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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Just letting you guys know that I'll be publishing my level soon There are a few drawbacks and compromises but it's pretty good.
  2. I've spent ages creating my level now but there's a few issues with my boss. I think it's a really good level but I hope it gets played by quite a few people because it takes quite a lot of effort. Also is there any way of making it so that the paintinnator doesn't ruin the look of the boss? I can't find a way...
  3. 3. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift - Graphic powerhouse...What a game, I never could have imagined how good it is! Incredible incredible racing game. PS3 owners must buy! 2. Resistance 2 Just picking people off in 60 player online match with a friend - Brilliant 1. Metal Gear Solid 4 - The whole thing was magical. One moment in particular made me smile and cry at the same time.
  4. Damn, all great deals on games that I can borrow from friends or I already have If anyone finds good prices on Mirrors Edge/Tomb Raider/Dead Space let me know!
  5. It may be because of your TV settings, or Display Settings in the settings part on your cross-media bar. (or your current PS3 system update is old) Everything that can go wrong for you seems to be going wrong.
  6. It's weird I kind of felt I needed to post all that, let some people know who I am and the sort of journey I went on. I rarely express myself on here. I don't want to sound like a nob or detach myself from here but I am very much normal lol. Have great time with friends earlier and school is going great - I don't know why I just felt a tear roll down my cheek after rolling through that little post. (didn't literally cry)
  7. My favourite year of videogaming ever - At the start I had the Wii where there was one stand out game - getting a Free Loader and Brawl was just magical - smug grin on my face when it worked and I felt so special - amazing! Showing my friends was really fun. Then I sold it for the PS3 which really opened my eyes again. I sold at the perfect time because after it there was and still is a drought. I realised how much I was missing out on. INCREDIBLE games on PS3, spoilt for choice - MGS4, LBP, Res 2 and Fallout 3 stand outs. Uncharted also great. Online gaming blew me away. All this has led me to thinking about my time spent on games. My videogaming history is strange. Nintendo stuff: Gameboy, then really starting out with Mario 64 on the 64 which made playing games my favourite thing other than football, then playing Rayman on the PC. Then one xmas my Dad bought me and my sister PS2 which was the best surprise ever. Played many a good game on that and I forgot about Nintendo until I played on someone's Gamecube which reminded me of Mario so I got one. This turned me into a fanboy - for some reason I got it into my head that everything else was inferior. I played my favourite game of all time - Metroid Prime - and I thought it was so good I looked online to see if anyone else liked it as much as me. I was amazed to discover all of the game websites on the Internet and in the end I joined Cube-Europe lol. Been addicted to this forum ever since under different names. After I heard news of the DS and I went mental, drove my parents mad and even alienated a few friends at school. Was enjoying that and then I pissed myself over the Wii (p-unintended) and after so long I broke out of the denial and realised I was slightly dissappointed with both consoles. I didn't have any secret allegiance to the company so I sold the DS and about a year later the Wii. Now I'm enjoying all of the aforementioned titles for the PS3. (and that's a very brief history lol!) I have enjoyed every console that I have owned but none moreso than my current machine. However it's sad thinking that I will never again experience something as special as the first time I played Mario 64 or the buzz I got from the first time I finished the space-station section of Metroid Prime. I know I will never experience anything that good again. I believe that is largely, maybe even solely because of the news coverage I am now addicted to. Had I not seen videos for LBP or MGS4 I would certainly have enjoyed them so much more - but then again I may not have even discovered them.... Which would have been tragic - so this is why I'm thankful for playing Prime and being trapped in this Web of gaming and this forum. Yet I don't know if this was the best life-path for me - It's made me spend too much time on videogames and miss out on other essential things. I'm nowhere near an outcast though - I could be seen as an average Joe at school. Too late for that now though. Why do I feel so emotional about this right now?! Weird...
  8. Yeah but you can't say all that here Fish so you have to make a comment like my one so that everyone stays happy and to make you seem philosophical In all seriousness though, I agree with most of what you said - there needs to be more Wii games and I think no matter what shit was put on the Wii, the boards would still be relatively happy.
  9. If Kojima made an FPS...It would be the FPS in the world.
  10. I've just downloaded the pack as well as the Snake costume - awesome times lol. I'm really happy right now because of this and I've also made quite an advancement in the level I'm making - I'm gonna add a boss now that I can use the paintinnator !
  11. Hehe I prefer deathmatch and team deathmatch because I'm relatively good at it.
  12. Sos guys I didn't quite get that whole thing working properly, tere were a few issues, ah well, at least I got to see what some people were like.
  13. Get online with us.
  14. Hehe King V is right The Wii is still the future of gaming I think in terms of how we should play - The controls are better and are only limited (for the moment) on the number of buttons. Thing is, it really should have tried better with the graphics. Yes graphics aren't THE most important thing, they are well up there and when I owned the Wii, I was looking at the competition in agony. Nintendo could have put in a bit more effort. The thing is the developers have changed tac on the Wii - some people like the change that has happened, some don't and some are indifferent. I didn't like the change and I believe there aren't enough games that I like so I sold it. You cannot deny however that there are brilliant games for each console.
  15. Well there's lots of NE-ers online now so I'm trying to get together some Res 2 games.
  16. If it stops the bleeding, you can still play the co-op mode with a buddy, which is much better. As you complete more missions you get more XP and you can level up for more equipment/better weaponry and powers etc. There are 3 classes - soldier, medic (I was a medic) and Special Ops.
  17. Co-op is when you and 7 other players (Or you, your friend and 6 other players) do online missions against the chimera - They aren't as well made as the campaign but still offer something of a story. And Daft - I would still play co-op but my data got erased for both co-op and competitive, so I've decided to stick with competitive now so I could catch up with where I was. Shame I was at level 14 or something when it cut out
  18. Well you'll be sad to hear that there's no co-op in the main campaign which SUCKS ASS but there is an online co-op which is worth playing, but I don't enjoy it anywhere near as much as the people here - gets boring methinks.
  19. ^ You know that on the 'Latest' part you can scroll down further than the visible boxes - it's beneath the main stuff I think.
  20. Wow there's loads of new stuff up on the Store (most notably the MGS LBP thing) including new games and demos of old stuff.
  21. I turned into a Grandad when I saw this page.
  22. Just watched some really good TV in my opinion - the Christmas Lead Balloon was very good and surpassed all of the ones this series (which wasn't that great) and also The Peter Steforlerknfvlwkt4ujrfnv2kjfnev Show was funny in parts. Edit: Sorry to hear about the loss fellow forumer
  23. I think that part looks cool. I think the coolest thing about it is that you can basically go anywhere via streetrunning/megajumps and collapsing structures all the while whooping ass.
  24. I've now played some extremely good levels, I don't think anyone here knows how much I want to make levels to the sort of standard we have already. It would be so cool to get thousands of hearts and plays but it's just not going to happen
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