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Everything posted by Noodleman

  1. If he had, it would have been the best gig ever, fact. Still getting Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones out to play the encore was pretty fucking awesome.
  2. I'm finding it really hard to bother with this now I know it will be my last season and I wont be around for the end of it.
  3. We didn't get A's B's etc at uni but to get a 2:1 we had to get an average mark of 60% or higher over the 2nd and 3rd year. i think the grade barriers where: 3rd: 35% 2:2: 45% 2:1 : 60% 1st : 80% although if your uni works on B's and C's then its probably not much help
  4. and Miguel Veloso, who from what I have seen looks a very good player.
  5. Becasue she was the Yoko Ono of Nirvana. Edit: have a read of this http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/12-14-2001-8636.asp Love the fact she thinks Dave Grohl is doing it to make a quick a buck. He clearly needs the cash after all. I've never met a proper Nirvana fan who thinks smells like teen spirit is their best song. Hell even Nirvana hated it in the end. Best Nirvana songs clearly: About a Girl Sliver Heart Shaped Box Drain you Aneurysm
  6. In the abscene of England I need a team that will flatter to deceive before going out on penaltys in the quarter finals. To this end I have deicded to follow Spain. I'm predicting Holland and Italy to both fail to make it out of the group of death by the way.
  7. 99p from Ebay :awesome:
  8. I only have one of those albums, Graduation by Kanye West, which is miles better than anything else on the list but is still fairly average.
  9. you can get 2 of the Disturbed DLC tracks for free, just go to: http://disturbed1.com/xbox enter the code: 1lfa89 click submit it will then give you another code you can redeem on XBL and woolah free songs.
  10. I just broke one of my drumsticks fuck you Should I stay or should I go now
  11. Indiana Jones : in a word meh, its miles better than the Temple of Snore though. Absolutley hated Shias character wanted to slap him 90% of the time he was on screen. (although he was pretty good) George Lucas's best script since Empire Strikes Back but it was still painfully average at best. The end was pure garbage. 6/10
  12. As long as you have a couple of mates willing to play it then yes its most deffinatly worth it.
  13. Because the car is registered in your name and the insurance is supposed to be taken out by the main person who drives the car. Admitadly every one does it when they are younger, but if you make a claim and the insurance company finds out its actualy your car and not your mums they are entitled to refuse to pay out.
  14. Assuming you're under 21 you'll struggle to get insurance on a Focus it certainly wont be less than £1500 unless you commit a bit of light insurance fraud and get it insured in your parents name and be added as a named driver.
  15. The Amazon is a massive place, if they've reamined hidden for this long then its unlikey you would be able to find them unless you knew where you where looking.
  16. Harmonix have a patch to make the GH3 controller work but Activision wont let them release it.
  17. Mine and my mates is called Lovepump. we specialise in 80's hair metal, or at least would in real life. I might post some pictures of my guitarist if I can be bothered later needless to say he is dressed to the excess.
  18. More Than A Feeling is epic fun in multiplayer.
  19. Just ordered the drums
  20. It's the wrongest thing thats ever been posted in this thread and thats saying something.
  21. I know on the 360 if you buy it on a US account then sign into the PAL game with that account from then on any user can use the american DLC on Rock Band. Not sure on the PS3 but I dont see why it would be any different.
  22. £65 on Shopto.net is the cheapest I have seen edit: Daft; I dont see why they wouldnt work but I have no idea.
  23. Erm you cant use the GH guitar with the PS3 version I dont think, but double check. I believe Activision where being ***** and wouldnt let Harmonix release the patch.
  24. I tried singing earlier, I suck at it. Blitzed through Blitzkreig Bop then proceeded to fail every other song in the first tier I blame the cold I currently have.
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