He only gets stuck on cliffy areas, and he's a bloody beat in combat, will pretty much take care of any deathclaw for you if you add a couple of shots.
For most people here people that get the game will want it because it has good graphics and gameplay.
For me though, when I played 4 it was more of an adrenaline rush, and I was always hoping that the next guy wasn't holding a chainsaw and if he was then I'd brick myself. The bit where I touched cloth in 4 was when you jump down from the bridge and then 2 chainsaw women came running at you. At that moment my shotgun wasn't reloaded so you can guess what happened.
I am easily scared so when I bought the game I was kind of like 'Shit what have I done?!' but it gives you a sense of acomplishment once you battle your way through certain areas.
Loved the merchant guy, really don't think they should have removed him cause he was the one guy which when you saw meant you could relax a little.
The scare factor is the only thing stopping me from buying the game, yet that's the whole point of it I guess.
I really really like the campaign, it is very good. Basically just very fun and never really samey like in FoM.
Online is uber as well.
One of my favourite games definitely.
Yeah there's the minor issue of the Chimera running at just you, but I have found that they don't pick solely on you when shooting. Anyway, there are very few problems so it doesn't really detract from the experience.
Apart from the invisible freaks which are truely gay and unnecessary. You're in a firefight, start to move forwards when you hear the roar from one and it is instant kill...
The weapons are very realistic. You almost feel like you are holding the gun because the bullets seem to have a great impact on enemies and movement feels sluggish because of the weight of the weapons. Helps having rumble.
I've seen his gambling one, the jail one, the hunting one and the Phelps craziness, but couldn't really be bothered to watch this one.
He is good, but yeah, you can guess the sort of comments and approach he will make with his stuff now.
Yeah you sent me an invite but I wasn't playing at the time, forgot how to accept.
I've been playing through the campaign and it is incredibly fun. Can't stop playing it, yet I don't want to rush it.
Does anyone know why we don't get XP for competitive?
I won 3 60 player online matches today, was pretty chuffed. Used the Auger, sometimes the bullseye.
This game is quality. Funnest FPS I've ever played.
Yeah it's a bit congested. Managed to complete Fallout (almost level 19) but there is still more I want to do on it. Have also just completed Ratchet and Clank for PS3, i know it isn't new but oh well.
Also have LBP which is awesome, and then there's Resistance 2 which I need to get, most anticipated game this year for me.