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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Casual games really interest me, there's just something about touch screen apps that allow you to piss around in a really fun way. I don't know about 3G, but margh.
  2. And you're not self-deprecating about the time you spent on it? There was a demo, it was atrocious, and the mistake of rental waste seems short-sighted. If a game is shit, and you've rented it, why force yourself through it anyway? I wouldn't feel obliged to do so. But then again I argue that videogames aren't worth renting when the library across the board is so poor. Films everyday baby, boo ya! Mediocre films >>> Mediocre games.
  3. Yeah I did all of that, it just doesn't work. Anyway, as for the handset (Wildfire) my response is mixed. It struggles to run what you'd think would be simple apps (Angry Birds may as well be unplayable) and, not so much a phone problem, but I can't get Youtube to work off 3G. Generally seems like the operating system is struggling somewhat, and I guess that's because it runs off an old Android version or sommat. I was under the impression the Wildfire was pretty new and pretty high end but nooooo. Ergh. Just.... Argh. It might be worth cancelling the contract if that's even possible without Jesus ramifications. The Android store is miles behind the Apple one as well. Anyone recommend some good game apps I might not know of?
  4. I still want to be able to use the Sync program, but I will see if I can do it your way in a bit! I am downloading some shizzle through the Market app, but am still unable to get my phone/pc to recognise each other. Bloody annoying. I've set the thing on the Wildfire to debug, as suggested by people. That allows a connection to be made where i can view files and stuff, but Sync still is unable to work. Lame.
  5. OK so I've just got the Wildfire, but want to get some apps for it. Ofc the Android market is the place to get them, but I don't know how to put them on the phone. Is it through the HTC Sync program? Because I can't get that to work, as the Wildfire isn't recognised by the computer even though it's plugged in and charging via USB...
  6. I don't believe that. Maybe you believing that is deserved of the picture.
  7. MOG i dont know whatr this thread is about but it isnt the drunken one frtw so FUCKING AWESOME HAZZARD TUBEWIzARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jAYSZEVEN OWNS THRED!
  8. Cube wins hands down. Lag? Fuck off Rez, fuck off You fucked the montag up mate, no position to talk. Situational queer vid couldve been better. Your low standards befall even you. Shame.
  9. Chereeeeyl Coaaaaal! Full of lieeeeeffff! MooowwwjooooO! R8?!
  10. I saw that as it was posted, was unfortunate I missed out correcting him myself. The cunt.
  11. Or as Sully would say Man, this is like trying to find a bride in a brothel This is applicable, right?
  12. But it's the high end cars that get the best treatment. For almost the majority of the game you'll be driving PS2-esque cars. Just saying. And Caris - I'm just saying the scenery isn't that impressive. It doesn't matter a whole lot when you're whizzing past in the blue machine though ofc.
  13. This didn't need to be made. They should call it something else tbh, disassociate it entirely. No serious director is going to want to take this up anyway, the whole concept of it is just bland. Half pun, but any territory this will be treading will already be chartered. Nathan Drake is likeable but he's about as deep as Jason Statham. Because to tell you the truth... I don't give a shit.
  14. You could say that but then it's such a damn contrast it makes the thing outdated somewhat. Also, only 200/1000 of the cars have that real amazing shine.
  15. I thought the vid was quite OK tbf. Nick Clegg is a wanker. I don't know where he's plucked to dare from to claim this is actually helping more people to get into education... During the mass protests he said something like 'if they actually looked at the details and what we're proposing this will benefit...' or something like that. Utter twat. 'If you actually look at it properly like all these protesters you'll realise we've chundered all over your futures by tripling your fees kthxbai'. Cunt. Just a complete sellout cunt.
  16. The trees still look horrendous. And some of the backdrops are gacky. Still, looks amazing at times!
  17. Don't 'hmmmm' me, sonny. I'd played the mini version of it on 'Rat on the Run', which is also good, but the scooter minigame was so popular that it warranted it's own expansion. It's 59p on the store I think, totally worth it. Another ideal example of simplicity perfection. Highly skillful too, backwheel grinds are the stuff of legend.
  18. Has noone mentioned Rat on a Scooter XL?!?!?!?!?! It's amazingthon! Addictive, you can waste hours just trying to best your high score. Neverending fun!
  19. As far as misspell irony goes...
  20. FFS! I've only had these WESC Bongos for 3 weeks and now only one half of it works - the sound has just cut from the right headphone/can thing. No solutions to be found online other than buy a new pair.... Bullshit.
  21. I'm sure these older games would've had patches post-release if they were available to the developers back then. I know what you mean though, it's just that in the case of GT5, they've kept delaying it so as to try and ensure there weren't problems. The amount they've tried to cram into it is insane, so I think it seems harsh to criticise Polophony over an issue such as this.
  22. I assume you're joking with this sentiment?
  23. No, more like the kind that dress up as girls but aren't fooling anyone as to their true gender. Apart from Jon.
  24. I love Kanye West and thus look forward with great enthusiasm in terms of hearing what brilliance his recording team have come up with this time.
  25. That be teh wun Rez
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