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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. He already is a dohnut. And so are you
  2. Somebody might buy one now that it's only 20% above what the RRP should have been. Oh, it's back to £200 on there. Cracking stuff.
  3. I will buy it when Nintendo release remake Ocarina of Time it will be good and have lots of new characters and graphics so I really want it now.
  4. Well you definitely will get that ACII platinum, stop kidding yourself.
  5. I thought the only differences between versions was down to the brightness settings.
  6. Transference is a tad strong. I think the reason some people give a shit can be attributed to recognition. You have you're achievements written down for future reference - It's nice to know that one day will come* where someone will unexpectedly jump out at you to quiz you're trophy abilities, and you will be able to provide evidence proving that you've got something in your locker. *This unintentionally turned into a joke post highlighting the pointlessness of them again.
  7. Trophies float in and out of my perception of importance. They aren't of course, which makes me feel dumb in retrospect; sitting at my computer tapping out how I've been slogging for a trophy so that an uncaring forum community knows how big a tosser I am.
  8. dwarf


    I wouldn't have such a big problem with DLC if it was priced reasonably. Every DLC I've seen (sometimes bought) has been twice as much as what I'd value it, but the creators get away with it because it's only available through online stores. I reckon sales would more than double if the prices halved, then again Borderlands DLC pricing is probably inelastic because of the more hardcore base it has, so I guess they may as well charge excessively. I'll stop before I sound like too much of a twat, or is it too late?
  9. dwarf


    If you're going to pay £30 + on a game (Ok you may have rented) I'd like to think anything on top of that offered quality or a vastly unique take on the game than quantity. I know what you're like though, we'll argue for weeks at this rate. Enjoy the DLC.
  10. dwarf


    So it's gone from being a waste of money to a waste of money and a waste of space.
  11. dwarf


    They probably had it completed before the game came out but felt like charging for it by releasing later. It's not massively different, they haven't added anything that new and it seems like they're going to make a lot of money from it for putting in little effort. IIRC someone said they tried harder in the narrative/presentation for the DLC than the main game, which whilst isn't that hard to achieve it makes me a bit annoyed they didn't focus on improving the standard of the disc content. There's plenty of the same old shooting and slogging through side quests in the main game to become boring in co-op, so paying for more of those extra quests but with a different colour-palette seems inane. If it came in the original package I don't think people would have thought it should've been DLC. I just think a lot of the time with DLC that people pay for it just because it is there.
  12. dwarf


    The video on their dlc review page shows that some of the enemies are level 17 so I think you're just unlucky Shorty. Waste of money at any stretch.
  13. I've decided to have a small games clear out. I've put Borderlands, Unreal Tournament III, Little Big Planet and Motorstorm Pacific Rift on eBay. Edit: + Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. Might add Dirt 2 to that because whilst it's a great game, really is very good, there's just a lack of incentive to play it. They got the difficulty all wrong - other than an irrelevant couple of grand extra cash for completing a race on a harder difficulty, there is no reason to scrape your way through the higher difficulties. If they had trophies, greater unlocks or even if they halted your progression until you completed x number of races on a higher difficulty I would feel more obliged to continue. Still, it's hanging in the balance. It goes for a lot on eBay (around 25 quid) so that would mean I would make a £12 profit after postage and ebay fees are taken into account.
  14. No! No No No No!!! NO! He's good.
  15. No Diageo.
  16. dwarf


    Just platinumed this. After all this effort and getting to level 50, it seems weird if I'm going to sell the game just after obtaining the trophy. Meh, not going to waste money on the DLC though. If anyone here wants my weapons/items etc from the PS3 version give me a shout soonish. I've changed my mind and will say the game is deserving of an 8. With a bit more work it could've been excellent though, kind of feels like they rushed to get it out in the holiday period.
  17. I think he just wants that 'award'. Ha.
  18. I thought it's been pretty unanimous, well, at least there haven't been any negative comments about it.
  19. I know, but it doesn't even look good. Multiplayer is overrated.
  20. New Moon Don't ask, but yes, it was shit. Cliché doesn't even begin to describe it.
  21. Sorry, but what was so special about that video?
  22. I thought Gravity Crash looked better from the trailers, and it plays how it looks, which is pretty good. PJS just looks like there's one background and a mechanic that'll become a novelty after the first 2 levels.
  23. Hmmm that activation thing sucks balls. I think I have my whole 5 accounts filled up, just not sure which ones. I wish there was a way of checking which systems you wanted activating with, because it'll probably mean that 2 friends that share with me will be disconnected. Wish I'd only activated friends systems in hindsight. Unless what if I de-activated my system, and then enabled reactivation just for my friends? Confusing.
  24. Well yeah I'd have signed up if I hadn't played it, wasn't trying to stamp on your curiosity. Just don't buy the full game.
  25. Got to level 28 in the beta so I could buy a grenade launcher attachment amongst other things, the game was just bland and generally shit. It didn't help that there were tons of spawn glitches but really it's not that special.
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