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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. This is all scarily reminiscent of Nintendo's own fall from grace.
  2. This actually looks good - based on the preview you'll actually be controlling Sonic, instead of just sellotaping the analogue stick forward and then going to sleep for for ten minutes.
  3. Remember folks, the PS3 represents the future of the Playstation brand as we know it. LOL.
  4. You look terrfyingly similar to someone I know.
  5. Whoa, I didn't know this was comming to wii. Are you sure?
  6. I currently have this tiled across my desktop. Go on, just try it.
  7. This is bad, bad period for Hollywood films.
  8. Arab_freak, I couldn't help but notice your magnificantly swollen crest. Is it mating season, per chance?
  9. I don't think it's healthy to start pumping people full of weird shizzle as a quick fix to another problem.
  10. Oh Christ almighty, have we learned NOTHING from Dawn fo the Dead? Sick to the back teeth of the desceration of classic films, I am.
  11. Are you nuts, or just really, really high? Seriously dude, did you watch the right film? Jack was one evil mother. He gassed dozens of people, electocuted someone alive, poisoned people with combinations of make-up causing them to die with a huge grin on their face, and has some sort of girlfriend who has to wear a mask because half her face is melted off. All with a smile on his face. If you got any darker then that, you'd just be watching a pitch black screen. "A mirror.... A MIRROR!" Now that's cinema.
  12. Nope. The closest mine ever had was a Christams dance. Gawd, they sucked.
  13. There aren't enough games with create-a-charater modes if you ask me.
  14. His staring red devil eyes are really freaking me out.
  15. Mac; noun 1. A PC without any games that doesn't crash/have endless bugs/have huge security holes/need patching every 8 seconds. 2. A big, Scottish bloke. 3. Bah-bah-bah-bah-bah - I'm loving it!
  16. RE4 was the breath of life that the series needed. The earlier ones were good, but Resi needed a good kick up the bum, and it would be madness for Capcom to go back.
  17. It IS "fake" (it's not actual Nintendo premotional material, the guy who created it originally never said it was - though I'll wager some other cheeky sod added the logo and made the claim) but it's probably not too far from the truth. Most of the games refrenced range from dead-certs to high probabilitys. Sega and Hudson we know will have games on VC, and a full library from Capcom, Namco, Square-Enix and maybe Taito and Komani can't surely be much more then a phone call away. ALSO: What the hell IS that weird- cat-boat thing in the top right corner all about?
  18. Why does the knight from Gouls and Goblins have a pink letter? Animal Crossing reference? The sign just in view on the far right, assuming I'm guessing right, would to me also suggest a Pokemon link (Route 1, or something similar). Also is that Fox McLoud having a laugh with the Moogle?
  19. Note the Flicky sign hidden behind's Kirby-Belmonts whip.
  20. I love the cross-overs. Dr Robotnik appears to making adjustments to R.O.B., Peach is getting kidnapped by the red fellow from Mega Man, Pacman seems to have swalowed Mario's flying power-up (hence his Racoon-ness), and Luigi would seem to be cruising along in his kick ass Outrun car. Meanwhile Kirby appears to have swallowed Leon Belmont. Note also the Ice Climbers scaling up the mountain with birdo perched on top of it, and some strange cat thing seems to be zapping what appears to be the Windfish.
  21. Just as long as Freeraidical bring the Goldeneye-style-goodness it'll be great to have them on board.
  22. I think I will wait until after the launch, maybe the new year, so I can get the chance to read a few reviews, see what's what and all that before I buy anything. I really need to know what version of Zelda to get, for example. Probably will leave Prime 3 until I finish 2 as well.
  23. I would be pretty cool if a little industry show was built up around the video game BAFTAs this October.
  24. 13 Conversations About One Thing - Stupendously well shot drama about the lives of a group of New Yorkers who's lives start to intertwine as events cause them to wonder about the secret of happiness in life. A beautiful ensemble performance from a fairly unkown cast and great script join togther to form one of the most phenominal film's I have ever seen. Utterly sublime in every way. 10/10 Batman Begins - A simply phenomnal cast including Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and Liam Neeson, is quite frankly spoilt by a clumsy script and a terrible plot that makes little sense. In a key scene early in the film Bruce Wayne, (Bale) upon completing his generic-kick-ass Ninja training refuses to execute a local thief, quiping: "I'm not an executioner!" However he seems to have few qualms about killing everyone else, including the Ninjas he trained with, and then later a number of cops. The realistic style is interesting and some may thrill at seeing Batmans roots, but ultimately the film pales desperately in the face of Tim Burton's original dark, surrealist masterpiece. The lack of a proper supervillain to match Gothams new-found superhero only seals the deal. Dissapointing. 5/10
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