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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf


    Well that's why they brought Infamous forward 2 weeks. So hopefully we get it at that time. If not I'll import because personally I'd rather have this than a God of War game. Love the look of the grenades. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYyjfdzZ0z4
  2. Oh I didn't think they were set in the sam sort of environment, hoped there weren't when I said that :p
  3. Christ yeah but I don't play it on my own though, way too boring.
  4. I just don't like anime. Want to join the craze but for me it doesn't cut it. I don't mind cartoony styles it's just that I can't believe that the characters are actually human, it all just seems like a bit of a freak show.
  5. Fallout 1 & 2 didn't have locales that were blown up by an A-bomb, so the Fallout universe just means it'll just be a similar style graphically. I don't think they'd get away with making it post-apocalytic again. They only need to stick Fallout in the name for it to be a cash cow anyway. It'll probably be in development for a good few years because they aren't exactly quick to develop. What I really loved about 3 was the retro feel - it made things so much creepier and appear more tragic somehow. It was like the place was rich in history before everyone was blown apart.
  6. Well it depends on the game as I said before. In Half-Life or a proper Metroid game you wouldn't really want an online mode at all, but Unreal Tournament you wonder why they add a single player to it because it is primarily a multiplayer experience.
  7. I don't think Uncharted was a sole reason to get a PS3, the second could well be though. And yeah MGS4 is brilliant. Fallout 3 is better than Oblivion I think. The whole atmosphere is unmatched and the thing is just fantastic. I need to upgrade as well but I don't want to have to reinstall all the game updates and firmware shizzle.
  8. dwarf


    That's a point, importing is probably the better option seeing as this hasn't got an online mode. I personally think it will be the same date, not that I have any insider knowledge.
  9. I don't think it will be a post-apocalyptic landscape but rather just a large industrial city. I assume it will be slightly smaller than Fallout 3.
  10. Ok Ok it's just that I thought this would also be considered ironic - it isn't a pun or sarcasm really.
  11. I managed to get online with it but admittedly very laggy games for it. CoD on my friend's Wii was fine during the day.
  12. I understand where you are coming from but the fact he is choosing that name and getting it wrong is irony no? Because I think he is intending the name to be ironic. I hate the word now.
  13. But it is ironic. Not that ironic but it could easily be described as ironic. It's more ironic than your suggested alternative anyway. But Bluey he obviously intended to spell it wrong for the irony?
  14. Yeah it's because it is half-way through the conversation. And yeah it wouldn't make for a funny joke. Glad you agree though.
  15. Right I'm having a bit of a dispute with a friend here, may as well post the convo: Conversation removed due to people finding it offensive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who do you agree with? I understand what irony is but for me this is a tricky area * I'm MattC btw)
  16. Manu deserved that for being nobs on penalties. I don't like Berbatov, I thought he was great at Spurs but now... Just no. Rio and Vidic penalty takers? Put on your strongest penalty takers first, ala Anderson, he wouldve put confidence in the rest of the team.
  17. dwarf


    Read the thread dipshit! Joking, it's out May 25th in US and probably has a similar date for UK. As I said it has gone gold and ready for release, which Choze felt the need to point out also
  18. Jalapenos look like they've come from someone's nose anyway. And taste about as good.
  19. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    I sent the guy a PM so should hopefully have x. What is x ?
  20. dwarf

    Killzone 2

    Can you link me to the site please Choze where I need to register? And team kills are unavoidable anyway.
  21. Supply vs demand my friend. And btw it isn't that much because most of the time because they do deals. I think we got 3 large pizzas for £22 or something like that.
  22. If you like Pizza Hut then it is pretty much a given that you will like Dominos, if not even more than Hut. I'd say they were even.
  23. Hehe, that win would have granted me something in the region of 350 points if I carried on, oh well.
  24. Hehe you're just a sucker for pizza aren't you?
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