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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. It is great advice. I'm out here with 9 years left to go... shit.
  2. Paying off debt after 11 years is no mean feat, well done @Cube! In the last few years I have really struggled with being social with friends, I regularly hang out with a couple and a few friends a bit far away, but I've not made any active effort, I find myself a lot more closed off and wanting to just hide away at home. This weekend I spent some serious time with my best friend and his partner, its been lovely. We're now making it a monthly thing with board games to get me out of the house and to enjoy some company. I felt like an older (nicer) part of myself for a bit.
  3. Its incredibly unfair and it sucks ass that you're unable to have a healthy baby you both want so much. I've no doubt from reading your posts/updates that this little one is going to have the best life and be so loved and cared for. I have everything crossed for you and your partner. I don't want to follow this with my own bad things much, so I'll keep it brief. The job I was hoping for went to a colleague that truly, truly doesn't deserve it, that's work for you sometimes.
  4. 2020 has been terrible for us as a couple. I cannot for the life of me by arsed to waffle, so here's bullet points: - I was tested for cancer - wedding has been cancelled twice - I'm super ill again so we are fighting for more surgery - partner lost his job - Landlord has been a douche for various reasons. That said, lockdown has brought about a few nice things. My partner got made redundant so the money has meant we could now afford a house (if we can get 10%). He also took a job closer to home for less pay but I now see him way more than I've ever done in nearly 7 years! On a personal level my company has now implemented working from home on a permanent basis. For now it's forced but eventually will be half and half. I've wanted this for years with having a chronic illness. So that's a wonderful plus!
  5. Partner liked my white case so much, I decided to get him the same one in black for his birthday.
  6. It'll be a trial and error for a lot of companies I assume. So you won't be alone. From my understanding the company I work for has had WFH as a "privilege" for a very long time. As we have only recently been acquired in the last year and a half, we never got onboarded to WFH. But covid sped the process up. My boss was very against it to begin with and thought covid was overblown. Soon changed his tune...
  7. Same as other people here, I only wear a mask indoors in my town, but its a tiny one where even on the busiest of days I'll barely see 4 or 5 people on an hour walk. In the large town - Cambridge, we wear a mask as soon as we get out the car until we get back in. No exceptions. I don't trust anyone at all to behave themselves. The fact that it had to be put as a requirement before most of the population would wear a mask really screams volumes.
  8. Booked a spa day/weekend with the husbando for his birthday next month, we've never been to one, so felt it'd be something fun with all the shite we've had to deal with.
  9. In Cambridgeshire this past week it's been 34c and "felt" like 39c. This is to say you have my deepest sympathies because fuck that noise.
  10. Given we're nearly through the heatwave its unlikely I'll buy one now, but its definitely swayed me to get one nearer winter. With endometriosis I get warm all the damn time and a fan gives me a headache. So this will be a good alternative.
  11. I keep umming and ahhing about one, my main complaint is that we'd need to use it upstairs, which has three rooms, plus we have issues with putting the vent outside (and sealing the window). Too many cons, but considering the weather this year, its likely to happen next year if I can get one on offer when they are less likely to be sold.
  12. The costly downside to losing weight! I think over the last few years I've had several "new" outfits. Enjoy the new stuff!
  13. That's all good, we've rebooked it for the 03/04/21. We want the original date so 04/04/20 to the 21. But whatever We're going over Halloween! We both prefer the cold and we last went during June, so it'll be nice to cozy up a bit and chill!
  14. A few nights in Edinburgh: As we had to push our wedding back for the third time (fingers crossed).
  15. This, my lovely friend, is what Twitch is for. This is on my wishlist to buy once payday arrives! Its been a while since I've picked up my switch.
  16. I don't! I think this is the night you're referring too... Goodness that feels like an entire person ago, I barely recognise that lady anymore. I (obviously) have pictures of a few others from here (like Dan, Smedley etc) too. What a forever ago that all is. I hope they are doing ok.
  17. @LazyBoy I was going to ask if anyone else going back to the gym. I sorely want to try as I miss it. My local gym has set-up a lot to ensure that we're safe, every machine and rack is spaced apart from what I can see. With my membership running out tomorrow (I'm on a yearly contract), I'm tempted to go tomorrow and see how it goes. They even have their app to show how many people have checked in in the last hour, so I'm hoping if I go super early I can get a cardio session in. What a treat that'll be!
  18. It'll pick up again soon, I've been keeping an eye on Nationwide for the same reason. I'd always say about getting a 10% or 5% anyway.
  19. That is some fancy facilities! Its an interesting question Ashley, I wouldn't say London is very green in my head, but I suppose its certainly better to some of the bigger cities in other countries. I currently live in a 3 bed 2 bath house with my partner. We've been here 4 years now in a lovely little town in Cambridgeshire. Its semi-detatched, which wasn't an issue until the family moved in about 6 months ago. They are a lovely family with a little lad, but he likes to run about all day and they now have wooden floors (landlords I swear to FUCK buy carpet for renting in flats and terraced housing). We hope to buy something similar this time next year, but detached. We love having our own rooms (We have our bedroom, guest room which I use as a study and a third bedroom which is tiny and is my partner's study). I've never been able to live on my own, through money or otherwise, except when I lived in NYC for a bit. I love living with my partner, so its nice we can afford something a bit bigger and have our own spaces.
  20. You know this already, but this is for life, so you're allowed to have a wobble! On a side note, if you told me I'd walk 4+ miles a day every day, I'd have told you to get your head checked. Yet here we are. I'm looking forward to getting back to the gym though, it feels like I've walked every path in this small town several times over now.
  21. "Whilst I understand that conversations can be remembered differently, I do not currently have the time to route through all conversations mentioned. If you're unsure of the answer, then perhaps this should have been communicated to the team (aka the testers) at the time." AKA, fuck you, do the work and if you didn't know 110% you shouldn't have bluffed it.
  22. "potentially" was the key word here.
  23. Regret is potentially a sign of growth. The fact the you can see and learn from your old selves is a GOOD thing. It took £500+ worth of therapy to understand that, so enjoy the freebie.
  24. We have two of the "baby" versions of this tv, in a 43inch, we love them. GG!
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