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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. I always say its better to find something, at least then you KNOW what it is, whether good or bad. No answers are the fucking worst. I'm glad you're getting a blue badge though, it sounds like you've needed it for a long old time, so hopefully it can provide some assistance for you day to day.
  2. We've done it via app too! You haven't gone with O'Niell Solicitors have you? After a bit of faff once again, our solicitor is leaving the company. Found out from our broker, which now makes sense was she was being really slow to reply! All looking good to complete on the 17th FINALLY.
  3. If you like that, you might enjoy Jonathan Young on YouTube he does a lot of similar covers in a similar range.
  4. I just really love rock Disney.
  5. This is why we went with a broker, I cannot imagine how much more stressful it is without. But I agree! It seems like everything is stacked against you when buying a house for the first time. You'll make it - I am sure of it! Everyone I've spoken to (and reading through here) has had to deal with pretty much the same thing. Good luck Cube, you're gonna make it! <3
  6. I didn't understand the hype, then got obsessed with this song. Good choice!
  7. Oh my god! I'm so happy for you! You deserve something much much better.
  8. We got approved!! The mortgage was sorted earlier this week. Just as the interest rates dropped but I am too scared to try as it's been such a process as is. Thankfully our rate isn't crazy and the mortgage repayments are absolutely fine. Now we are on insurance and about to do the deposit! Huzzah.
  9. I've been on such a pop binge this year!
  10. Its awful the way they ask for things. Two years stable in self-employment but 3 months in my job and they approved me instantly. Don't they know I could fail probation? Anyway, we're still waiting, because of course we are. Everything was submitted successfully and then Nationwide decided that they wanted it submitted by the employer and not my broker - something my broker said she'd never had an issue with before! I swear if they don't approve us after all that I'm going to burn them to the ground.
  11. We've gotten a 3.5 bed (there is a downstairs room that is effectively a single bedroom but has been converted to a large office with 2 bath for the price. Given the current climate and the standard its been done its a steal! We saved 40k in the end, so its allowed us to pay the fees needed to move in comfortably. 5% are fine, but you have to weigh up what offers you're made by the lenders you go too really, I was personally not advised by my broker to do it especially as we had the funds to go with 10%. It took about three years of pushing to save up for the deposit (we got some money from company shares I had that really helped about 25% of that saving too). GL!
  12. 10%, we considered 5% but the whole thing just looked unappealing. For pure numbers, we're buying a 260k house (fairly reasonable given we're in the south of the country) so 26k.
  13. Good grief I hope everyone has cooled down again now. This rain has been a blessing. Anyway see house buying for why I'm stressed to all hell right now.
  14. I've actually had so much going on in this house buying process, that I couldn't physically bring myself to talk about it until today. Ho boy, buckle up kids, it gets weird. So last time I posted, we spoke about our mortgage application being submitted, that was June 14th, the reality is that it had been submitted on June 6th, I just hadn't spoken about it on here until almost a week later. From there, with my broker (and her colleague looking after the process) it was safe to say at the time that the mortgage would be fairly standard. My employment history was sound, my partner's a little less so with working through an agency but he had 12 months solid employment through them and had always worked for a company prior too that. Most lenders want you to have 12 months solid employment if you're with an agency apparently ./shrug Good lord, we were so so wrong! My understanding, in the UK a mortgage application usually takes about two or so weeks. In our circumstances, we had everything we needed to submit, so we went and did that. Nationwide then went to both our employers to ensure we were working for them. Mine was easy, the payslips were for permanent employment and I'd just passed probation the month before. As I said above however, my partner works for a company but is actually looked after by an agency - Adecco. I won't skimp over names because they know absolutely what they did was wrong. So Nationwide reached out to Adecco, this requires a short form, I've seen it myself, it's barely 6 or so fields for the payroll team to fill in. Then they either stamp it with the company seal OR provide a letterhead. It's a fairly easy process, shouldn't take more than about 10 minutes for a payroll manager to do. It just asks for the tax, national insurance. Standard stuff really! ....Hahaha... So July rolls around.. So let's cut to Wednesday 28th July, we've been begging Adecco to sort it out for weeks, two brokers, myself and my husband, emailing, calling, sitting on hold...bearing in mind that the application was submitted on the 6th June(!!). It seemed as though we were being stonewalled for no reason. I then come home from a day out with my partner and we are cc'ed into an email from my broker to ALL of the biggest emails one can send to Adecco. TL;DR if Adecco didn't release the information in the format that Nationwide needed (they had tried to submit the details with their own form two weeks prior) then Nationwide would cancel the whole process by the end of the day 30th July. This would mean we'd lose both our lender...and potentially the house. We had effectively 48 hours to get them to comply. For some reason Adecco have a WHOLE TEAM whose job it is to deal with requests such as these, but 7+ hours of being on hold and several emails led to nowhere. Thankfully, a contact my partner had really stepped up to the plate on Wednesday evening and set about trying to save our mortgage application. Pestering the team whose whole job it is to do this, to please save our mortgage. In total we had 5 different people working our case, the person who originally dealt with the form back in June FINALLY sent the details (she actually missed a field so we had to go back and forth over the course of 3 hours) and then we had to beg them to send a letterhead. On Thursday afternoon we managed to submit everything so Nationwide can approve/deny our mortgage. Thank fuck. The irony is we finally got a lengthy apology from the manager of the lady mentioned above and she spelt my partner's name completely incorrectly. It also wasn't sent to my partner just my broker. So thankfully my broker forwarded it on to us. But now hopefully, we'll get out approval early next week. With a homebuyer survey due end of the month its looking like we might be able to sort out this thing Sept. So there's one for you, an employer nearly blocked us from buying a house. Something nobody (not even my broker OR Nationwide) have ever come across.
