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Everything posted by navarre

  1. Leona Lewis- Obvious reasons, I have a huuuge schoolboy crush on her. She's very good looking, has a great voice, and from what I've seen, has a brilliant personality. Tony Blair- You either love him or hate him, and I love him. I think he was a brilliant prime minister, who had values and morals. Arnold Schwarzennegar- Flinky's got me thinking. This guy is a legend. I'm sick and tired with people saying he can't act- he may not be the best at acting, but when his characters are as entertaining as they are, who cares? Jesus- I'd like to ask him a number of things, like whether or not he's the Son of God, whether the Gospel writers exaggerated his story, and whether or not he foresaw the coming of Muhammed, as Muslims believe he did. Shigurur Miyamoto- I'd like to tell this guy just how much time I've needlessly wasted on his addictive videogames, and how much they've impacted my view on life.
  2. I agree. A life without knowledge would be the dullest life possible. A life not worth living, almost.
  3. I have, my friend, and I'm currently in the process of stealing loads from he official fansite forums. I'm evil like that.
  4. You're absoloutely right, I'm think of PhotoBucket. Damn, I always get those two mixed up.
  5. Batman:The Dark Knight 9/10 This does for DC what Spiderman 2 did for Marvel- promote a major franchise in both substance and style. TDK, however, wasn't made for the kiddies audience, and it really shows. From its dark humour to the insanely accurate portrayal of characters, this movie really is enough to leave you wanting more Batman, despite its long screening time. Heath Ledger is just as great as ever, and his character, the Joker, is so believable, that it leaves the films main protagonist (and therefore main character) to second fiddle. A flawless, unprecedented release, and the greatest superhero film of al time. And, believe me, I hate the Batman franchise.
  6. Phew. You're actually the first person who I've talked to who agrees with me there. I initially thought I wasn't paying attention, but at least other people picked it up too.
  7. 1) Cool 2) Leona Lewis' voice is fantastic. No other female has had a voice comapred to such legends like Mariah Carey and Janet Jackson (despite me hating their music). Yah, the image was repeated four times. I didn't make it. 3) Yup 4) I'm not all that familar with Photoshop, and have honestly forgotten my password (and can't be bothered with a new one). Any chance Imageshack do it?
  8. Is it just me, or did the Joker suggest two different ways he obtained his horrendous scars in the movie?
  9. Bad day. 100 minutes of Chemistry is almost un-endurable ( I enjoy chemistry, but you still need variety), bad weather was constant, moved up a set in German against my will, and had my sig removed here because it was too big.
  10. May I ask which administrator (or moderator, I think they have the power), removed my signature de to height restrictions? I mean, I'll probably resize it when I can be bothered, but still, that sig is awesome. And it wasn't hurting anyone. The rules are the rules I guess, and they apply for everyone. May I add, how exactly do you resize your sig?
  11. But surely it's more fun without knowing them? Suprise, innit. Anyway, my expanding obsession for Leona Lewis is getting me down, as I persist in the knowledge of never being able to meet her. Call it a pre-pubescent crush if you like, but she is the best girlfriend I never had. And I just can't get over her. Fucking hormones.
  12. Well, yeah, that's why I voted North. Or something like that.
  13. Perhaps we could take credibilty for it. Like, say, we intended it to happen so we could beat China. But isn't this the same paper that scared everyone to death by using a videogame screen of a destroyed Washington to apparanntly 'show what terrorists would do if they gained possession of a nuclear bomb?'
  14. I'm used to people complimenting me on my city; alas, it's pointless. I'm actually from Oxford. In regards to the poll, Ashley, if you really, really want, you can change it (you shouldn't need my permission, but you have my consent). Not pretend that it doens't exist, just categorise it into your own category, and vote.
  15. At least if they're drunk you know it's truth.
  16. Today was fine. Wedesday is the best day on my time-table. Maths, biology and German, all on the same day? Awesome.
  17. Hey, you're the administrator here. You're the one with the power to change the poll.
  18. It's a bit of fun. Specificness would ruin that fun.
  19. I know, and for about the millionth time this isn't a Where do you live thread, its a where would you prefer to live thread. If I started another thread about whether the East or West Coasts of America was better, people wouldn't jump in an say 'I don't live there' or 'This is n-europe not n-america'. You don't have to be British to say which part of Britain you'd rather live in.
  20. WellI only have my memory to thank for that, mate. I'm sorry, when I see someone's username, I keep a picture of that persons username in my head, grammar and capitals included. Yeah might PM you later with my response. If I can, that is, be bothered.
  21. England is the biggest and most populated country in Britain. I never meant too directly place England in my favour. I apologise if any confusion was caught. It also saddens me to know that people still can't distinguish between England and Britain. When I say Britain, 100% of the time I mean Britain. Not England. Britain.
  22. Really? Well, that's funny, because I don't ever remember mentioning England. Your mis-interpretation is no fault of mine.
  23. The Villan's notes: Take a look back at the first page. Note to self that navarre said Britain, not England. Apologise. Hope to hell navarre doesn't embarass you more.
  24. I don't blame you. I suppose Wales (or the great bulk of it) is geographically part of the South. It is beautiful.
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