice ring to it. Like, "Hey A.J. what's up? You missed Dragon's Den again? Man, you suck" Lucky for me I've only come across one other Josh and he wasn't in my close circle of friends so never really had to have a nickname. I'm also too lazy to make one for myself which is why most of my online handles have really catchy numbers like Josh64128.
  22. I like playing games on mobile but sadly haven't really been blown away by Nintendo's current offerings in that area so hopefully this Fire Emblem mobile release will rectify that! Other than that, I'm kinda looking forward to Fire Emblem Warriors - I wasn't that blown away by Hyrule Warriors from a gameplay perspective but as far as fan service, characters and music is concerned it was insane so I'm hoping for something similar.
  23. Her special move involving a giant microwave cooking masses of enemies? That sounds a lot more sinister than I meant it to.
  24. This has to happen! My biggest fear is that we'll never see some of those amazing characters again. We need Tiki and Barry taking down masses of enemies with the beautiful screams of "ITSUKI" from Chrom every second when one is near.
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