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Everything posted by Vicar

  1. And here are the votes Majority is 15 chairdriver: (7)MadDog, Dyson, Raining_again, Gizmo, Mundi, rokhed00
  2. Here are the votes Majority is 16 Chairdriver: (6) rokhed00, Ellmeister, Dyson, mr-paul, darksnowman. MadDog, Fandango: (1) Chairdriver Rokhed00 (1) jayseven No Lynch: (6) Tellyn, Raining_again, wildo, Jonnas, Paj Meen Ah, Haggis But the day has ended. __________________________________________ Everyone was pointing at each other, but the night came early, everyone had to go to sleep . __________________________________________ Night 2 begins now Remember to sen in you PM
  3. Maase for fucks sake shut the fuck up you are ruining the game for the rest of you people and I´m not being mean I'm just flowing the rules and if I could I would impale the body of spider-man and burn it in front of the wole town......Wait a second i got an idea. _________________________________________________ The man in the leather coat threw the body of spider man to some random stranger in the town "Have fun with it" and then he walked away. The stranger took the bod to the highest building in town and impaled it and set it on fire for every one in tow to see. Maase is double dead If he speaks again I will only something worse to his body _________________________________________________ And maase so you won´t post again then I will give you permission to answer with dots And for the renaming players this post will have NO influence to the game, continue the game. I´m going out so I will read the votes tomorrow
  4. Here are the votes Majority is 16 Chairdriver: (5) rokhed00, Ellmeister, Dyson, mr-paul, darksnowman. Fandango: (3) Chairdriver, Jonnas, Paj Meen Ah
  5. Here are the votes Majority is 16 Chairdriver: (6) rokhed00, Ellmeister, Dyson, Jonnas, mr-paul, darksnowman.
  6. Here are the votes Majority is 16 Chairdriver: (7) rokhed00, Ellmeister, Dyson, Jonnas, mr-paul, MoogleViper, darksnowman.
  7. maby tonight if we are lucky I´m writing every thing now and volcom has to approve it and he is working until 7 or something like that
  8. Last chance to post PM We are creating the day right now Will be ready 100% tomorrow
  9. (majority is 17) No Lynch: (17) Dyson, Hellfire, Haggis, Mundi, Tellyn, Cube, Gizmo, DomJcg, mr-paul, Maase, MadDog, Zell, Jonnas, Raining_again, Paj Meen Ah, The fish Chairdriver: (1) rokhed00 Domjcg: (1) Ellmeister Majority has been reacted. _______________________________________________________________________ Day 1 is over Your heroes decided to sleep on it, let´s just hope that they won´t regret it Night 1 Begins NOW!!!! _______________________________________________________________________ And a friendly reminder about PM us, And I can´t start working on the night until tomorrow because Volcom has all of the PM (I think) well Good night and sleep well
  10. ZORRY BLUEY!!!! anyway the votes are (majority is 17) No Lynch: (16) Dyson, Hellfire, Haggis, Mundi, Tellyn, Cube, Gizmo, DomJcg, mr-paul, Maase, MadDog, Zell, Jonnas, Raining_again, Paj Meen Ah Chairdriver: (1) rokhed00 Domjcg: (1) Ellmeister Just one more vote people...... I just want to see who are playing the game I would have started the night but I´m waiting to see who are playing the game BTW Send in you PM
  11. (majority is 17) No Lynch: (11) Dyson, Hellfire, Haggis, Mundi, Tellyn, Cube, Gizmo, DomJcg, mr-paul, Maase Chairdriver: (1) rokhed00 Domjcg: (1) Ellmeister
  12. I´m not the silly one here Volcom but here are the votes (majority is 17) No Lynch: (9) Dyson, Hellfire, Haggis, Mundi, Tellyn, Cube, Gizmo, DomJcg Chairdriver: (1) rokhed00 and Imagen the guy from the show BANZAI "Send in you PM now"
  13. IF YOU ARE NOT PLAYING IN THE GAME, PLEASE DO NOT POST IN THIS THREAD. ALL PLAYERS MUST READ! Things to remember: 1) A full write up of the rules can be found here. 2) When you vote to lynch, please do so by saying Vote: [Player] in bold. If you wish to change your vote, please say Change Vote: [Player] instead. Voting "Nobody" is a valid vote; if a majority votes for 'nobody' then nobody will be lynched and we'll move on to the Night phase. 3) If your role says you *may* PM me a target, you don't have to do anything at night. Even so, it'll speed things along quite a bit if you'd still just send me a PM saying "Not using my [whatever] power tonight, thanks." 4) If your role says you *must* PM me a target, and you do not, I'll pick one randomly. Or, perhaps, not-so-randomly. Don't blame me if you target someone who kills you. 5) You may NOT send a PM to anyone about this game unless your role explicitly says you can. This is cheating. Nor can you discuss this game in any other thread than this. 6) Do NOT edit your posts in this thread. This is cheating. 7) Please do not copy-and-paste anything from any PM I send you to the thread. This is also cheating. 8) Please do not post in this thread after you are killed. This, too, is cheating and can ruin the game if done wrong. 