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Everything posted by Vicar

  1. I´m not drunk ...... at the moment but I need something new and fresh to drink I usally drink malibu+pinapple, smirnof ice, sabukka any ideas ? I´m going partying and I whant to try something new.
  2. well I´m back from the beatch..... is the sand supose to be black? Anyway I´m looking for good drinks and I´m talking about party drinks like "flaming sabucka" I just finished a whole bottle yeasterday : peace: And I´m on a hat hunt the only thing I found is a sasmbrello "Mexican hat" the only problem is i have no idea how to take it home maby if a buy a really big one I can fly on it to brittan or something.
  3. I´m manly doing this so mundi can see I´m alive I check back in later allmoust out of time and if this si trouble just postit and lock this thread
  4. Gratz and I hope you will catch them all
  5. Grate announcement our game will be delayed until ..... dunno probably 3 weeks or something I'm going to tenerife so if anyone will be looking for me I´ll be there and that means I can´t play in the next game witch is probably starting tomorrow (orseomething)
  6. those freaking cards I still have mine in a shoe box I think I have over it in my room somewhere "turns around and finds the box" I have a shyni machamp, muk, hitmonchan, nidoqueen, alakazam, chansey, dark Alakazam, dark Blastoise, gyarados . I specalised in trading cards I remember trading a rhyno for a shiny matchamp, I had no idea how to play the actual game but I'm a where a master playing them in a GBC, my pile is allot smaller than it where in the golden days some jerk stole 40% of my cards and traded them the same day for something I cant remember, So I have mixed feelings for this card game
  7. Darn you beat me to it BUT if this is a joke im going to hurt somone
  8. It´s Mundi´s Birthday (I know the title sucks) Til hamingju með daginn :3 ~superkawaydesune
  9. Imagen if the would make a camera controller for this game ....
  10. and you where saying
  11. Always when I have a sleeping dream it´s like a freaky episode of twilight zone and every time when I'm having a good dream I some how find out I´m dreaming and wakeup. there are supposed to be 3 ways to find out if you dreaming 1. No pain 2. You cant read just know what you are looking at 3. cant remember..... Now good luck dreaming, Try them out but I'm warning you this could make you notice you are dreaming and wake you up, you have been warned.
  12. I hate living on this big cube of ice..... We are still waiting for the game to ship over here and the only reason why is because of the store who has the rights to sell Nintendo products here, the store is selling microwaves, washing machines, driers and furniture and every one who is working there is over 35 years old i hate this me and mundi have been planing on a Brawl fiesta the last two Fridays and all for nothing and we can´t do it the next one because I´m working...... ether god hates me or I antecedently killed a bug and it´s karma, and if someone lives/knows the guys who can take these rights from them than plz tell them of these dudes in you next te time with them and Yes I´m in a bad mood.
  13. One word Armstrong
  14. The thing when the give the baby away when it is born cant remember the word ...related to a foster home oh yeah Vote:moogleviper
  15. So how long do you guys think this card will last me? is there a DirectX 11 on the way or something I´m pretty stupid in this area of pc gaming
  16. Vicar uses Phoenix down Well I think I found the card here in Iceland even on sail BUT it´s a ATI ... is that the same thing? http://tolvulistinn.is/data/ads/tolvulistinn.is/20080703_1/large/080703_Opna.jpg look on the left side marked 23.900.
  17. BLARGH!!!!!! FUCKING MEMORIES I remember that one and it scared the living crap out of me when I where little and to every one who is afraid of the moominsnot going to be mean but DUDE/DUDETS look at this How more super kaway desune~ can it be ^_^
  18. I´m not going to lie but manly tears where shead.
  19. And I did not even get a honorable death.....
  20. Vote: Nintendohnut
  21. I hate my spelling specially when I'm tired, I mean really long not rally long.... what doe´s that mean in British ?
  22. There are 2 thinks I like to say to this 1. I better be long I'm talking rally long and repayable 2.This looks freaking beautiful, hope this game wont flop
  23. ARGH I´m going to buy a crowbar today just to be safe
  24. ... so this is just Tekken/Soulcalibur wit lightsabers? could get boring real fast unleash they have some single player co-up working like Dynasty Warriors with epic boss fights, now that would be awesome
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