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Everything posted by Vicar

  1. Ok zorry for posting late but i targeted Jonnas last night and i got no information..... No idea what that means but i see nowhere in the write-up me being blocked.
  2. i got the days confused but here is a recap Day 1 = Maase = Evil Day 2 = Tellyn = Good Day 3 = Moogleviper = Evil I confused day 2 and 3 because how short day 2 was and i remembered something about a man and a mouse in the writ-up on day 3 but i thought it where day 2 ;________________; I´m zorry I'm just going to keep my mouth shun until someone asks me
  3. Who me? how so?
  4. I am an investigator.
  5. Maase is a train
  6. i said zorry ;__________________________________________;
  7. AAAAAArgh i forgot .. I targeted you on night 2 not 3 ;________________________________________________________; Zorry i confused every thing but a mouse and a dog teamed up later that night ...... Withdraw:vote
  8. I targeted him and I'm a mouse ..... 1+1=2 he is human not a dog and he was asleep that means he probably didn´t target somone.
  9. I HAZ A CLUEEE Well i think so. If i´m the mouse then why are you asleep in your house? i thought you where being lie tested or something. This is just a theory don´t hate me for it
  10. Who is this Sooty? TO YOUTUBE................. O______________O This got to be the most weirdest thing i have seen for a long time but Vote: Tellyn Because A) He looks fishy B) If he is bad then lazyboy where covering for him
  11. Here is the first show ever i think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=529Lr8i_EB0 And he is defiantly talking to the ppl because they understand him And the new show He is talking to the guy next door and stuff
  12. I think he talks TO YOUTUBE...... 3 Videos later yup he talks at least in the really really old shows.
  13. Holy balls Beggilax is Gordon freeman...... Well he would be if this where video game mafia ok a mute character from cartoons.....Tom & Jerry including the dogs in it and Tellyn you know there is a bad guy in fireman Sam shows well i think so.
  14. Well it´s weird i haven't been killed yet.... And I´m not asking to be just usaly when somone tells on the first day they are investigators the usaly die early. Anyway MoogleViper is evil according to my info. And tellyn is looking really weird plus if he is evil the lazyboy must also be because he says he has proof he is good witch could be false.
  15. Let´s just say you know who i am it´s pretty obvious
  16. Well my info tells me that Tellyn is good and I'm alive and breathing no idea what the singing dog it tho.
  17. It´s good to see you ppl made some progress while i where working but if i where a dumb cop would i know by the character or he PM i got from Cube? And BTW me and Maase need protection tonight somehow i think no one will ;________; Will check on the thread later today.
  18. Ok your power is complex but anyway now when Maase has killed him self ...... I´m kidding and Maase you can´t hate me for playing the game but i think we should give Maase some breathing room Withdraw vote Would you belive this me withdrawing my vote anyway I have to go to sleep now (I work in a bakery) so don´t do any thing stupid wile I´m gone specially you Maase i think you will go for my ass now.
  19. Maase Why do you have a personal Vendetta against me ;_____________;? I´m only saying what I can put together from the Pm i got and the write-up therefor you have no reason to hate me.
  20. Ok ppl let´s w8 here for a moment ..... if i targeted Maase and Maase targeted am bad guy would that mean i where checking on Maase or the guests in Maase ? I can say it´s plausible the he is the train dude because clearly he is in the writ-up. Because i can confirm he is a large machine if you read the writ-up now i think you can see who i am if not read harder. And Maase it´s mean to hope someone dies and I´m not voting you because your Maase I know I´m talking back and forth but can someone help me here? let´s say i investigated a large machine is it a train or is it a cover up that the mafia put together? And BTW how many votes do we have?
  21. I love how Maase is jumping around the questions. Well Masse technically you have nothing to loose right now but to help you here are your options A) You will tell us about your character. B) You will get voted and turn out to be evil and the games moves on. C) You will get voted and turn out to be good i will be voted out and the games moves on.
  22. Common Maase stop talking around the question and changing the subject. Like the fellow member here above me said If my information is wrong then i will be voted if I'm right you guys will have to do every thing to keep me alive
  23. By investigation and yes that´s my power I won´t give up my true identity yet.
  24. Ok I have a lead. I found out that maase is evil Vote: maase And I will need protection tonight. I´m zorry if this post is to short and wont answer your questions the ask and i will hopefully answer.
  25. Let´s do this Vote:nobody
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