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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Beauty and The Beast is in my opinion among the best of the classic Disneys. Both Toy Story's are also brilliant.
  2. I like London. I've been there several times, and there's always something new to find. I recommend you take a stroll up each side of the river, crossing at the Tower bridge and see what you find in the ajoining streets.
  3. Thye can't finish with Too Human fast enough...
  4. Apparently it's called retro-scoping - they filmed the whole thing, then animated over it. The final effect really is beautiful.
  5. Hitler's back, and he's all new and super smooth! Hitler rap! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwVatoUfty8&search=hitler%20rap
  6. My history with girls, in an analogy: I remember when all this was just sand, sand as far as the eye could see... oh, it still is.
  7. I haven't read the book - but I saw the trailer and I nearly flipped through the ceiling. Apparently it had a very good preview at cannes as well. August 18th for the UK. Looks incredible. http://www.apple.com/trailers/warner_independent_pictures/ascannerdarkly/ Oh, and Robert Downing Jr. He rocks.
  8. I can't claim to know a whole heap about women, but let me assure you - you only got away with it because she ALLOWS you to.
  9. Old punk has long since joined the establishment along with the rest of rock and roll, and new Punk is just a shallow imitation of old punk. Boo to the lot of them then.
  10. So, how is the CS going to work? Is it 2 teams of 2?
  11. "Wilst thou soar or whilst thou suck?" That's awful. And the rap. So much bad rap. The Majoras Mask one I've never seen before, and it is an actual good Nintendo ad. Rare that. Thay have improved overall at least.
  12. An uncanny resembelence, don't you think?
  13. Old - Half-Life 1 New - Rome:Total War Online - Battlefield 2
  14. It's even less stupid to make a new game.
  15. I really do hope Italy win now. I actually feel like Zidane let the whole french team down.
  16. Good lord Zidane, why the hell did he do that? There was absolutely no call for that. A glittering career, besmerched forever in its final hour. What a disgraceful way to end it all.
  17. Don't forget that Capcom were very likely to be among the first Nintendo showed their FHC too, and if a Resi game really is comming in the next year it seems likely it has already been thrown around their HQ is some form of playable code, most likely on GC dev or early Wii hardware like many of the games at E3. There is no reason, at all, to suggest Capcom doesn't have totally brand new code and a totally brand new game floating around their studios.
  18. Well only a few were made, so they could've been finished off quite easily by the security forces.
  19. But why not break out and do something new? What you propose is still, whatever way you want to look at it, a remake. Hell, they can use the Resi4 engine if they want just as long as they use it to make a new game. We all know how easy the Wii is to develop for, so the risk of a new project is significantly reduced. Besides, this Resi and Capcom we're talking about here. People will universally go nuts for any new Resi game, but they probably won't if it's just a new version of a game everyone already owns and probably will still be playing on their Wii. All Capcom have to do is make sure it isn't completely guff and it'll be a hit. If it really is launching next year, it's probably already well into development, just like all the titles we saw in motion at E3. Capcom know how to make games. Believe in them.
  20. My sleeping pattern has just gone out of the window recently - it's the hols for me, so I don't have to get up or do anything. The result is my body reverts to it's prefered sleeping patern, which for some reason is between 6am-2pm. It's actually slightly annoying, and I just can't seem to break it.
  21. You so totally love this show, don't you?
  22. ...or, OR Capcom will make a totally new Resi game for Wii, you'll all be happy with having to risk your cash on a new product, and my suspicouns as to why Hollywood keeps spinning out the same re-made crap just to satisfy a core of the public with more money then sense won't have to be confirmed. Resi 4 with better grahics? 1st person Resi 2? Are you people nuts? Do WANT dull and unoriginal games you've seen before? What do you want another Resi 4 with extra bits for? Why do want game you already have? Am I missing something here? Is this how the world works?? Has something happend that should make me agree?? What is it? A holy command from on high? The secret to the ultimate question? Or maybe, just maybe, weshould lift our snouts from our corrupt and poisonous troughs, and see THE BEAUTY OF NEW THINKING that has been bestowed from on high by the mighty gods upon a sleek, glistening chariot of TECHNOLOGY and ART. So, something totally fresh and new please Capcom.
  23. They mentioned light sabers again. Some kind of Star Wars game must surely exsist, somehow, in some form, somewhere. Everyone's thinking it. Everyone wants it. We're just waiting for someone to do it.
  24. Im not sure about this - surely by stunting to growth of new blood vessles you'd be stifiling the tumour, but also the rest of your body too? what about heart disease? I think I'll stick to Essiac herbs if I need an alternative treatment.
  25. Rollerball - Great film this. A heartwarming story of one man's struggle against a post-apocalyptic Corperation controlled world through the medium of Rollerball, a sport so unnescerily violent it was probably first concieved by Wayne Rooney. Consisting of two teams of big burley men on rollersaktes and motorbikes which seem deliberatly designed to ignite at any given moment, our hero Johnathan D. must fight to rise above the carnage and defeat the controlling mascinations of the corperation. A rollicking tale of lost love, deception, control, personal triumph and angry men knocking seven shades of what-have-you out of each other. Brilliance. 9/10
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