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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Shit dude, I need to upgrade my CPU. On the recommended specs you also forgot "warp drive".
  2. http://objection.4camp.net/go.php?n=151136
  3. Mine was created out of a need for a suitably unique Delta Force Land Warrior profile. The 64 relates to my my then-symbiotic attachment to my N64. I'll never understand how I came up with gaggle though. I have absolutely no opinion on geese whatsoever. You too, huh?
  4. Is that a David Chapelle reference I spy at the top of this thread?
  5. Bloody hell, you sound like a Business Gateway advert, which is incidentally where you should start. If you've got an idea, you should really put a bit of good research into it and see where it leads.
  6. Wanadoo/Freeserve/Ornage/Whatever the hell it's called now. 2mb down, gawd-knows-what up, 2gig limit, not bad but sometimes logs out momentarely during peak times. Meaning I have to reconnect to the BF2 server I was playing on. Again. Grrrrr. We're gonna get either Sky or Talk-Talk broadband - but neither are in our area yet. Grrr.
  7. http://objection.4camp.net/go.php?n=110912
  8. http://objection.4camp.net/go.php?n=100123 It happens to the best of us. EDIT: (revised edition)
  9. http://objection.4camp.net/go.php?n=95342 The most imnportant issues come first.
  10. I agree with you guys above, the only reason you would have child rape scene, even in a film about peadophillia, would be for pure, stupid, shock value. It's not big and it's not clever.
  11. You read about nthis in the Guardian, didn't you?
  12. I do get the impression that it's supposed to be sort of spoofy, especially given the reasonable quality of the acting in Killer7.
  13. Lightsabers. LIGHTSABERS. < LIGHTSABERS>
  14. I actually like the ending to HL2 - Episode 1. That whole thing of speedin away from the city, only to watch the massive blue explosion storm it's way towards you from over the horizon.
  15. If they wanted to make a series of films with dialogue that doesn't have all the aural graces of a farting kitten, they SHOULD have gone with this. It would take someone genuinly stupid to get more wrong then the current movies. And you're really not stupid. I look forward to it.:awesome:
  16. Hah, ha, nice idea 3rd. I must say though, Substeiners one is ace. An obvious idea, elevated to a near legendary status by the sheer quality of the actual shop.
  17. Oh gawd, I hate lost. Matt Damon's OK, but he'll never fill Shatner's side-pressed flares. I honest;y don't want anymre Kirk. I'd like to see a new 'Trek crew, but this time with a captain or officers who are maybe a bit broken or flawed. Think Hugh Laurie's character from House at the helm and you're halfway there.
  18. Much cooler here and not too humid due to a massive thunderstorm in the area clearing things out, but the sun still managed to burn straight through he clouds. I'd like some rain before it gets hot again next week.
  19. Samuel Jackson sells his new beer!
  20. Actually, I reckon you'd look great if you went at it with a fro-comb. I really would like to see that.
  21. I can assure you I was thinking about Evangelion purely in terms of a sci-fi show. Animated or live, it's all the same to me. Some people obviously like it and some don't, it does seem to be one of these marmite things. And yes, Quantum leap is very definitly a sci-fi show. It's time travel for petes sake.
  22. I've never got Evangelion. Big Robots are all very well, but I always thought the characters were rather flat and as a result it doesn't keep it together when things get really weird.
  23. Nothing special. Messy. Calm. Like me, or so I like to think.
  24. I think you're mis-analysing the sci-fi genre. You metioned that it has science from a fictional future. Well there you have it. It's a Science-Fiction show. The fictional technology featured may not always play as big a part as say, Star Trek, but it is still a sci-fi show. That's not to say there aren't shows, games or movies that straddle such a line between what can be considered "Sci-Fi" and what is just "futuristic drama", but in my opinion there is no distinction. I'm not sure what you mean about the "philosphy" of Sci-fi. I have never actually seen anything philsophical that can be considered exclusive to sci-fi. In Star Trek all the philosphy is usual based around some kind of political or diplomatic drama, or sometimes some great, fantastical discovery. The Matrix delves very effectively into senses of state and perceptions of exsistence, but this is a concept which has been discussed since long before some baked Dutch guy observed that he thought, and therefore he was. Battlestar Galactica is, first and foremost, an American politcal millitary drama, albeit with the part of the Communists played by robots. Ultimately I believe that Sci-Fi is just the fantasy genre with bleeping lights, the mystic realms and spirit plains derived from Celtic myth replaced with holodecks and nebulas, and even then those continue to appear to give folks like Capt. Picard and the SG-1 team another bad day. Going back to Cowboy Bebop, there's more than enough computer hackery, stargates, combat drugs, blackholes and weird and wonderful spaceships floating around to justify the science part of it. When religous leaders start popping out of TVs, mystic Zen finding long lost fathers and disused spy satalites start feeling lonely, well, there's the fiction, or more accurately, the fantasy. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Clarke's Third Law.
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