  15. Speaking of GPUs... Like everyone else, I've been trying to get a 3070/3080GTX for sometime, the idea being that my husband would take it and I'd get his 2070 for my rig I built for it specifically end of 2019. Instead my brother in law reminded me that he was selling a 2070 Super that he got last year (that has done very little with really) so I nabbed it. Perhaps more expensive than I was planning, but I got the "family" discount. So my PC is complete almost 2 years later!
  16. Whoops, now the house is being bought, I can finally get some treats in.
  17. Mortgage application submitted. We will find out the next steps by next week. Eep.
  18. Finally bit the bullet and bought a ducky keyboard. I've had my razer for a long time now and the white razer keys are great, but it just isn't cutting it for me, so treat time it is!
  19. Oh Happenstance, I hope the rest of the week went a bit better! I suppose I should offset my ranting in another thread to say I accepted a little uplift in my duties! I'm now the manager to two reports for the first time ever. It's really fun to see the change on my reports slack of who their manager is....even if its a little scary!
  20. Honestly at this point R_A I might have to start being a bit of a dick about the NHS, I can't be nice about it anymore. I want to burn it to the fucking ground. I have been in the "system" since last year, about March, technically its January, but that was the GP then over to the hospital, I now have a specialist in endo as my consultant. Mid-last year we had a face to face, the TL;DR, surgery A or surgery B is the way to go. Other options will only be temporary. So pick a surgery. So MRIs later and delays due to covid, I went to a private doctor who worked at the same hospital in the same area as my specialist consultant. He mentioned the same thing as my NHS consultant and said we need to get you a priority. During that time I decided to pick a surgery, I chose option B. It seemed the safest and future proofing I could achieve with my own body. The more surgeries of this kind I have, the more risk it entails. Fast forward a little bit I had a phone call a couple of weeks ago, this was supposed to be with my NHS consultant, but for some reason it was with an entirely different doctor. Whatever. He asks me about my pain levels and whether I had given my consultants comments/advice any thought. I told him I had chosen surgery B after speaking to both him and my private doctor. The doctor seemed iffy, but did give me next steps, that next they'd have a big meeting and decide if that actually was the right thing and if everyone was happy to do it. This happened last time back in '17 so I wasn't surprised. I want them to be sure this is the accepted route! So at this stage I was happy that we were maybe finally getting somewhere. We'd wait for the meeting and then in his words "get you in to sign consent forms". However, today I received two letters (exactly the same so good job admin) for some reason this doctor on the phone was now suggesting that monthly injections and tablets for 6 MONTHS is a good idea, instead of surgery. However, they did concede they "still needed to have a chat about a surgical option with the wider team". You fucking what? So you're telling me that in MARCH OF FUCKING 2020 you could have given me this and made my life easier whilst we waited? But you've waited over a year, with another 6 months potentially in my future before we'll even look at booking a surgical date? WITH NO PAIN RELIEF WHATSOEVER. (This is a running theme by the by, I've never ever been offered more than paracetamol since I was diagnosed in 2016, except the morphine for a good 24 hrs after surgery - sigh). I am normally very very nice to every medical professional I meet, to the point of annoying my husband. But N-E you better pray for the next Dr or consultant who speaks to me because I'm about to tear then a new one. I am not waiting until sometime in fucking 2022 for a surgery and treatment that should have happened in 2020.
  21. They brought in a third party and offered me some protection from that. I already have several things in place to ensure my details/financials are safe, so I was fairly annoyed. The issue is that I still don't know how it occurred. Only that it occurred by someone who has access to all that information and it wasn't just my details that were leaked. In fairness to them, they have been very proactive, but considering the details that might have been leaked, I'd have liked a little more than a letter with a url to a third party to protect my details that includes handing over my national insurance number.
  22. If we add to the password stuff. I had my first ever incident where my work has found that my data has been leaked through them, not my fault, but somehow all my work data (such as salary, title etc) are out there, in a fairly nosy field. Potentially also everything else. GAH.
  23. Not quite wasted time, you've learnt how to do the role and a lot of those skills will be transferable to "number 1" in another company. Recently did this myself, spent 3+ years, finally about to get the role, pulled from me, ended up leaving that company for a higher role and 6 months in and I'm now doing an even larger role. It would have taken me another 2 years to get even close at my former company. I'd say either stick as your are now and soak up even more or move on. You owe them nothing.
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