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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Hehe I don't think I can resist to be honest. Thing is I haven't actually seen a lot from the first couple of levels other than a bridge blowing up so I think I will hold out for release. I'm currently downloading Resi 5 off the European store though.
  2. His quality didn't really show at Liverpool. Shame because he is a great player, scored bags for Spurs along with Berbs.
  3. It's just a wind-up don't worry.
  4. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I can understand the gripes with the DS3, but it is still my pad of choice. My hands are small and so I find it easy to hold, and I don't find anything wrong with the shoulder buttons. There are pad triggers you can buy if you don't like the curve. Gamecube controller was really nice to hold but the d-pad and c-stick were crap. 360 controllers are probably equal to DS3 in retrospect, although they love collecting dirt and muck. My opinion of course. 2000 Posts :0 Can't imagine how many posts in total it would be if it counted the Cube & Revo Europe days.
  5. Hahahahahaaaaaa!
  6. You should check out my insane skills and stats. I play it too much lol, but I want to reach the final rank with the quality outfits. Make sure to get to level 15 so that you get to use the LAARK berserk though, that is so fun. I went into an unranked 60 player battle and I whipped the lark out. Fired it at a group of campers situated on the balcony and there was a huge explosion and then on the screen it said 6+. It was that cool.
  7. dwarf


    There's something satisfying about seing a drive pristine and covered perfectly in snow. I was going to take some off the drive but it would have ruined the effect hehe.
  8. dwarf


    Damn you all it isn't snowing here! The forecasters got it wrong again. Bastards.
  9. I don't actually know, but I do know that he is one sonofab*tch. Not that I have a 360 but it would have been good to find in there once it came back.
  10. My friend that had to replace his 360 sent his box with only the console in and he got a free controller with it when it was sent back. Lucky lad.
  11. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    You don't need to know the story apparently, it isn't really a sequel. However if you've played the other Killzones you will recognise some of the characters from the PS2/PSP titles.
  12. As MU supporter I wanted Liverpool to be honest, simply because Chelsea always come strong in the end. I don't think Liverpool will last.
  13. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Ah right I remember the place now. Yeah, I managed to do the mission without killing all the people there. Later on I did though cause you don't lose karma for it.
  14. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Can't remember it. Anything special there?
  15. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Where was Paradise Falls again? I can't remember doing a quest there.
  16. ^ Well, not quite that good lol. But yeah, I didn't expect it to be as polished and awesome when I bought it either. Among Thieves is going to be incredible.
  17. "What's wrong? Never seen a U-Boat in the middle of a jungle before?" Or something like that lol
  18. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I don't but the trailers for it are very cool. If they iron out lag (if there are lag issues) then I may buy it. Thing is it looks like a prologue to the game MAG. Isn't it being made by the same developers or something?
  19. Depends if you can get online in other games. Can you?
  20. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Yeah same boat as Flamey but I think I've decided I'll use my time to rank up in Resistance, I've got so far it would be a shame to not push myself over the line. I'm going to use the 3 months of Lovefilm after Killzone 2 has died down a bit (Although I'm not sure it's possible to wait for 20 years ) Could use it now so that when I have a break from Killzone I have something else to get on with. Saints Row 2 would be on the list.
  21. Just saying, if you has access to a GC then you may as well buy as buy it. Nobody I know hasn't liked it and it's obviously different to most RPGs. I get bored if I play RPGs that are similar to each other.
  22. Hahaha, that actually made me laugh! Why imo lol?!
  23. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I only ever found 1 bobblehead in the game lol, and that was the easy one in the Lab where doctor Li was. (I remembered the name !) The others I probably came close to just didn't realise they were there. That's what made them cool and special I guess. A friend was telling me about how he collected 11 out of 12 bobbleheads and then realised he couldn't get the last one - it was located in Megaton and he blew it up XD
  24. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Calm down, we aren't slating it and we know it's going to be awesome! Just saying it is nice to be able to play awesome games with a friend, but it's not a deal breaker. I know you're a lover of the game but there isn't a need to back up any and every minor gripe. Sos just needed to be said.
  25. ^ Yeah I cracked up when he said that as well haha, my Dad follwed suit. Adebayor is shocking, I thought he was good :/
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