9) Please do not post pictures in this thread, it will get very tedious if it's clogged up with crap. 10) These rules were originally written by Chairdriver. Kudos to the man! 11) Remember, it's just a game. You will get paranoid, you will be stabbed in the back by someone, you will see somebody do or say something stupid and want to smack them. Just breathe deep and relax. If things get out of hand, we do have a mod playing who will forcibly remind you to chill out if needed. It hasn't happened yet, and we'd all like to keep it that way. 12) Send your PM regarding your power VoLcOm 13) Questions about character send pm to Vicar 14) Remember, have fun! ___________________________________________________ Day 1 It was just another day in the lab, but this was a special day for the scientist. He was about finish his project that he started on 5 years ago. But something wasn’t right . . . . . Something or someone was luring in the dark, the scientist heard him but he didn’t want to do anything about it, he was going to catch him with a surprise. He got closer to the person who was hiding in the dark by pretending working on the machine, and then one of his arms stormed in to the dark and tried to grab him. . . .BUT . . . It was gone it just disappeared into nothing, he sensed something was above him, without thinking he used is second arm to try and catch him where he was luring above him but grabbed nothing he just made a hole in the roof and the sun came in directly in to his eyes, he haven’t seen the sun in days at that moment something jumped on him and they landed on the control panel that turned on the machine but it was not ready. The scientist: “YOU FOOL DO YOU JUST REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE ! “ The creature: “???Something bad???†The moment he said that a big blue and yellow blast went over the whole town. . . Suddenly everything went dark . . . were wore they? What had happened? How will they escape . . . they weren’t at the same place that they called home, what they called New York, they were in another town. . In another city . . . in another world . . . Gotham. Was this the work of the mafia?? Who knows?? 4 people died, 2 of them because of the crash. Brian Mcoy is dead he was Jhonny storm the famous bachelor that could turn into a human torch and turn something into nothing with his fire attack. He died because of the crash. Bluey is dead he was the Moon Knight, every full moon he could protect 3 people. He died because of the crash. Vicar is dead he was Batman the dark night was killed by a car landing on him. VoLcOm is dead he was the Joker he died of laughter because of how batman died Long story short everyone where teleported to Gotham. __________________________________________________ Remaning in the game: Tellyn Rokhed00 Maase Dyson Scubahood MadDog Darksnowman Jonnas Nintendohnut Eenuh Fandango MoogleViper Jayseven Gizmo Shino Zell Chairdriver Haggis Paj Meen Ah Raining_again Mundi Mr-paul DomJcg The fish Beggilax Cube Hellfire Coolness Bears Oxigen_Waste ShadowV7 wildo mike-zim Ellmeister (majority is 17)
  14. we just whanted to be sure
  15. Volcom is probably going to finish sending roles out in a few minuets I´m going to make the Marvel mafia game thread here during lunch or after school tomorrow
  16. Well thats bad because we are choosing who is who in this game right now
  17. Well shorty it might be on the easier side but still this looks to awesome to pass but the hard part is that every thing is really small, I´m trying to get to the papercraft grove I were in when I made sonic I want to make something simmilar or something better and I thing this papercraft will inspire me to make something awesome and thanks for the support Maase And here are the results of todays work Yeah I know it´s not much I´m lazy at the moment and I´m trying to finish POP warrior within (I´m playing the whole series) If someone finds a cool papercraft let me know I'm open for almost anything (Try having it video game related)
  18. Well here is my next mission I´m probably going to start tomorrow have to charge my camera until then play nice
  19. I´m starting a new paper craft project where should I post it ... playground or creative gallery? I´m just fixing up my desk at the moment the I will create the thread . and once again thanks for the love guys and girls
  20. Thanks again guys I appreciate this kind of Internet love
  21. Thanks guys this day has been awesome so far Iceland just won Spain in handball in the Olympic meaning he are getting gold or silver (my half brother is playing) and today all schools in Iceland started just a useless information
  22. to begin with I´m drunk (I f my spelling is beond weird) I shall punish you if you see wall-e before I get home I promised this one guy to name his bar online no mather what, he is from iceland and he owns this bar here named mío´s or míjo´s Can´t remember anyway I met the owner tonight and he is he best bartender ever he is the nicest guy ever and he is cute (for the girls out there). he has the best shot EVER named "get out of here" is tastes like liciuted caramel and it contanes Apsent (80%), sambuca (I love that), I´m going there tomorow to get a hamburger and I´m going to rate it here tomorow (Drunk or not) any way if you are going to tenerive got to the bar Mío´s or Míjo´s and ask for one "Jonas" and one "get out of here" and i promise you wil walk out of there smiling Sorry for bad spelling I´m drunk
  23. CURSE YOU MUNDI I where on MSN and you didint awnser me. I just bought the coolest thing ever and I where relaying on you to take a printcreen of it (I have a weabcam) and post it here Mabye to morrov then I miss you guys ! do you miss me :P?
  24. I´m probably going to buy some silly hat and I´m taking picures and i´m probably going to post pic later and BTW mundi you ow me money
  25. Well good news every one I´m hungover, burned on my nose, back and ears I sound like I have been shouting for 3 hours and I need monney..... but still it´s going grate so the curses are working on me just thought I should let you know
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