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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. I'll almost certainly pre-order unless I find I'm terminally short of cash. In which case I'll probably just give up eating. It'll be the first console I've ever bought on launch day.
  2. As much as I believe that it's not what you have, but what you do with it, I sincerely believe that many of the feature above ARE the way forward for graphical development. Not sure what Voxel tech is, but HDR and Anti-analising are great steps forward for graphical development and are already fairly standard features on most games such as Farcry and the Source games. Even on my old but faithful vanilla 6600 (I'm switching to ATI - nvidia can't do AA and HDR at the same time very well for some reason) these features, though not essential, have hugely improved my play experience. To simply deny their purpose would be madness.
  3. It's a real shame too. This is Sega for gods sake. You expect them to know better - to have at least figured it out by now.
  4. Don't listen to IGN - they're rather fond of touting rumour and speculation as exclusive "news" stories.
  5. Why do puppies always look like they're planning something....
  6. Hmm, very difficult to get excited given Sonics recent track record. Without some kind of major overhall of gameplay and level design I can't imagine this being any better, and so far the shots suggest the same, boring, pointlessly linear, bog-standard levels from the previous games..
  7. I'm almost certain those are in-game. They're angled in such a way which to me would suggest promotional screenshots as opposed to art. I'm pretty sure the big dude centre-fold is art, but the rest is screenies.
  8. I snapped this last October out of my college room window next to the mighty Clyde, with my trusty little Olympus C-310. Small, but sure can get the job done under the right circumstances. Easily one of my best pics ever.
  9. I look at that Aston and my faith in mankind shoots up by at least 20 points.
  10. I like Cruise, but after MI2 I decided to stay clear. looks like I made the right decision. I'll get the original on DVD.
  11. That's pretty damn high for a single disk. PS3s high dev costs are going to force gamers to really shell out for it too.
  12. Does it really matter though? It's sort of like Zelda. None of the games fit into anykind of strict timeline, but that's fairly irrelavent to what happens in the game. I think 007s the same: Bond is all about gadgets, fast cars, action, fashion, villains and and being sexy and suave. Setting it in the past just to avoid upsetting a time-line which is never refered to anywhere else would be a step back and utterly pointless. It's not a period film. It's not really about complex character development over the course of several films. Just because we don't have the same cast or because it's set in the 21st century doesn't mean we can't have a film about Bond at the start of his career. You may as well complain that Wind Waker isn't really a Zelda game because it has a different graphical style to the rest of the series, or even because it isn't 2D despite being set earlier in the timeline.
  13. Graphical improvement isn't what Nintendo are into anymore though. That's why the Wii has a bizarre remote-style controller, and not a GPU with lots of Xs and some kind of huge impressive number in the title. In fact I sincerely doubt anyone would be as excited as they are about Nintendos new console if that was the case. It's graphical performance is of course going to be intresting to find out, but it's pretty much at the bottom of everybody's list of priorities. Even if it offered very little, or even no improvement over the GC it could still easily compete because that's not what it is trying to offer. Leave it to MS and Sony to follow that well-trodden path in their fancy suits and well-shined Doc-Martins. Nintendo is stripping naked and going Rambo in the jungle.
  14. I agree with pedro. My main problem with this debate is that we've fallen into the trap of looking at raw numbers, which without intimate knowledge of the specialised internal processes that Nintendo apllied to Flipper, and susequently to it's succesor, are very likely to give a wildly inacurate picture of the actual capabilities of the machine.
  15. Wasn't that Nintys intention though? Microsoft has lost billions and Sony has seen what profit it does make these days all but wiped out just on R&D for their big new machines. Faster, rejigged versions of their previous chips would do the job very adequetly for Nintendo Wii. I think any machine specs you find on the net (the above were posted last year, I believe) however should be taken with a pinch of salt until you read them on a piece of official Nintendo-signed paper.
  16. You... you are KIDDING right?
  17. I've been shutting and restarting my PC every morning and night willy-nilly for months, and so far it seems to have survived without exploding into flames. I wouldn't worry about it.
  18. I've been thinking about getting an X1900XT actually, after reading some good things about them. You've got it sorted Fish, I've decided to join you and graze contentidly in DX9 pastures green. Is it worth the extra £50 for those slightly higher speeds on the X1900XTX? Anyone?
  19. No harm in updating your collection.
  20. I think he used to be a guy, but then I think they edited the scene between him and Han out of IV after they made VI. They re-made with Jabba in CGI form for the special editions. I prefered it without frankly. It's just a slightly dull dialogue. Without, it's a matter of seconds after Alec Guinness et all boarding before the Stormtroopers rush in and try open up a can lazer-whup-ass. Your not still sitting there not really caring.
  21. Not a hope. I will eat MYSELF if this is proven true.
  22. I don't believe either of those are confirmed, but they are very much rumoured. Keep your fingers crossed, and maybe, just maybe, we'll see them on Wii.:awesome:
  23. We don't care about being played for consumer chumps. Practically every company in the world is out to do that (although I have not yet bought any Star Wars movies on DVD yet - that's some consolation). What we take exception to is Lucas constantly revisiting his own, genuine, bonafide cinematic masterpiece that we all love and adore, and crapping all over it, dragging it into a side alley, raping it, and then kicking it's head in as he wipes his sperm-stained golden belt buckle clean with his own foreskin on public television. That's what we don't like.
  24. I can't stand the years of dull establishing shots Lucas crammed into the original trilogy. Just look at the bit in New Hope where they zoom into Eisley for example. In the original it's a nice brief sweeping shot of them sailing down the mean streets of Mos Eisley, then cut to check point. In the "Special" Edition it's shot after shot of Jawas comedically losing control of giant wilderbeast, random droids, people in general and just loads of shit which you might have thought was cool being made very very boring. It's pure and simple, bad film making. Also, is that a comedy bump SFX I hear in the opening sequence on the rebel transport? Blurgh. As someone who grew up with the original trilogy on VHS, this was straight-up sacrelige. imagine slipping Coca-cola sponsership into the Cistine Chapel ceiling artwork. Yes, I am living in the past. That's 'cause I know what happend there, and it's a damn sight better then what we have now. Lucas has gone insane with power and should have been killed long, long ago.
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