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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. This just so, so bad. Just... just no. Someone needs to tell these people when to fucking stop.
  2. QFT. Also that '95 Honda Civic cupe looks tasty. Hondas just run and run.
  3. It's only worth watching once - it's just a little outside the line in order to be "so bad it's funny." Close, but no cigar.
  4. Anything that circumnavigates the ethical barriers to this stuff can only be a good thing.
  5. So why not at least put the effort into making your own "hybridisation" and create something at least vaguely new-ish to watch with it's own merits, instead of remaking an established classic like The Wicker Man, which you have almost no chance of improving or augmenting positively in any concievable way? This is why it's called "creativity". You have to at least attempt to create your own, original, plot, sub-plot, characters, development, atmosphere, drama situations and story structures in order to justify yourself as an artist or film maker. You can't if all you do is "remake" the work of others. Such "remakes" beyond the most basic of translations aren't deemed justifyable in literature, art or alternative music. Why film and popular music?
  6. You can justify remakes anyway you want, but they are creavtively and artistically immoral, unless they're totally different to the original product anyway. With just about all remakes, someone somewhere is earning money from someone elses ideas and work and it really stinks. If I copy someone elses painting I haven't "remade" it, I've stolen it. Just because I did it in watercolours instead of oil, or "modernised" it by adding flashing lights doesn't change that - not my idea, not my work - in fact I'll have probably ruined it - so why do I deserve money for it? Further more, why do people always remake classic films and songs and so on? Classics like Battle Royale, The Wickerman, Les Visiteurs, The Omen and song after song by The Beatles, Queen and The Who always get redone, and are never superior to the original. Why do cartoon makers fell the need to rip off shows like Thundercats or Looney Toons? If you simply HAVE to remake something, why not find something that maybe had a good idea, but was rubbish, like Canadian Bacon, Reign of Fire, Will & Grace and countless "punk fusion" tracks. The odd remake once in awhile is normally fine, but in this current age of an imagination-starved entertainment industry, it's gone way too far beyond a joke. Not even a funny one. I thought people like you were just a myth.
  7. HAve we learned NOTHING from Sonic Underground? Jesus christ, this has to be the most stereotypical POS in history. What in gods name? I've only ever watched a couple of episodes, bit wasn't Snarf the weird small thing? How the hell did they come up with that? They must be either high, or just incredibly stupid.
  8. This could be the greatest cartoon show since Loonatics!
  9. I finally finished Ruined City (utter briallance - 10/10) and I'm now blazing through Power of Three, a much lighter read but highly entertaining and just a little provoking.
  10. Oh please god yes! I happen to have a spacious external hard drive that wouldn't say no to some new data to munch on. Save me having to buy any flash memory cards an' all.
  11. I'd love to see Sonics level - a tight level full of those boucy pad and speed-boosters would make zany play.
  12. It's heaven! Anything is possible!
  13. Pot and alchaol is like weird version of Equlibrium, where everyone's been desensitised to the world around them, except that this time people are doing it to themselves. The vomiting on my trainers, flying bottles, hours of dull round-about conversations and dragging passed-out minors somewhere safe I can handle. It's the insults in the morning that do me in. "Hey, why din't smoke pot with us last night?" "I just don't wanna, OK?" "Aww man you're so dull. You should learn to relax, like me..." "Look, your sister's asleep upstairs, I'm tired and my shoes are full. I'm going home."
  14. What I hate about any drugs or even small amounts of alcahol in a social situation is the way it completely desensitises people. I've always hated that bit towards the end of the family meal when the wine starts to take effect and then people just start spouting almost complete nonsense in gneral direcion of others. I call it "after dinner dribbiling". Don't get me wrong - I do drink, but rarely in any social situation I actually want to be in. Pot is even worse. After about the first hour of the party the maijuana comes out, the Ipod shuffles to 50Cent, I get some git mumbiling in my ear about someones arse for the rest of the night and everyone claims the day after that they had a really deep, meaningful converstaion about life and the planets. I can't stress this enough - you really, really didn't. That just isn't what pot is for. If it was, everyone on Newsnight would be puffing away on joints every night, but they're not.
  15. Crying Freedom - Phenominal film about the true story of the murder of anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko (Denziel Washington) and the escape bid by sympathising white editior Donald Woods (Kevin Kline), from vicously racist apartheid South Africa. Laced with bitter irony, it's success is being able to poratry the blind racism prevalent at the time. 10/10
  16. There are enough alcahol related crimes as it is without mandating other addictions. Drugs, wether it be alcahol, marijuna, speed or crack do not typically lend themselves to a productive, healthy or even happy society, and mandating them isn't likely to work out well. Giving more support to social services so they can properly support and rehabilitate drug users is the answer, and they currently don't get nearly enough funding or support for the work they do. Seriously, when was the last time Social Services was at the heart of an election campaign? It's basically their job to make sure this country doesn't fall apart at the seems. It's a fucking sham.
  17. Me and my mates always play classic 2-minute melle. It's the only way to fly man.
  18. Society needs a new kind of hat to wear, in my personal opinion. Something a little dressy but affordable.
  19. Certainly teaching mysalf a language could be darn useful. I'm thinking Spanish or Chinese.
  20. A wild stab: Versus?
  21. For me the GC was generally one massive multiplayer extarvaganza after another. Mario Kart, Timesplitters, F-Zero, Wario Ware, Soul Calibur 2, Burnout, Super Monkey Ball, Desert Strike, Wave Race Blue Storm... but mostly Super Smash Bros. Mellee. Me and my mates played Smash Bros pretty much non-stop for more then two years, at every available oppertunity. That game kept us all alive during school. We braked for a few weeks to indulge in Halo 2. Then straight back to Smash Bros. We still play it together today. Certainly wasn't short on single player experiences either. Metroid, Wind Waker, Mario Sushine, Resi 4, Hitman 2, Skies of Arcadia, Viewtiful Joe, Rouge Leader, Pikmin and many of the above games in 1 player mode. My heart and soul still lies in the 2-minute melee mode though - it always will be.
  22. Gahh, Batman Begins?
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