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Everything posted by navarre

  1. Fantastic, bluey. I'm so pleased Obama is going to be president. Not one to be pessimistic, though, but we've still got an incompetent cowboy in the White House until January. Humph.
  2. Actually, the same rule applies for Britain. Down here in the south, especially around London, people are rude. Go up north to Northumberland and Newcastle, the people are a lot nicer. Suppose it makes up for their poor climate, though.
  3. They all speak English anyway... Well, mostly... Well, sort of...
  4. France. Love it, hate it, despise it or resent it, it exists. It is below us (geographically before you start throwing francophobic allegations around!) in Europe and is a pleasant little country to visit for a few days (can't risk anymore than that unless it gets invaded). So, France is a member of many things. The UN (who isn't?), the EU (proud to be European!), the WTO, WHO, and La Francophonie (depite the majority of Francophonie countries not having French as a main language). They also begged us for Commonwealth membership in the 1950s, but our facist prime minister declined their offer. Despite many defeats in their history (and more or less giving up completely in WW2), France is persistent in it's military. Currently having around 5 troops in Afghanistan (can't risk being invaded), and their own nuclear weapons, France is well 'ard. They're also part of the UN Security Council, seeing as they want to join our gang of seriously well 'ard countries. But, and here's the twist- ever been to France? Perhaps you've got photos of that tall tower or seemingly endless locations where France was invaded you'd like to share with us all? Or perhaps you're of French heritage yourself, in which case I'd like to congratulate you on your worldly influence. Your language is spoken by around a hundred people outside of France, your wine is better than the Germans', and your history is forever a famous joke amongst Americans and the British alike. I'm not sure I'd have gotten through last year without the inessecant dinner table mockings. Bravo. Viva la France!
  5. Scientific evidence? As a scientist, I can't be too quick to jump to conclusions. Science is always changing, and seeing as the only basis for this is a couple of Youtube videos, I doubt it's true.
  6. More serious quotes before I move onto the funny ones:
  7. Rib n Saucy, like the Nick Nacks. That or Nice n Spicy. But I'm sure that's copyright protected.
  8. Ohhh, there's loads, but here's my favourite ones regarding history: Expect me to be back for more- there's loads I love. And yes, I love history.
  9. I'm sorry to hear that, mate.
  10. Excuse me for (lack of) knowledge of neighbours, it's been a while since I've seen it. But what happened to Boyd? He was my favourite character in it. I think he was training to be a doctor.
  11. Most of the Tories and Labour's policies are identical.
  12. Expect that phone call when I make a thread about Marvel preventing sales to nerds any time soon. Joking.
  13. On the contrary, the thing that bothers me is the inability to vote for a Party as opposed to a leader. Across the pond, you vote for a President, not a Party. The thing I hate about British politics is the total lack of power a Prime Minister actually has. He not only has to consult and gain the support of his Party on most major decisions, he can also be chucked out. By his own party. Bear that in minds, kids. It's the Party, not the person.
  14. Generally, if President Bush thinks it's a good idea, it's a bad idea. And vice versa.
  15. Stop complaining, if you want to benefit from this, well, it's nothing a pair of scissors in the right place won't fix.
  16. If rokhed didn't win anything, the awards clearly aren't much cop.
  17. Yeah well... I don't know how to spell Nazism. But you get what I mean.
  18. So, with Britain heading into financial turmoil, people are looking for a new Government. Despite it having nothing to do with them. Question is, which Party are you going to vote for at the next General Elections? Can't get enough of Labour? Crazy for super hot Cameron? Or do you fancy reviving Nazism by voting for facist BNP? Discuss.
  19. Saw that yesterday mate. I think she looks absoloutely stunning in her video, and the song isn't bad, either. Any uploads to Youtube will fail, though:it's exclusive to C4 and Muzu only. Love it. This video is just Leona gold.
  20. Day was fine, except the hours worth of Physics homework, which I'm not sure whether my teacher will like it or not, due to its comedic tone.
  21. Love your Roman-esque one, but that machete just shows how shit European swords are compared to Japanese ones. Loving the Roman one, but give me the machete in a fight anyday.
  22. No-one insulted us, it's just that having an extemist for vice-president, regardless of religion, doesn't always go down too well for the people they're ruling. I mean, take Tony Blair. He's a Catholic, but he seldom let his religious views mar his job. He was already bad enough at it as it was! Although I see nothing wrong with 'Bible believing' Christians.
  23. I laughed so much when I read that. Sehr lustig.
  24. Amen to that. As if to say 'Hey, feminists and those who love female politicians, vote for me!' Although, I sincerely doubt a single one of the aforementioned feminists in their right mind will vote for John Bush, sorry, McCain.
  25. Obama. I love him, and the propect of change in the White House is exciting. McCain is just an idiot. I mean, as if starting a war with celebrities such as Paris Hilton is bad enough, he also comes across as very rude in interviews. On top of that, he's too nationalistic for my liking.
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