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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    Mad Men

    I didn't know what you meant by AMCs. Thought it was 'American...somethingorothers shows' Kl. So noone else has been watching this? I call bullshit, people have posted it in the purchases thread before now.
  2. dwarf

    Mad Men

    The Wire... You trying to catch me out or summut?
  3. I have only watched 5 episodes from Season 1, but Christ it's good. It has the perfect 50s/60s American setting and all the neat references of literature and dramatic irony you secretly demand, plus the characters are just so dang interesting. In fact, I'm not sure whether it was intended this way but the fact that there's not really any loveable characters makes the show feel overly oppressive. I guess there's Peggy, and to an extent Mrs. Draper, that sort of house some form of hope for humanity, but then again the fact that there aren't many nice people is what makes it so entertaining. Verbal symbols (memes? bit of a buzzword atm) are awesome also, it's chock-full of them. There's been some truly fantastic scenes, ones that don't consist of much, but ones which subtly give the characters a lot of depth. Generally awesome so far, and in places quite touching. "Who is Donald Draper?"
  4. Thing is, I've played for just over 40 hours. There's been the odd moment, but meh. There's not enough skill books in this damn game. Comprehension perk half seems like a waste. Or whatever it is called.
  5. I'm not feeling this game right now. Can't play it for extensive periods. Just... isn't capturing me. I want it to but it just won't. Tragic.
  6. I don't appreciate what you're trying here, but please, Rez, just stick to what you do best. Unemployment.
  7. Maybe. Maybe.

    Thing is, I can only think of paying you via Paypal, in which case I have nowhere near 30 quid.


    Otherwise it'll be a cash sending, which is kinda risky. This would be the easiest way though. If i put monies between thick card it would be fine oui?


    Arghle I dunno if I want it enough for such a price. Plus you could fucketh me overeth. Not that youd do such a thing babe. Your glasses are mighty sexy.

  8. Fuck it then.
  9. OK so basically the situation is is that I really want to play this now. I can trade in my absolutely shit phone for 35 quid, which basically covers the cost for this. Is it 40 quid in GAME? I may just hold out though tbh.
  10. I'll thank it twice. We need to double team trash talk someone into submission. I kinda miss it. =( aw
  11. I thought it was average. My acceptance threshold for stereotyping is almost perfectly elastic I guess, and so I don't feel so strongly about it as Daft (this ain't no criticism). I guess the way the film went about things was corny and ignorant, but then I'm quite ignorant/uncaring so just saw it as a decent film. It was on its knees throughout however. Needless to say I didn't walk out on it. Not sure what would make me do so. Well.
  12. Just seems strange to bring it up but not be prepared to state why. I've never felt like walking out of a film really, I seem to be good at filtering out crap movies when it comes to decision crunch-bunch.
  13. What made you walk out of Slumdog?
  14. That's what happens when you make such a Daft decision.
  15. LOLLLL

    Both complete gimps at that point. Both normal now though.


    (thinks about making one)





  16. I've lost appetite for Unch right now, and don't see the lab being that great. If everyone has hammo its kinda like 'nyah'.


    But yeah I'll probably join you.


    I wantz resistance 3. that'll be our next big game babe, cause im not hearing your voice very often right now.

  17. It leaves you with nothing. NOTHING!
  18. Incorrect. I heard they actually only sold 13 copies. It says so on a forum I frequent, one you also visit a lot too. So check your statements before posting them as fact.
  19. Why are people giving a shit about the campaign? Every Cod campaign has been tremendously average slash boring.
  20. Two drums and a symbol fell out a window. But nobody was there to hear it. (sidenote - go read supergayman, i heard his powers are really gay. It's a new comic featuring the force of homosexuality and has been reviewed well on Garden Force)
  21. This. Video interview, nice sounding comment on the colouration. http://gameinformer.com/games/resistance_3/b/ps3/archive/2010/10/29/insomniac-talk-resistance-3-story-game-modes-and-more.aspx & This. Timeline, though maybe you don't give a shit http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/10/15/the-official-resistance-series-timeline.aspx Weapons stuff. Kinda cool, kinda nyah http://gameinformer.com/games/resistance_3/b/ps3/archive/2010/10/22/tools-of-resistance-3-insomniac-s-weapons-evolved.aspx
  22. I assume you've also been checking out the Resistance 3 Hub on Gameinformer? One of the Insomniac video interviews had a few uplifting details, but so far there's not been anything you can really jump up for joy about. Well, sort of. And it sounds like piccies aren't going to be revealed for a while.
  23. Who is Re - Zourceman?
  24. I like Playstation. I thought 'Meet the Fockers' was pretty average however.
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