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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Battlefield 1 & Titanfall 2 are great value for money in that Summer Sale!
  2. Tie it to the OS so it doesn't only operate with certain games and so that it works outside of games too - make it so it works just like Party Chat & Messaging. Import the App onto the Switch hardware so it can also be used without a smart-device on the console itself alone. Get it working on the smart-devices in the background and make it so that any phonecalls don't disconnect you but just mute you instead - the Party must remain connected.
  3. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    If this is the only way you can do it, that's a proper cunt move by Nintendo!
  4. I don't like the idea of this. In other news, One Piece manga 873 was fooking awesome!
  5. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    Once the online catches up with 2007 standards I'll pick this up.
  6. I use my phone in between rounds etc. Or if I'm playing against @Blade I'll use it, as a handicap for him.
  7. Yeah. I'd have thought it was commonplace..?
  8. This is why it shouldn't have had detachable controllers and should've shipped with the Pro Controller... yep, I went there! Haha
  9. "They just prefer people to play locally" Makes me smile. Nintendo: "Fuck those that have friends who own Switches in different cities!"
  10. This App and its features (and the industry standard features it's lacking) should've been on the Switch hardware at OS level from the start, there's no way around that, it simply should have been and it's appalling that it isn't. Q. What about when it's docked? A. Bluetooth headset. Nintendo should not be let off for yet another awful alternative nobody asked for! Nintendon't
  11. I've left feedback slating them. At this point, in 2017, after Party Chat has been a thing for so damn long now, they don't deserve constructive criticism, they deserve a bashing!
  12. Let's face it, it's both utterly infuriating and completely hilarious. It really is shit, there's no way of dressing it up (although I've no doubt at all that some will try). They're going to be charging for this service too! Haha I could go into a long rant but I'll not bother... so to sum up: Nintendon't do online.
  13. That too, to me (given past precedent), reads "fuck the Switch".
  14. Does this not just translate as: "If we make a Switch version, fans will say 'fuck the Switch', so yeah... fuck the Switch." That's how it reads to me.
  15. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    The term "feature complete game" must be used lightly given how lacking in features Splatoon is.
  16. Of all the games we know about, Switch for me looks like: Yooka Laylee RiME Mario Odyssey Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Metroid Prime 4
  17. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    So it's still only 75% of a game then? All mocking aside though, why are Nintendo so reluctant to give gamers what they want? How is it they are still so goddam backwards when it comes to the most basic of functions for friends gaming together?!
  18. I'd not buy a port but I'd so be up for a sequel! W101 was crazy-awesome!
  19. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    It's not improved nearly enough compared to what it should have done. With it still missing all the features above it doesn't feel like a sequel should've done. Now I'm unsure of a purchase.
  20. Solicitors take forever doing anything it seems... constantly having to chase them. Should be getting confirmation of completion date & the contract pack through this week we've been advised (last week), so far this week we've heard nothing... well, it is only Tuesday, but I want to know damn it! Haha
  21. The thing with Titanfall 2 though is that all the paid DLC is entirely cosmetic. You don't gain any advantages from any of it.
  22. Happy birthday man, hope you're having a good'n!
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