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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    SSX (2012)

    Can you tell me a bit more about this 'spring break' nonsense? If I'm to sign up I need details. And yeah, it's just like Bomberman.
  2. Just like to point out I very much enjoyed this post. I still think it's worth writing down your current thoughts though, even if they aren't particularly founded on much. It's interesting to see how they develop or potentially change entirely. It's hard being an introvert.
  3. dwarf

    SSX (2012)

    The trick system sounds a bit pants but then again if it controls well otherwise, I'm in Daft's camp. And who doesn't want to be there?!
  4. What're you getting it with?
  5. dwarf

    SSX (2012)

    ...what about grey snowflakes?
  6. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    Didn't see that one coming aha! But since you're asking, I'll go sweet, as long as they aren't as sweet as you babe
  7. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    I might get this game purely for Guerilla Warfare and Operations mode, they seem to have ruined WarZone. I've just got the ideal class set-up now: ---- M82 Magnum Air Support and spot and mark (i.e. tactician) More ammo perk. C4 - you get two of these if you have above perk. ---- Even though it's not really anything new, I've been finding it so enjoyable using this setup. Instinctive know-how nets me K/Ds of 5+ very often, which you'll all like to know. The rebalancing has vastly improved the game, returning weapons to their former glory. There's still a minor balancing issue or two but nothing un-ironable. Having said that, I still don't like the unlock system, the introduction of mechs, rocket firing turrets, and ofc the removal of boost ability/spawn grenades, but now it's feeling a lot more familiar to Killzone 2. It's basically a more polished experience, with new maps = win. Happy to see such improvements.
  8. Happy Birthday babe! What tyme you coming round? Other than seeing me you doing anything special? I promise I've stocked up on the sweet and salted varieties of popcorn that are doing the rounds in the market at the moment. For you.
  9. Just finished season 4. Highly depressing tone throughout. And whilst it must be an exaggerated representation of Baltimore, it does provide for a hell of a lot of interesting thoughts, about culture and the differences between here and there. It's like I've been living in a rosy haven my whole life. Fantastic show.
  10. http://all-things-andy-gavin.com/2011/02/02/making-crash-bandicoot-part-1/ Biiiig blog (6 parts, linked to on the pages) about the creation of the original Crash Bandicoot, written by the original founders of Naughty Dog. It talks about the competition of Mario, design hardships, and generally awesome trivia in Crash's development cycle. A cracking read.
  11. Well be a cynic if you want but as I explained it's as much about the interface as it is the concept. It's heavily integrated into Facebook, which has many obvious advantages. I've had fun using it.
  12. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    It's not so much as hard as much of it being a case of perseverance. I'd highly recommend reading through the thread. Although that'll likely cause confusion as well. It's weirdly put together, just know that when you go into it. You WILL have to read up on stuff.
  13. Glad to hear it yo'!

  14. How is your new jobz0r?

  15. Oh good good, just standard really, pubs n clubs n shit. Ingwish corswurk to do tho fthippopotamus

  16. How's things goin br0?

  17. (I was drunk last night)
  18. Formspring is brilliant. It gives you the excuse to write well constructed essays about topics you feel strongly about. Thing is, Formspring is only as good as the questions, and only as good as what you make of them. And, therefore, only as good as your friends' imagination. I started writing a diary a few weeks back (not as part of a NY resolution) and then joined Formspring. It serves the same purpose of keeping a log of your thoughts and activities, except you have the excuse almost, if you can call it that, to make it public. It serves as a kind of ego/confidence boost, which whilst may be frowned upon, it's actually quite liberating. It enables you to share your repressed thoughts and opinions without making you appear too try-hard, which for me is a massive draw. Many Formspring accounts are boring as they're just one-word answers, however as I've said, the quality of the network depends on how you use it. It's easy, simple, and you get to learn a bit more about friends or people you know because there's no barriers to entry. So things that you may have never had to reply to become so, as there's a purpose for both userbases. And if a shit question is posed, just pan it. Nothing will come of it. Can also be used to demonstrate your linguistic flair, if it exists in you. Improved writing ability etc. Also, you can negotiate between giving serious and jokey (slash mixed) responses. It's entertaining, and I don't think a blog or anything other medium truly serves as a substitute, even if it's just due to accessibility.
  19. And even if he did die, at least he didn't have to experience the mundane, hope-crushing, despairing void of a cab driving life, failing to sustain an income for his five doomed children and his dying parents. I think Ridge Racer has made a profoundly sound moral point.
  20. Or how about Ridge Racer: The Rebounding Rise of the Redemptioners - Without Limits. Testosterone Edition ?
  21. dwarf


    You want to see a marketing farce? Here's an old PSP Ridge Racer trailer And here's the new Ridge Racer Both trailers are shit, but the second one just screams of Japan's Westernisation fail. It may offend you to look at it.
  22. The marketing of this game is worse than real life rape. Of course the first thing you want to do with a souped up car is to trash it and kill an innocent civilian. Actually one of the crappiest/inane things I've seen. Just, ergh. [just had to continue the hatin]
  23. dwarf

    Killzone 3

    M82 is now available for use with the Tactician. There's still hope. Edit: Scratch that, it's still balls.
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