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Everything posted by Kav

  1. That's brilliant! So elaborate for a fake! Haha
  2. I don't mind if it is fake, but there are inconsistencies with that video is all I'm saying here.
  3. You know the making of it shown there... it's not the same finished one as the image in the picture. The lead curves the wrong way and the analogues in the making video differ from the leak picture. It could still be fake but it's not the one from that video from what I can tell. They could have, just as easily, photoshopped it out of the picture.
  4. Whereas that is a sneaky joke, I do think it's true. People who game together and chat together on here have built up great rapport!
  5. I do think this would help tremendously. Imagine the rapport you'd have all built up by now if Nintendo had voice-chat in their games! Haha
  6. Ive not bought it. No worthwhile reason to do so for me given that I have the Wii version I can just pop in my WiiU.
  7. Another good idea for the site but I felt it was a little off in its execution. Sorry guys. It felt a little unnatural and disjointed in all honesty and there were a couple times it felt awkward due to silences and simple one-word answers. It didn't really feel like a discussion, a natural one at least. It's sure to improve of course, but I'd suggest having a few practice runs first to get a better idea of what each person will talk about and maybe each of you having a clear itinerary for the show so that it flows a little better. Have a little more banter too, on occasion it felt like people didn't want to be there. I'm not trying to rain on any parade, I hope criticism is taken constructively... but still, good on you for doing it guys, as I said, I'm sure it'll improve going forward.
  8. If this is real then we need to face it. Us that grew up with Nintendo are no longer a focus of the company, we're not their target audience in the slightest anymore. Their target audience is the generation that have been weened into gaming on mobiles and tablets and haven't yet invested hard in console gaming. So the controller doesn't have buttons, those that love their mobile/tablet games won't really mind too much. Nintendo are chasing this group to widen their reach again, they'll just hope that the renaming Nintendo die-hards buy the thing too.
  9. That it's got a screen in the controller and is designed the way it is, is why I think it's a hybrid (it'll clip into grips for comfort when gaming from home)... as much as they hinted toward it not being. It's not like they'd come out and say "Yes. You're right, it's a hybrid". That's if it's real (which I tend to believe it is).
  10. Oh man I just LOVE all this speculation! If they turn out to be true then I guess I wasn't all too far off in my guess for the controller prediction thread.
  11. Yep, basically this... and @Goron3's post above.
  12. The problem was the games they showed... Pikmin was great and Lego City & ZombiU were alright... but the rest were either games already out for ages on other consoles or simply just tripe. If they do that for NX then of course it'll be awful again. When we say show games at E3, we're not talking about games that have already been out, or dance/sing along shit, or the underwhelming Nintendoland! We're talking about games that people are speculating they must be working on given how barren the big WiiU releases are!
  13. 2012 didn't work because they covered everything in the Direct which made E3 moot. They can announce details of the console and maybe one release game prior to E3 then show all the other games at E3 and have hands-on demos! That'd be perfect!
  14. PSVR will outsell the NX (unless it's a handheld), I can feel it!
  15. I think the "doughnut shaped screen" probably came from misinterpretation of the design of the rumoured pad... elliptical in shape with two holes is the more accurate description.
  16. Just to add more fuel to the fire, there was this article from January last year... http://www.theverge.com/2015/1/7/7511317/sharp-free-form-display-nintendo-ces-2015
  17. You can get a gist of its size by the DS and its stylus in the top left of the pic (I'm assuming/guessing that's what they are)... as well as the post-it. Either way, it's got people talking about NX.
  18. I do love all the speculation and chatter surrounding it though
  19. Suggestions that this is the controller (perhaps the dev-kit build). https://mobile.twitter.com/laurakbuzz/status/710606839440867329
  20. Great vid as always @Mokong, like you said, a different take on your usual St. Patrick's Day videos but still a good watch. As I said on YouTube, it's very sobering, but good for people to know.
  21. His showmanship was on point, such a joy to watch!
  22. Kav


    ...that's probably not it.
  23. Kav

    Tomb Raider

    Played a little more last night and started to use the rifle... mainly because of the newly acquired grenade launcher! Just up to the point where I'm trying to repair a boat on the beach with the rest of my shipmates.
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